>Dose Professor Enigma use the same concept as Doctor Who
>in that the Doctor is 'technically' the same person each season, just
>'regenerated' into a new body? If so... Dose that mean the Professor
>was always a woman, or did their version of regeneration give the Prof
>the metaphorical finger? Neither is necessarily the case. If you can give any credence to rumors repeated over the years, there have reportedly been several instances when actresses were among the candidates considered for a new regeneration of the Doctor; and if I'm not mistaken, there was a borderline-canon (wrong side of the border, but still...) Doctor Who story done for some charity function that featured a female Doctor.
So a female Professor isn't necessarily going to be a radical change in the nature of the character.
-- Bob
My race is pacifist and does not believe in war. We kill only out of personal spite.