LAST EDITED ON Jun-11-10 AT 00:40 AM (EDT)
>...someone rule 34'd the Daleks, didn't they? HELL no. It was a picture of Matt Smith in a dress (and a lovely necklace) for what I can only assume was a previous role. Given the fallout, I'll refrain from posting images of men in dresses in the future. Or women in dresses. In fact dresses (and lovely necklaces) from this point onward will be completely omitted from all future posts.
Seriously though, sorry to have offended anybody - I personally didn't see a problem with the image in question but horses for courses I guess. Anyway, continue the derail about the horrific undersea gentleman. If I had to guess, I'd say his mysterious truncheon suggests that we have here a glimpse of the rarely-seen but long-rumoured underwater quiddich player - obviously a beater, in this case.