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Forum URL: http://www.eyrie-productions.com/Forum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Featured Documents
Topic ID: 262
Message ID: 14
#14, RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff
Posted by BobSchroeck on Jun-28-13 at 09:16 AM
In response to message #8
> (Except I think I did see a drawing of
>Medusa rockin' the sexy librarian glasses one time on the interwebs.
>That probably informed Eury's design as much as anything. You can
>tell them apart easily, though. Eury's the skinny one with the red
>snakes. :)

And I can just imagine them being rather annoyed at being put up in a bun, which they express by biting the hairsticks every chance they get...

-- Bob
My race is pacifist and does not believe in war. We kill only out of personal spite.