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Forum URL: http://www.eyrie-productions.com/Forum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Featured Documents
Topic ID: 274
Message ID: 13
#13, RE: BPGD: K'tayyl class
Posted by The Traitor on May-22-14 at 06:06 AM
In response to message #12
"Sporting news now, and both Devlin Carter and Prince Garon Dessler have banned for life from entering the Upper Class Twit of the Year competition..."

"She's old, she's lame, she's barren too, // "She's not worth feed or hay, // "But I'll give her this," - he blew smoke at me - // "She was something in her day." -- Garnet Rogers, Small Victory

FiMFiction.net: we might accept blatant porn involving the cast of My Little Pony but as God is my witness we have standards.