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Forum URL: http://www.eyrie-productions.com/Forum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Games
Topic ID: 13
Message ID: 28
#28, RE: Gameplay discussion
Posted by Sofaspud on Mar-11-14 at 02:23 PM
In response to message #25
>Out of curiosity, do any of you run elite STFs?

From time to time I do (as do my usual circle of players), but we haven't spent time speccing for them specifically.

That said, our builds seem to work out pretty well in practice. We usually end up running as a 4-man group with a 5th random pickup; I wind up playing (in City of Heroes terms) a Dominator most of the time, laying down crowd control and debuffs and AoE damage up the wazoo. When I'm not running that build I'm Chibi-Tank the Undying, because an engineering captain in an Avenger is stupidly broken and can survive almost anything.

We usually have a player running a science captain, more general-purpose than my lcckdown-and-torp-spam build, and someone running an escort, and then there's V who brings the Fuzzy and oh god the fireworks.

Point is, all of our builds are very organic with not much in the way of theorycrafting. We've kind of gone the empirical testing route. :D

Anyway, the elite STFs are fun and we'd be happy to have others along.

>Also oh god no don't use tetryons. They have the worst proc of all--
>you're going to remove shields from an enemy super fast 99% of the
>time anyways. Literally any other damage type is better, because the
>procs on all other weapons are still useful when the enemy has no

I agree, at least for endgame, but I do like mounting usually one tetryon-based weapon in early/mid levels to aid in shield penetration, because I don't usually have the bestest equipment at that point and so slipping a torp past the shields (rather than just beaming/cannoning them into so much debris) is more important.

>Anyways, if it helps any, my build is built around running ESTFs, a
>lot. The gear and build tolerances in there are tighter, because the
>enemies there hit harder, and in all four of the Borg ones, you need
>to kill the enemies very quickly indeed, if you want the optionals.
>Breach elite isn't really worthy of the name elite, it's super easy.

Hey, I like Breach! :) It's the most awesome Death Star run I'v seen in a game. Just... don't make the mistake I did and run a factory-fresh Obelisk carrier in that mission. Hah. Haha. What is this 'turn' and 'outrun the explosion' you speak of? The rest of the group held a wake for me outside.

By 'wake' of course I mean 'mocked the crap out of my soon-to-be-exploded ass'.

We ran a Khitomer Vortex elite the other night where we didn't get the optional success because one of our two PUGgers dropped out and the other was severely underequipped, but it was hilariously fun all the same. One of our players was having the shittiest luck ("I'M FIFTEEN KLICKS AWAY, YOU CHEATING GATEWAY!"), we were all punchy as hell, and at the end we were laughing so hard it took like three times longer than it should have to kill off the Valdore (I think that's the name) -- the cloaking cheating laughs-at-your-gravwells Borgulan ship.

We ended up comparing injuries afterwards.

"I've got a hull breach. A HULL BREACH! And bridge console malfunctions."
"My impulse engines are damaged."
"I... broke a bed in Sickbay?"

So you might say that while we run elites, we don't take them seriously :D
