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Forum URL: http://www.eyrie-productions.com/Forum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Games
Topic ID: 13
Message ID: 43
#43, RE: Gameplay discussion
Posted by laudre on Mar-14-14 at 08:27 AM
In response to message #42
>Fleet creds are the best way to get decent APs. Mk XII antiprotons
>basically are obnoxious to get otherwise.

I've noticed. I'm working (slowly, by the standards of more aggressive players) through Dyson rep, and I've got one piece of the Protonic Arsenal set in my bank (the console), am almost done with a second piece (the torpedo, just need a few more marks), and will be getting the third once I unlock the project (which will be a bit, since I have to finish Tier II and Tier III before it unlocks).

>You could probably get your hands on Voth antiprotons on the exchange

Sure, though they're going for half a mil EC and up (mostly "up"). I spent that much on the entirety of my current polaron+photon torp loadout, and by the time I finished grinding up enough spare EC to get four (since I'll have two torps, the Protonic Arsenal beam weapon, and the 360-degree antiproton beam array in the other four slots), I'll likely have enough spare dilithium to get the Fleet Advanced AP beam arrays instead.

>Also Bulwarks are easy as long as you just maneuver to the side their
>big shield isn't on. If you shoot that, it reflects damage. Same goes
>for the smaller cruisers.

Duly noted. I'll have to watch for that better.

"Mathematics brought rigor to economics. Unfortunately, it also brought mortis."
- Kenneth Boulding