#26, RE: Monsters (Pocket)
Posted by Bad Moon Again on Feb-04-20 at 09:43 PM
In response to message #17
>You ever delay a boss fight on purpose and just go grind levels in the >overworld until you've got him outleveled by like 10+ levels, because >you don't just want to win, you want to make an example of him as a >warning to future generations? > >Seriously, I bear Leon no personal animus, but the game has hyped him >being "undefeatable" so heavily at this point that I feel like >my victory will be incomplete if I can't brandish his head and shout, >"People of Galar! Behold your invincible champion!" before >pitching it contemptuously into the stands. > >--G. >"Are you not entertained?! Are, you, not. >Entertained!" >-><- >Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod >Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ >zgryphon at that email service Google has >Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam. After finally getting around to finishing this up, Leon made think "Maybe those rando alien warlords that show up to punch Superman in the face did nothing wrong?" I mean, a thousand curses on him for encouraging Hop to think he is my Rival in anyway. Binch, you couldn't be the Rival of a passing Mr. Mime.