>I don't think so, no. Her father was a police officer, and I don't
>think her mother ever gets mentioned. Her apartment is quite fancy,
>but I think that's because she's a fairly-high-level, presumably
>well-paid government official, not from old family money. I'd been meaning to mention this since you said you're a fan of P3P in general and Kotone in particular, but a fan-artist did a series of pics of the Niijima Family with Kotone and Akihiko as Sae and Makoto's parents. Like this one:

>Rather, I think her indifference to the vast amount of cash* Joker had
>on him is just an artifact of the way RPGs are almost always silly
>about money and inventory in general. It's sort of like how there are
>only coins in the Elder Scrolls universe, but your character can be
>carrying around what would work out to a couple of tons of gold in his
>pockets, along with 44 weapons, three or four complete suits of armor,
>enough magic potions to flood a small village, and an entire wine and
>cheese cellar. :)
To be fair, at least most of the items you pic up in Skyrim made sense: Gear for selling, potions for healing, and food to cram down your throat raw because who really spends time cooking? Then came Fallout 4 and it's "Oh cool, fans! And toasters! Jackpot!"
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