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Forum URL: http://www.eyrie-productions.com/Forum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Games
Topic ID: 47
Message ID: 14
#14, RE: some thoughts upon reflection
Posted by SmkViper on Aug-19-15 at 11:07 AM
In response to message #13
> - Why does time keep running in single-player mode when you're not
>actually playing? In order to provide continuity of experience for
>all the other players who aren't there?

Because single-player mode isn't single-player. They decided to implement it as multi-player where no other players will get put into your instance.

There was a pretty big row on the forums several months ago when they announced that they wouldn't be doing an offline mode for the game which had been promised during Kickstarter.

> - Where are these dumbass NPC pirates getting their intel? Did that
>guy seriously think it would be worth jacking my four tons of food
>cartridges (retail value: cr176)? I mean is there a booming black
>market for 3D food printer filament or something? Granted, I was
>being paid well above market value to transport that particular load
>for some weird reason, but if all he wanted was to beat me to the deal
>he could've bought his own four tons of food cartridges for
>less than it cost him to try to take mine.

Pretty sure AI encounters and the like are purely random and have nothing to do with what you're carrying (plus I don't think you can see what someone is carrying anyway while in frameshift).

>The attempted piracy rate reminds me a little bit of the random
>monster encounter rate in Skies of Arcadia, that is, too
>goddamned high. I've never understood that particular mindset of game
>developers. "Hmm, but some players aren't going to be interested in
>the space combat aspect of the game, how do we get them on board? I
>know - let's make it more of a bother to avoid fighting than
" Fuck off, guys, seriously. Annoying me by forcing me to
>play Escape Vector Bingo every five fucking minutes, and occasionally
>losing and then ending up in a Gratuitous Fight Scene, isn't making
>the gameplay experience richer for me, it's just pissing me off. If I
>wanted to be in a dogfight I'd go to one of the 24/7 dogfight parties
>with which it seems like every star system is generously endowed and
>get paid for doing it. I'm out here hauling coffee because I
>don't want to do that. FFS.


I think their excuse is "it isn't called Elite *Dangerous* for nothing".
