>Also also, I just realized... Prinzessin Eugenie is the heir apparent
>to her uncle's throne. Wonder how thoroughly the older,
>more-easily-scandalized members of the nobility are going to lose
>their shit over something like -this- (if it were to become public
>After making her heir apparent, and giving witches (and, in a smooth sleight of hand, all women) rights equal to men, I suspect that the Kaiser has managed to make them lose their shit so thoroughly that their water bills will be noticeably reduced for the next month or so.
So if you want to find out, this may have to wait a bit. On the other hand, this isn't exactly the sort of information that is likely to get out; it's probably skirting the edge of the Alliance Military Council's opinion on using Neuroi technology in any way. Everybody outside of the crew of the Prinzessin Eugenie who knows about it also understands Above Most Secret fairly well.
Peter Eng
Insert humorous comment here.