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Forum URL: http://www.eyrie-productions.com/Forum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Our Witches at War/Gallian Gothic
Topic ID: 126
Message ID: 15
#15, RE: teaser/frag 2: GG3/V
Posted by Astynax on May-13-21 at 06:43 PM
In response to message #11
I wasn't entirely sure until the Librarian was named that Patchouli had actually gotten to Dìqiú, and now I'm very curious how that happened. It seems to hint that Dìqiú/UF Main have a stronger connection to Witches' World than previously suspected. Particularly since somehow newspapers from Witches' World Paris turn up in Dìqiú's mystical Great Library.

Also somewhat unnerved at the idea that Patchouli somehow knows a couple orders of magnitude more things than Wan Shi Tong. No wonder he behaved himself around her.

"Sometimes fanfic is a love letter to canon, sometimes it's a polite disagreement, and sometimes it's 95 things canon did wrong nailed to a door."