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Forum URL: http://www.eyrie-productions.com/Forum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Our Witches at War/Gallian Gothic
Topic ID: 142
Message ID: 0
#0, Revisiting OWaW 1 Audio Edition
Posted by Moonsword on Aug-09-22 at 11:57 PM
I was listening to the audio version of Our Witches at War 1 again tonight, having reached the point where Eila shows up. I initially interpreted the "brought a vehicle" line this way:

"What was important was that she was here and she brought a beagle."

My brain caught up with "Huh, what's Wolfgang doing there- oh, right, vehicle" a moment later. The idea that what's important about Eila randomly turning up is she brought Wolfgang with her seemed too good not to share, though.