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Forum URL: http://www.eyrie-productions.com/Forum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Our Witches at War/Gallian Gothic
Topic ID: 48
Message ID: 9
#9, RE: Brandenburger Zeitung, June 27, 1946
Posted by MoonEyes on Nov-26-17 at 06:02 PM
In response to message #4
>I'm told a German would say that where an English-speaker would say
>"break a leg"—when you want to wish someone good luck, but it's
>bad juju to actually say "good luck". So... maybe? It's a judgment
>call. :)

That is in fact exactly right. It even MEANS that, and more. "Neck- and leg-break". Not only "break a leg" but your neck as well.

Stoke Mandeville, Esq & The Victorian Ballsmiths
"Nobody Want Verdigris-Covered Balls!"