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Forum URL: http://www.eyrie-productions.com/Forum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Neon Exodus Evangelion
Topic ID: 13
Message ID: 15
#15, RE: Headcount: Fans of Anime I Hate
Posted by rugle on May-05-01 at 04:13 AM
In response to message #14
>Since you poor fellows have diluted my beautiful, pure stream of votes
>(I got, what, four?) with why you -liked- Lain and Eva, I guess I
>should rant about why I hate it (short rant, I promise!)


It *is* a forum, not a survey

>established Lain as a character, they tossed her personality away and
>replaced it at least once.

I liked Lain the series, and the character. The way she acted in the
wired was a part of who she was, just seldom used; the way other people
saw her in the wired was just bizarre and really not her at all. That's
why I like the bear suit so much - it showed that she *hadn't* been
replaced, no matter how others kept seeing her. While there was the bear
suit, there was the original Lain.

>Phoo, I liked Foucault's Pendulum - although similar on the surface,
>it not only had a more intelligent and clever exploration of events,
>it also had a good, solid twisted ending, as opposed to Lain, which I
>predicted starting from the second DVD.

I can't say I predicted Lain, but it was different from FP. I just liked
the similarity between both sets of Knights.

>they explain exactly how JFK was assassinated, and who the mysterious

I liked the Ace Rimmer one after it, myself. The look on the two
German's faces after they get beaned with the crocodile was a classic

>connection between why people liked EVA and Lain and why I disliked
>them... I guess not, but I'll tell you my criteria;

Has anyone else seen Key - The Metal Idol? If so, and you didn't
really like Eva and Lain, did you prefer Key?

>Neither Lain nor EVA, in my opinion, were written to be stories. One

Eva more so than Lain. Lain had a very clever story - but it wasn't so
much about Lain finding herself, as Lain trying not to lose Alice.

I have this strange fixation on stories. When you write a story, you
should give people something to aspire to, not just feel 'good' about.
If people want to feel good, then there're many other things that they
can do to be satisfied. A story should show them something desirable
in themselves. I hated 'seven', for the same reasons Eva annoyed me -
there was nothing redeeming about anything I saw there. A tragedy
needs Catharsis.

>end. I guess it's just me that notices these perhaps imagined things.

Nup. I took Eva embarrassingly seriously for way too long.

But don't go slappin' cut on da lain ^_^

"not another fricking angel?!" -- friend, after rugle's typo