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Forum URL: http://www.eyrie-productions.com/Forum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Neon Exodus Evangelion
Topic ID: 137
Message ID: 13
#13, Dancing in the . . . Cubicle
Posted by sideways on May-15-03 at 06:01 PM
In response to message #0
Ahh, the advantages of being known to be, um, differently-balanced. Nobody says a word when I dance around like a crazy person for a few minutes and then go quietly back to work. Thank you, Gryphon, Truss, and et al. You've all, personally, each and every one of you, made my day, to such a degree that I oughtn't to run out of made days until at least the middle of June. At which point I ought to be able to afford to go over to Tuesday Morning and buy some more. So thanks to you, I'm golden for made days indefinitely!

In order to properly express my gratitude, I'd have to go on in this vein for quite a lot longer, so let's just pretend I did and save everyone a lot of effort. In short, congratulations and thank you.

Mike Thedford
Dark Nation
Hydrophobe at Large

Yes, I do note the metagrammatical error. Pedants will be punished.