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Forum URL: http://www.eyrie-productions.com/Forum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Eyrie Miscellaneous
Topic ID: 140
Message ID: 2
#2, RE: Reporting
Posted by BobSchroeck on Feb-12-03 at 00:46 AM
In response to message #1
>I haven't noticed all that much of an effect, other than the fact that
>the stress level of my job saps my energy and slows me down
>creatively. As far as direct interference, not really - it's a
>totally different kind of writing.

If I might jump in, I'd like to corroborate the first half of this. In recently completing the Book From Hell, I found I had no creative energy whatsoever to spare for any other kind of writing -- even documenting my code at my day job, something I normally can do without a second thought.

-- Bob
I have seen the face of evil and it is a yellow bloated weasel with a lightning bolt shoved up its ass. -- Widgett, on Coming Attractions, about Pokemon