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Forum URL: http://www.eyrie-productions.com/Forum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Eyrie Miscellaneous
Topic ID: 158
Message ID: 2
#2, RE: Eyrie Productions Unlimited Destroys the Marvel Uni
Posted by Gryphon on May-06-03 at 01:01 PM
In response to message #1
>""Looks like seven humans, a Daemon... maybe a Roklar... and I
>dunno what the blue guy is."
>By Roklar I'm guessing he's refering to Mr Grimm, and which of the 2
>blue guys was he refering to? Hank or Kurt?.

Hank. He took Kurt for a Daemon (native to the planet Daemos).

>Logan, Kitty and Kurt could all make for good duelist (Logan's quite
>skilled with a katana as I recall

He is, but on the other hand, he doesn't really have the mindset to make a good Duelist. He has this unfortunate fondness for making his opponent dead, which doesn't work out so well in a friendly Rose Duel. Or even an unfriendly one.

>Kitty's ninja trained,

Which, as was pointed out to me during the EPDTMU development process, means that she and Kaitlyn have to be kept separate - ninja and samurai are natural enemies in the wild. :)

>and kurt's
>demonstrated the ability to weild 3 swords simultaneously with skill

Teleporting is so cheaty, though. :)

Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor in Chief, Netadmin
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/