#0, BPGD: Special Assignment 139
Posted by Mephron on Feb-27-10 at 11:51 PM
Babylon Project Galactic Database Text Data Extraction Search: International Police Organization Outline Special Assignment 139 SEARCH COMPLETE: April 22, 2411 Overview Special Assignment 139 was put together to perform a technically illegal act, the robbing of a bank. The bank in question was run to process criminal transactions, but there was no completely legal way to raid it, nor more than base suspicions as to exactly what it contained. Even Kane's World’s most noted extralegal crimefighter, the Batman, was unable to rationalize that kind of break-in. Thus, the International Police Organization took a former criminal in their ranks, gave him a group of people to work with as an experiment, and sent them to raid the datasystems of the bank and get the information. The experiment was deemed a success and the team formalized as Special Assignment 139 (Infiltration/Countercriminal) - snarkily dubbed, due to the number of apparently-young women on the team, the “After-School Special Mission Force”. (None of the members actually attend school, except where needed for cover.) The main members of the After-School Special Mission Force are: Geoff Depew – formerly an assassin for Big Fire under the codename Hellbringer, he broke his loyalty programming (with the unwitting help of other members of Big Fire preparing him for a power grab within the organization) and turned on the organization, killing an estimated 380 Big Fire agents at various levels. His final assault on the Big Fire Group brought him to New Avalon, where he was brought in to the International Police. After a psychic scan by no less a personage than Charles Xavier himself, he was deemed cleared of psychic interference. He was then turned over to Logan, who began the process of his re-education and rehabilitation. In between leaving Big Fire and taking up his mission against them, he spent time on Barsaan, learning the beginnings of the combat arts of the Order of St. Ignatius. Between his training by Big Fire as an assassin intended to face Experts of Justice, the combat arts of the Ignatines, his own field experience and work to bring them together, and his constant self-training and seeking education from anyone with something to teach him, Depew is a top-level combatant. He is also pursuing a degree in criminalistics from New Avalon University, with field experience credits from Gil Grissom. In addition to all of this, he has one of the broadest ranges of weapon and infiltration skills to be found among International Police personnel, coupled with a fanatical dedication to being prepared for almost anything. Finally, he has a black-project Zardon military implant called a daodan, a bioengineered symbiote within his chest that improves his strength, stamina, reflexes, and healing speed, a improvement that increases even more with a standard medpac’s drugs in his system. The daodan, when "supercharged" in this manner, temporarily gives him superhuman physical prowess and increases his regeneration to that of a stage 1 Detian. (A massive overdose of Miraculon, administered under direct medical supervision, gave him even greater healing, but that was done in an extreme situation to save his life. The only visible side effect was that it apparently caused part of his metabolism to increase, so that his hair grows when it takes effect. Finding the exact reason for this would require more tests than anyone really is interested in.) Add in his recent Lensing and promotion to Special Assignment 1, and you have a nigh-unstoppable force for justice – a place he never thought he’d be, and one he finds himself relishing. Getting the Lens has even gotten him to lighten up a little. Saya Otonashi – As far as anyone can tell, Saya is the last survivor of the first-generation vampires directly created by the Lord of Blood, the late Duke of Hell who originated the vampire curse in the first place. Little is known of her background, even by her, after the events of June 14, 2410, when the Chief of the International Police and his apprentice encountered her in the Otonashi mountains of Tomodachi. Critically injured in a fight against a chiropteran, she lost control of her vampiric nature and tried to save herself by feeding on the Chief. His Omega-2-altered blood interacted with her blood curse, regressing her in physical age and putting her in a coma. She awoke on January 19, 2411, in a hibernation chamber at BPRD headquarters. Thankfully, Count Orlock was present and able to calm her down. Saya proved to be significantly amnesiac upon emerging from her coma. Though she seems to retain the skills and basic knowledge she had before the Otonashi incident, she remembers almost none of her actual life history, not even her real surname. The experience has left a core of dark cynicism running through her personality - which is still oddly upbeat and friendly for a vampire - ever since. Saya appears to be a fourteen-year-old girl. She tends to wear school uniforms, and carries a sword with her most of the time. As a first-generation vampire, she is immune to the corrosive effects of sunlight, but it does lower her physical abilities from terrifyingly superhuman to merely exceptional human; she is also immune to most of the traditional vulnerabilities that vampires are thought to have (having gone so far to eat a clove of garlic just to prove her immunity), except perhaps a stake through the heart. Her martial arts skills, including a significant kenjutsu ability, are exceptional enough that getting a stake through her heart is nearly impossible unless she is overwhelmed or knocked unconscious first. In team communications traffic, Saya is referred to as Codename V (or simply V). Lain Iwakura – Lain has been seconded to the International Police from GENOM, of all groups, putting to an end the rumors of lingering hostility between the two groups. Her father, Yasuo Iwakura, is a top-level researcher in GENOM’s advanced technologies department, and is believed to be one of the team heads on the next-gen STACIS AI protocol. Lain herself has a remarkable amount of cybernetic augmentation for her age, including the ability to hack into wireless networks, top-grade cybernetic interface jacks, and a boosted left lung – the right having been removed in order to fit computing and processing devices, including huge amounts of memory, in the space where the right would be. A wireless antenna array is embedded in her shoulder blades in order to increase her reception range. Finally, portions of her nervous system have been replaced with specialized optic biofibers to increase her mental processing speed and link the memory in her digital componentry to her neural net. Add into that her GENOM Cyber-Spectre training, and she is a frightening force in cyberspace. She also has had the notable experience of being inside an organic computer during a full crash status (a.k.a. death) without going completely insane. She tends to be withdrawn around people who she does not know, but shows a sharp-edged, almost sly sense of humor when she becomes comfortable around people. She's also better with strangers in large groups and/or in remote interactions, having worked off and on as a rave deejay and pirate radio personality. Lain's operational comm codename is Cipher. Penance – A skraeling of Muspelheim, she was sent to Midgard to deliver a message. Unfortunately, the poor skraeling arrived an hour after the person she was sent to give the message to had left, not to return for nearly a month. The skraeling waited patiently, because it wasn’t that cold out, and no one was kicking her, and in general it was quiet and peaceful and there was a much lower chance of dying in Midgard, as opposed to returning to Hell and reporting failure. When the message was finally delivered to its recipient, it was completely useless, as the event it was meant to warn about had already passed. After some careful work, the skraeling learned some Standard Sign Language, and began to pick up information at a very rapid clip. Upon learning that she was not being kept as a slave – as she’d expected – she found herself with no idea what to do with herself. It was about this time she was dubbed 'Penance'. When Special Assignment 139 was being assembled, she was placed with it in the hopes she would acclimate socially. The experiment seems to have worked exceptionally well, as she has become friends with her teammates, and appears to have something of a crush on Mike Sounders. As a skraeling, she possesses exceptional strength, speed and stamina. Her body reacts to stress by becoming hard as steel, and all edges of the body becoming sharp enough to cut stone. She is of considerably greater intelligence than the average of her kind, most of whom are just barely sentient. Geoff and Saya are teaching her combat skills, as well. She cannot speak, but is fluent in Standard Sign Language, and can read at least four languages. Penance is already a perfectly acceptable comm codename. Her friends sometimes call her Penny. Mike Sounders – Mike started as a simple Stark Industries Omnimech Cosmodroid. He achieved sentience and passed his Turing test in 2408, at which point he went back to working for the International Police as an organizational specialist – a sort of roving aide-de-camp for any member of the IPO who needed a "servant" droid that they could trust to not screw things up. Despite his sometimes excessively emotional personality – designed to make his line seem "more harmless and socially acceptable" – Mike is a capable mechanoid, able to schmooze through a lot of red tape and get things done. During the first mission of Special Assignment 139, Mike’s original shell was almost completely wrecked when he used it as a circuit bridge to restart a shuttlecraft’s engines. His core was removed and a new body constructed for him by no less a personage than Skuld Ravenhair, Chief Technologist of the International Police. He continues to have his database of how, where, and from whom to get almost anything. The new body, however, has the ability to transform into a more humanoid form whose full abilities are not completely known at this time. For reasons not immediately obvious to this compiler, Mike Sounders's operational codename is Boom Robo.
#1, BPGD: Special Assignment 139: Known Associates
Posted by Mephron on Feb-27-10 at 11:52 PM
In response to message #0
The five sentients that make up Special Assignment 139 are a formidible crew. They also have an extended structure of friends they can call in for specialized help or backup.These include: Max Guevara - Max is the result of a genetic engineering program for creating 'super soldiers' to compete with GENOM's White Legion for profit. She escaped from the project enclave and turned her combination of skills and genetic enhancements to the service of, basically, herself, out of a need to survive. She became a galaxy-class cat burglar, coming to the attention of the International Police. When they set up a situation where she would have to abort the robbery to save someone's life, she did so instinctively. That particular someone was SA1 agent Xander Cage, who faked her death with the help of a revolver-load of actor bullets, getting the agents of the Manticore Corporation off her tail. After a re-orientation program, Max and Cage went back and dismantled the entire Manticore operation. Max's genetic structure is based on a transgenic fusion of cat and human. It gives her exceptional strength, speed, resilience, reflexes, coordination and agility. The build also gives her a high IQ, a nearly-eidetic memory, accelerated healing, an advanced immune system, and enhanced senses. She is also trained as a martial artist and infiltration specialist. She also has a Lens, and is a member of Special Assignment 11 (The Chief's Furies). Max has one significant weakness: whether accidentally or by design, her brain is unable to generate sufficient serotonin without outside help. This is usually kept in check through dietary means (turkey and milk seem to be two foods that handle it), but on long-term assignments there can be problems. When operating with the team, her comm code is Dark Angel. Makoto Kino - An electrokinetic from New Hokkaido, Makoto came into the care of a special school for 'anomalous psionics' - children with psi powers that did not fit the standard classifications and rankings. This school was actually a front for Big Fire, one of the core policies of which is that paranormals should be in charge (as they supposedly represent the next stage of human evolution). After eliminating her parents, the BF Group funneled her into their training program. One of the senior students in the program was Geoff Depew, and his violent departure from Big Fire apparently set a mental block in place that kept Makoto's loyalty programming from setting in completely. She concealed this until, during the Antianeira Incident, she had the opportunity to pass him a message asking for extraction. The particulars of the extraction have been sealed by order of Deputy Chief Steve Rogers. Makoto possesses the ability to generate and control electricity, using it as defense and weapon. She can also destroy most electromechanical devices' ability to function by literally frying the circuity. Makoto has sufficient control over her abilities to be able to short out one circuit without damaging the others. She can also 'read' electronic datastreams if she is in contact with the device in question. Finally, she possesses standard Big Fire combat training, the equivalent of an International Police Tactical Division trooper, in case she has to deal with someone or something she can't electrocute. Her comm name, as with Geoff Depew, is her old Big Fire codename, held in defiance of that organization's code of allegiance or death: Thunderbolt. Konoko Kokoromi - Everything about Konoko is a mystery, even to herself. She was discovered wearing a torn and battered jumpsuit, barefoot and unconscious, in the vehicle bay of the Salusian Ministry for Public Safety's "Section 9" counterterror agency. Psionic probes have been unable to dislodge any memories of anything before her waking up in an MPS Intelligence Service hospital room. Testing showed her to be a humanized Salusian female in otherwise excellent condition, and whatever conscious memories she lacked, she was a top-grade soldier. She also possessed a Daodan symbiont, the nature of which was discovered during her physical examinations. Taken into Section 9, she was paired with Lloyd Batou, the two of them making a very strong team. It was during a surveillance mission that she met up by accident with Geoff Depew. During the fight in the Galactor base, she discovered he too had a Daodan. She believed she was having psychological issues due to hers, and took a leave of absence to spend time with him and learn how he dealt with his. When he returned to Barsaan to work on his Ignatine training, he presented her to his mentor, Logan, who helped her overcome the violent impulses she felt through meditation and martial arts training. Konoko is a top-flight military specialist, the equal of Geoff Depew (who she sometimes calls her 'brother' as the result of the bio-implant they have) in military skills. While she worries about her past, she doesn't worry that much, because it'll sort itself out... or not. When assisting the group, she uses her Section 9 comm codename: Oni. Sister Mary Destiny - Built by eccentric (some would say insane) roboticist Timothy Waynewright, sold to the Yakuza of Kane's World for the money to build a 2.0 model, Red Destiny became a frequent antagonist of the Batman until the day R. Dorothy Wayneright came to town with the Art of Noise. Nearly destroyed, then rebuilt by the sister she hated, she left Kane's World and found herself converted to Catholicism and taken in by the Ignatine Order through what she believes was the direct intervention of God. Her new views on life, as a sister of the Ignatine Order, inform her every action. She no longer is a creature whose existence is based on the belief that she was abandoned; rather, she was found and saved by a greater power. As an Ignatine, she possesses the full weapons skills of that order, along with the mechanical precision and physical prowess her android construction suggests. As an Itinerant Cleric of the Ignatine Holy Grammaton, she deals out fierce justice, tempered by mercy. Sister Destiny also enjoys knitting. When assisting the group, she is impishly referred to on comms as The Penguin. -- Geoff Depew - Darth Mephron Haberdasher to Androids, Dark Lord of Sith Tech Support. "And Remember! Google is your Friend!!"
#2, RE: BPGD: Special Assignment 139: Known Associates
Posted by BZArcher on Feb-28-10 at 00:15 AM
In response to message #1
> When assisting the group, she is impishly referred to on comms as The Penguin.You are a bad, bad man, Meph. :) Not to say that wasn't good! But you are a bad, bad man.
#16, RE: BPGD: Special Assignment 139: Known Associates
Posted by TheOtherSean on Mar-02-10 at 08:54 PM
In response to message #2
>> When assisting the group, she is impishly referred to on comms as The Penguin. > >You are a bad, bad man, Meph. :) > >Not to say that wasn't good! > >But you are a bad, bad man. That reminds of a time I was out with a girlfriend checking out this giant specialty supermarket. They had crazy decorations inside, like an actual firetruck above the large hot sauce section, a fishing boat by the seafood, etc. And of course, they had penguins atop the freezers at the frozen foods section. I pointed them out to my girlfriend. "Look at those penguins!" She hit me. "What?" I asked, and she pointed down the aisle. At the three nuns wearing habits. :-)
#3, RE: BPGD: Special Assignment 139
Posted by Astynax on Feb-28-10 at 06:57 AM
In response to message #0
>In team communications traffic, Saya is referred to as Codename >V (or simply V). If she turns up in a Guy Fawkes mask I may be forced to smite something. ;)
| | -={(Astynax)}=- "Darkness beyond Twilight" |
#4, RE: BPGD: Special Assignment 139
Posted by Norgarth on Feb-28-10 at 12:46 PM
In response to message #3
> >>In team communications traffic, Saya is referred to as Codename >>V (or simply V). > >If she turns up in a Guy Fawkes mask I may be forced to smite >something. ;) > It could be a reference to the Sailor Moon prequel manga, 'Codename Sailor V', or (knowing the EPU crew) both. 8P>The only visible side effect was that it apparently caused part of his >metabolism to increase, so that his hair grows when it takes effect. Finding >the exact reason for this would require more tests than anyone really is >interested in.) Am I the only one who mentally added "Especially Mr Depew." to the end of that line? 8)
#5, RE: BPGD: Special Assignment 139
Posted by MoonEyes on Feb-28-10 at 02:36 PM
In response to message #4
>It could be a reference to the Sailor Moon prequel manga, 'Codename >Sailor V', or (knowing the EPU crew) both. 8P Or it could be, you know, *V*ampire? Just a thought...
#6, RE: BPGD: Special Assignment 139
Posted by Astynax on Mar-01-10 at 02:58 AM
In response to message #5
>Or it could be, you know, *V*ampire? Just a thought... Well yes, of course, but where's the fun in -that-?
| | -={(Astynax)}=- "For the record, my first comment was a -joke-, based on the mental image of a sword wielding schoolgirl in said Guy Fawkes mask" |
#7, RE: BPGD: Special Assignment 139
Posted by BobSchroeck on Mar-01-10 at 06:40 AM
In response to message #6
>>Or it could be, you know, *V*ampire? Just a thought... >Well yes, of course, but where's the fun in -that-? So instead she wears a seifuku and a Guy Fawkes mask. -- Bob (And if I could work a disguised-lizard thing in somehow I would, but I can't see how to make that work.) ------------------- Five years ago I was a four-stone apology. Today I am two separate gorillas.
#8, RE: BPGD: Special Assignment 139
Posted by Mister Fnord on Mar-01-10 at 12:52 PM
In response to message #7
>(And if I could work a disguised-lizard thing in somehow I would, but >I can't see how to make that work.) Godzilla mask under the Guy Fawkes mask. -- Mr. Fnord
#9, RE: BPGD: Special Assignment 139
Posted by Gryphon on Mar-01-10 at 03:12 PM
In response to message #8
>>(And if I could work a disguised-lizard thing in somehow I would, but >>I can't see how to make that work.) > >Godzilla mask under the Guy Fawkes mask. By a strange coincidence, when the closest thing to the V for Vendetta incident happened in the UF universe, Guy Fawkes turned out to be Gojira Nakajima. You can imagine that the forces of fascism found him considerably harder to kill than some ponce in a hat, but Evey certainly had a better time. There. Are we done with this now? :) --G. -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Admin Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.
#11, RE: BPGD: Special Assignment 139
Posted by A Vile Gangster on Mar-01-10 at 08:25 PM
In response to message #9
>By a strange coincidence, when the closest thing to the V for >Guy Fawkes turned out to be Gojira Nakajima.>but Evey certainly had a better time. EPIC. >There. Are we done with this now? :) Except for the part where we want to see it written! >:) ---- Now Playing: Soundgarden-- Rusty Cage(BadMotorFinger, 1991) < THIS SPACE FOR RENT >
#14, RE: BPGD: Special Assignment 139
Posted by BobSchroeck on Mar-02-10 at 08:56 AM
In response to message #9
>There. Are we done with this now? :) I was done several messages back, but I am amused by what I unintentionally wrought. You realize now that some clueless berk (maybe even me <grin>) will put that in the TVTropes entry for UF, thinking you were serious? -- Bob ------------------- Five years ago I was a four-stone apology. Today I am two separate gorillas.
#15, RE: BPGD: Special Assignment 139
Posted by Gryphon on Mar-02-10 at 12:26 PM
In response to message #14
>You realize now that some clueless berk (maybe even me <grin>) will >put that in the TVTropes entry for UF, thinking you were serious? I can't say I'm all that exercised about what appears in the TVtropes entry for UF, actually. It's dangerous enough that there is one. --G. -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Admin Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.
#10, RE: BPGD: Special Assignment 139
Posted by Mephron on Mar-01-10 at 03:47 PM
In response to message #3
>If she turns up in a Guy Fawkes mask I may be forced to smite >something. ;) Now I owe Gryph $15.25. (When we were reviewing this, I bet him 10 pounds sterling that someone would make this joke within the first five comments.) -- Geoff Depew - Darth Mephron Haberdasher to Androids, Dark Lord of Sith Tech Support. "And Remember! Google is your Friend!!"
#12, RE: BPGD: Special Assignment 139
Posted by A Vile Gangster on Mar-01-10 at 08:31 PM
In response to message #10
>>If she turns up in a Guy Fawkes mask I may be forced to smite >>something. ;) > >Now I owe Gryph $15.25. > >(When we were reviewing this, I bet him 10 pounds sterling that >someone would make this joke within the first five comments.) You could always drag your feet and ride the foreign exchange market, hoping really hard that it gets more favorable. ---- Now Playing: Soundgarden-- Outshined(BadMotorFinger, 1991) < THIS SPACE FOR RENT >
#13, RE: BPGD: Special Assignment 139
Posted by The Traitor on Mar-02-10 at 04:06 AM
In response to message #12
It's looking like it won't for a while, at least from this knuckle-dragger's viewpoint. We are, however, in danger of having a hung parliament here thanks to both main parties being equally inept at campaigning, and that'll really give the pound a kicking. So say you'll pay him back on the 2nd May; at worst, you'll hafta pay $15.25. At best, it could be something like $12.50. Again, all from the viewpoint of a knuckle-dragger...And riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight at the end of this post did I realise that the whole thing was a joke. Bugger. --- "Together we will build an empire of a million shining suns." -- Dave, Dictator of Utopia.
#17, RE: BPGD: Special Assignment 139
Posted by Mephron on Mar-03-10 at 11:29 AM
In response to message #13
>And riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight at the end of this post did I realise that >the whole thing was a joke. > >Bugger. Well, half-joke. Gryph did make a comment about a "V for Vendetta" joke and I said, "I should reply to the first person who says it that I owe you ten pounds sterling." On the gripping hand, as someone who enjoys watching British politics (they show the Prime Minister's Question Hour on C-SPAN 1 on Sundays here, and I find it vastly enjoyable), I'll thank you for the insight from inside about how mucked up things are. So you have that going for you. -- Geoff Depew - Darth Mephron Haberdasher to Androids, Dark Lord of Sith Tech Support. "And Remember! Google is your Friend!!"
#18, RE: BPGD: Special Assignment 139
Posted by Senji on Mar-03-10 at 12:44 PM
In response to message #17
>On the gripping hand, as someone who enjoys watching British politics >(they show the Prime Minister's Question Hour on C-SPAN 1 on Sundays >here, and I find it vastly enjoyable), I'll thank you for the insight >from inside about how mucked up things are. So you have that going >for you. > I will probably get disagreement here, but whilst a hung parliament might be really bad in the short term it could be a good thing over a longer period -- none of the major parties are in a good space for running the country at the moment, from either a credibility or policy point of view, but if the dice land right a Lib/Con or Lib/Lab grouping of some kind could hope to push out the best policies of both parties. Lab/Con would be a disaster of course, but not I feel one that's plausible. S.
#19, RE: BPGD: Special Assignment 139
Posted by The Traitor on Mar-05-10 at 06:18 AM
In response to message #18
Lab/Con will never happen. Ever. Too much of a gap (and for gap read 'yawning abyss comparable in scale to the Marianas Trench') between their respective ideologies.I agree with you on the Lib/Lab, though. It'd probably shore up the left-wing position rather more than a Lib/Con parliament would. Cameron's conservatives are, in my view at least, devoid of any helpful sort of policy anyway, but that's by the by. If there'd been a Lib/Lab coalition back in '97, however, then we probably wouldn't be having this conversation; it would have completely destroyed the Tories and not even DC, England's leading exporter of shiny forehead, could have saved them. Not entirely convinced that a Lib/Lab coalition will now come to pass, though, particularly when you factor in people like Vince Cable (Lib Dem deputy leader and vehemently anti-Brownite politician). Nick Clegg I'm not sure about but he seems pretty much left of centre and that's the direction the party has made over the years. --- "Together we will build an empire of a million shining suns." -- Dave, Dictator of Utopia.