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Forum Name: Featured Documents
Topic ID: 248
#0, Avalon 17 listing: 2410.11.04
Posted by Gryphon on Aug-16-11 at 08:29 PM
Avalon County Entertainment System
Program Guide: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2410


18:00 [News] News Source 17 at 6

18:30 [News] ABS Evening News with Rei Tracy

19:00 [Comedy] M*A*S*H
Abyssinia, Henry - Col. Blake (McLean Stevenson) leaves the 4077th. Radar: Gary Burghoff.

19:30 [Crime Drama] Dragnet
The Big Block War - Judges Friday and Gannon battle to defuse a Block War before it evolves into a city-wide riot. Chief Justice Tanner: R. Lee Ermey.

20:00 [Crime Drama] Sabotage
The Causeway Caper - The Chief (Alasondro Alegré) may have gone too far in the rush to prevent a terrorist bombing. Bunny: Fred Kelly.

21:00 [Crime Drama] Science Detectives
Weird Science - Chief Superintendent Schirra (Harold Saxon) and his team try to figure out who is behind a series of bizarre, mysterious deaths in Crowntown. Arnim Zola: Toby Jones.

22:00 [Crime Drama] The Bill
Inspector Smith vs. the Fourth Reich - Smithy (Alex Walkinshaw) punches Nazis. Lots of Nazis. PC Stamp: Graham Cole.

23:00 [News] News Source 17 at 11

23:30 [Talk] Late Night with Bobby Drake
Guests: Atomic Robo; action scientists Ada and Kari Byron; New Avalon Police Commissioner James Gordon. Music by the Tesla Effect.

00:30 [Movie] (***½) Parker: The Hunter
(Color; 2404) The World Crime League learns the hard way that if you're going to assassinate a Jedi Master, particularly one with the proportionate strength of a spider, you'd better get it right the first time. Hanoi Xan: Nute Gunray.

02:30 [Movie] (***) Point Blank
(Color; 1967) Double-crossed and left for dead, Walker (Lee Marvin) returns to exact revenge on his former confederates. Chris: Angie Dickinson.

04:15 OFF AIR

End Listing

#1, RE: Avalon 17 listing: 2410.11.04
Posted by mdg1 on Aug-16-11 at 08:56 PM
In response to message #0
LAST EDITED ON Aug-16-11 AT 08:58 PM (EDT)
>action scientists Ada and Kari Byron;

Nice touch.

#2, RE: Avalon 17 listing: 2410.11.04
Posted by BeardedFerret on Aug-17-11 at 00:47 AM
In response to message #0
>22:00 [Crime Drama] The Bill
>Inspector Smith vs. the Fourth Reich - Smithy (Alex Walkinshaw)
>punches Nazis. Lots of Nazis. PC Stamp: Graham Cole.


#3, RE: Avalon 17 listing: 2410.11.04
Posted by trigger on Aug-17-11 at 03:01 PM
In response to message #0
I was thinking this was abroad hint, but then I realized -none- of the non-Mash people are from Earth. Red Herring?

thinks the Master needs to be on television more

Trigger Argee
Manon, Maccadon, Orado, etc.
Denton, never leave home without it.

"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me." - HST

#4, RE: Avalon 17 listing: 2410.11.04
Posted by Gryphon on Aug-17-11 at 03:54 PM
In response to message #3
>I was thinking this was abroad hint, but then I realized -none- of the
>non-Mash people are from Earth.

Arnim Zola is! And Jim Gordon, he's from Chicago. And Peter Parker's from Queens.

Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Admin
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

#5, RE: Avalon 17 listing: 2410.11.04
Posted by McFortner on Aug-17-11 at 04:57 PM
In response to message #4
So is the one you didn't mention: R. Lee Ermey. I wonder if this omission was on purpose....?

Michael C. Fortner
"Rule 37: There is no such thing as "overkill".
There is only "open fire" and "I need to reload".

#6, RE: Avalon 17 listing: 2410.11.04
Posted by Gryphon on Aug-17-11 at 05:46 PM
In response to message #5
>So is the one you didn't mention: R. Lee Ermey.

He is, but his character on Dragnet isn't (obviously).

Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Admin
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

#7, RE: Avalon 17 listing: 2410.11.04
Posted by starless on Aug-23-11 at 06:47 PM
In response to message #3
Presumably Alasondro Alegré and Fred Kelly are Earthnoids as well---like they say, Hurricane got clout, other DJs, he'll take your head out.