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Topic ID: 262
#0, BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff
Posted by Gryphon on Jun-27-13 at 04:48 PM
LAST EDITED ON Jun-27-13 AT 05:04 PM (EDT)
Babylon Project Galactic Database
Text Data Extraction Search: International Police Personnel Files
Personnel Data: BPRD Operational Support Staff

International Police Organization
Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense

Though the BPRD is best-known for its colorful array of field operatives, it could not function without a large and diverse operational support organization. Following are abridged dossiers of several of these personnel.

Thomas MANNING, Ph.D.
Executive Director

Dr. Manning is the BPRD's executive director. In the overall organizational scheme of the IPO, this makes him the equivalent of an assistant deputy chief (in this case, he reports directly to the Deputy Chief for Tactical Operations, Steve Rogers). A colony-born human of middle age, he possesses - almost uniquely among the BPRD's personnel - no paranormal abilities of his own. He claims that this makes him uniquely suited to manage what he sometimes wryly terms "the rest of the sideshow," and in fact his organizational skill and complete unflappability in the face of the bizarre have served the Bureau well. Gruff and often irascible, he is nevertheless firmly behind all his operatives, however much he complains for form's sake that he never set out to be the ringmaster of a circus.

Maximilian Friedrich Wilhelm SCHRECK Graf von Orlock
Deputy Director, Vampiric and Lycanthropic Studies

Count Orlock is an Earthborn human vampire, both born and turned in the 17th century, who traces his lineage (in terms of the sanguivorus curse) to the seventh generation - that is to say, his vampire progenitor was six steps removed from the originator of the curse, the demonic duke known as the Lord of Blood. In his particular line, this distance from the source has manifested itself in physiological disfigurement (he himself cheerfully describes his as a "degenerate branch", though he claims he was ugly as a living man to begin with) and an extreme form of the traditional vampiric vulnerability to sunlight. Despite these handicaps, he had a long and successful career as a paranormal investigator, and has treated his elevation to the deputy directorship of his department as a sort of well-earned retirement.

Chief Medical Officer

Dr. Frankenstein, the legendary creation of the 19th-century Swiss scientist Victor Frankenstein, describes himself without evident irony as the last of the "real Renaissance monsters". A skilled surgeon, expert pathologist, galactic authority on paranormal diseases, and talented violinist, he wandered the galaxy for centuries - his appearance, cripplingly freakish by the standards of unContacted humanity, going largely unremarked in the broader galactic community of the 21st century and onward - before settling in New Avalon shortly after the city's founding. He was Avalon County's original medical examiner, setting the standard of excellence by which that office is still known, and found himself scouted for the BPRD when the Bureau was first formed. Though a giant in stature and physical power, he abhors violence and takes his oath to "do no harm" very seriously.

Chief Parascience Officer

Adam Frankenstein's wife Viv, also Dr. Frankenstein in her own right, holds qualifications in biochemistry, physics, and numerous other less easily summarized scientific and parascientific disciplines (and, oddly, kinesiology and sports medicine). As the BPRD's chief parascientist, she likes to say that she directs most of the "R" in "BPRD" - she's the director of the Bureau's research and scientific investigation laboratory. If a BPRD operative encounters a phenomenon that is neither psychic nor the obvious effect of an artifact, the task of determining what is causing it falls to Viv and her staff of hand-picked experts in scientific esoterica. She also plays the viola opposite her husband's violin in the BPRD string quartet, and yes, she's heard the one about how the difference is that they burn longer.

Chief Librarian and Archivist

One of the three Gorgons of Greek myth (and the only one known still to be alive today), Euryale manages the BPRD's vast stockpile of strange, forbidden, and occasionally just useful information, from the Scrolls of Mu to the great databases of the Equations of the Knights of Radnak. If a BPRD agent needs information contained in a moldering scroll, a dusty tome, an archaic data solid, or the hard-light labyrinth of the Crystals of Zin, they must enter Eury's domain to get it. She has an encyclopedic knowledge of where everything in her library is and what one might hope to find there, and she's very particular about things being put back where they belong. Woe to the agent who disrespects the Library. Eury doesn't wear those glasses because she likes rocking the Sexy Librarian look (although she does); she wears them to stop her eldritch gaze turning everyone who comes into the Library to stone.

Annalise FLEMING
Chief Technical Officer

'Lise is a techno-savant - a person born with the metapsionic gift of instinctive rapport with technological devices. Computers, communications systems, energy weapons, gadgets of all kinds - she loves them and they love her. Electronics do favors for 'Lise Fleming, occasionally going well outside their strict technical specifications to accomplish them. She's also an authority on the occult and parapsionic uses of what to most people are dangerous recreational drugs, including the extremely specialized field of hallucinomancy (the use of hallucinatory experiences in divination). Her CV includes a long list of dreamwalking and trip-diving techniques that should be flagged "don't try this at home" - though, to be fair, 'Lise prefers to try them at home, as opposed to in the office. She insists that the feng shui in the office is all wrong for that kind of thing.

End of Text Data Extract
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Babylon Project Galactic Database

#1, RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff
Posted by BobSchroeck on Jun-27-13 at 04:58 PM
In response to message #0
> Maximilian Friedrich Wilhelm SCHRECK Graf von Orlock

Unca' Max!

(I think I've mentioned here before that our family mythology counts the RW version of this gentleman among our distant grand-uncles...)

Fun document, Gryphon. Entertaining as always.

Lise Fleming rings a bell -- haven't we seen her in a story already?

-- Bob
My race is pacifist and does not believe in war. We kill only out of personal spite.

#2, RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff
Posted by Gryphon on Jun-27-13 at 05:03 PM
In response to message #1
>Lise Fleming rings a bell -- haven't we seen her in a story already?

A couple - she appears in the BPRD story The Curse of the Big Train and is the protagonist of last Halloween's Mini-Story two-parter, The Other Side.

Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/
zgryphon at that email service Google has
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

#11, RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff
Posted by BobSchroeck on Jun-28-13 at 09:05 AM
In response to message #2
>>Lise Fleming rings a bell -- haven't we seen her in a story already?
>A couple - she appears in the BPRD story The Curse of the Big
and is the protagonist of last Halloween's Mini-Story
>two-parter, The Other Side.

Ah, yes, now I remember. Thank you.

-- Bob
My race is pacifist and does not believe in war. We kill only out of personal spite.

#3, RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff
Posted by Mercutio on Jun-27-13 at 07:52 PM
In response to message #0
LAST EDITED ON Jun-28-13 AT 00:11 AM (EDT)
>Thomas MANNING, Ph.D.
>Executive Director

>Dr. Manning is the BPRD's executive director. In the overall
>organizational scheme of the IPO, this makes him the equivalent of an
>assistant deputy chief (in this case, he reports directly to the
>Deputy Chief for Tactical Operations, Steve Rogers).

I'm a little surprised the BPRD reports up the shooty side of the IPO's command chain rather than the research/investigation side; you'd think Manning would be underneath Skuld rather than Cap.

(This isn't to imply Cap isn't capable of dealing with the paranormal, but it seems like it isn't his bailiwick.)

EDIT: This was bugging me, so I actually went trawling through the archived documents. In Steve's ten-year-old BPGD file, it mentions that he's Deputy Chief for Criminal Investigations, head of CID. And the BPRD is, as explained in HELLBOY'S old BPGD file, organized under the auspices of the CID.

So it actually is organized under the investigatory side of the IPO, not the shooty side; it's just that Cap is wearing two hats at the same time. I consider myself corrected by... myself.

>Chief Medical Officer

Ha. Excellent first name.

I love that you took the time to do your monster research. NOBODY takes the time to do their monster research.

>Annalise FLEMING
>Chief Technical Officer

>'Lise is a techno-savant - a person born with the metapsionic gift of
>instinctive rapport with technological devices.

One imagines that people like Annalise are nightmares to security experts and professional cryptographers.

Keep Rat

#4, RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff
Posted by The Traitor on Jun-27-13 at 08:41 PM
In response to message #3
>>Annalise FLEMING
>>Chief Technical Officer

>>'Lise is a techno-savant - a person born with the metapsionic gift of
>>instinctive rapport with technological devices.
>One imagines that people like Annalise are nightmares to security
>experts and professional cryptographers.

Fight the scourge of Machine Empathy, citizen!

"Yeah, I'm definitely going to hell/But I'll have all the best stories to tell" -- Frank Turner, The Ballad of Me and My Friends

Have a nice daycycle. Not having a nice daycycle is punishable by immediate execution.

#5, RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff
Posted by Gryphon on Jun-28-13 at 00:27 AM
In response to message #3
>EDIT: This was bugging me, so I actually went trawling through the
>archived documents. In Steve's ten-year-old BPGD file, it mentions
>that he's Deputy Chief for Criminal Investigations, head of CID. And
>the BPRD is, as explained in HELLBOY'S old BPGD file, organized under
>the auspices of the CID.

The problem is, Steve Rogers and Yuri Daniels are both deputy chief department heads, and I can never remember which one is Tactical and which is CID. It may in fact have changed at some point during the first decade of the 2400s.

As for the Bureau, CID would seem like the logical place for it in the tree, but on the other hand, most of the D in BPRD does seem to be more about the shooty and the punchy than about investigation, and there's not really anything "criminal" in a conventional sense about most of what it looks into. I'd forgotten I'd said one way or another in an earlier file, and when I flipped that mental coin this time it came up Tac Div.

So, basically, once again you've caught me not having a Ph.D at this stuff. :)

Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/
zgryphon at that email service Google has
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

#6, RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff
Posted by Mercutio on Jun-28-13 at 02:18 AM
In response to message #5
>The problem is, Steve Rogers and Yuri Daniels are both deputy chief
>department heads, and I can never remember which one is Tactical and
>which is CID. It may in fact have changed at some point during
>the first decade of the 2400s.

Given the highly flexible nature and the personality-driven (rather than institutional-driven) nature of the IPO's chain of command, it may in fact be the case that both Yuri AND Steve are simultaneously the head(s) of TacDic and CID. Assuming that such an oddball arrangement worked I can see your counterpart simply shrugging and signing off on it.

>As for the Bureau, CID would seem like the logical place for it in the
>tree, but on the other hand, most of the D in BPRD does seem to be
>more about the shooty and the punchy than about investigation,

True. For me, the outside observer, it seems like the BPRD is mostly about pushing back the frontiers of human knowledge and meeting new and awesome things from previously unplumbed depths of the universe. It is only with reluctance that they decide that a great many of those things need to be buried at the crossroads after midnight. That for me would place them firmly in the "investigative" side of things. I see TacDiv as more of the place you put outfits whose entire reason for existing is to kick in the door and chop off some tentacles when the word comes down.

>there's not really anything "criminal" in a conventional sense about
>most of what it looks into.

There's not? I mean, looking at the last few BPRD mini-stories, you've got a fair amount of petty larceny, assault, some breaking and entering, multiple counts of what is probably illegal immigration and squatting...

Also, one imagines Zeta Cygni has laws in place to deal with the occult. In a universe where Hell is a real place you can go to and magic has a verifiable existence, you'd think that, for example, someone would have to issue you a license if you wanted to summon demons on a freelance basis. You know, a piece of paper that says the state certifies you know how to draw a summoning circle and you're unlikely to get yourself possessed by something that wants to punch your soul out of your body and use it to make soup with.

>So, basically, once again you've caught me not having a Ph.D at
>this stuff.

I would be very interested in observing that dissertation defense. :)

Keep Rat

#9, RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff
Posted by Gryphon on Jun-28-13 at 02:31 AM
In response to message #6
>Also, one imagines Zeta Cygni has laws in place to deal with the

To an extent, yes. For instance, we've seen a few times that there are citizenship provisions for certain classes of sapient undead. It's not illegal to be a vampire qua being-a-vampire in New Avalon, for instance. Assault, yes, unauthorized exsanguination, mind control, murder, that crap's illegal, but that's illegal for everybody. Those jagoffs who took after Marcy in Night of the Kissogram! would've found themselves explaining their shit to the NAPD tout de suite. You can't just rock up in your blacked-out minivan and jack up some random singer outside Coffee Kingdom just 'cause she happens to be a half-demonic creature of darkness. They've got rights, goddammit. We have a thing called due process in this town. :)

Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/
zgryphon at that email service Google has
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

#10, RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff
Posted by Mercutio on Jun-28-13 at 03:08 AM
In response to message #9

>You can't just rock up in your blacked-out
>minivan and jack up some random singer outside Coffee Kingdom just
>'cause she happens to be a half-demonic creature of darkness. They've
>got rights, goddammit. We have a thing called due
in this town. :)

"Sir, do you know why I pulled you over?"

"You're all fuckin' undead symps in this city, is why. They can't be trusted, you know. Y'all think they're your friends, but they're NOT. One day you're gonna find out they've, like, laid eggs in your sun and turned it into an anti-sun and then it's nothing but blood dolls from hell to breakfast, demon mayors, three-headed dogs and cats living together..."

"No, sir. Your window tint. That degree of tinting is illegal in this jurisdiction."

"... oh."

"Sir, I'm going to need you to step out of the vehicle."

Keep Rat

#13, RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff
Posted by BobSchroeck on Jun-28-13 at 09:14 AM
In response to message #9
LAST EDITED ON Jun-28-13 AT 09:15 AM (EDT)
>Those jagoffs who took after Marcy in Night of the
would've found themselves explaining their shit to the
>NAPD tout de suite.

Why are they even allowed to operate in New Avalon? Or are they an illegal vigilante operation that NAPD is trying to stamp out?

-- Bob
My race is pacifist and does not believe in war. We kill only out of personal spite.

#18, RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff
Posted by Arashi on Jun-28-13 at 01:14 PM
In response to message #13
They weren't in New Avalon. At least not for Night of the Kissogram anyways, they were on Earth. There was an infringment on Raven's date with Etrigon and they did get slapped down by NAPD/IPO/an-irritated-demidemon (or two).

#21, RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff
Posted by Gryphon on Jun-28-13 at 02:28 PM
In response to message #13
>>Those jagoffs who took after Marcy in Night of the
would've found themselves explaining their shit to the
>>NAPD tout de suite.
>Why are they even allowed to operate in New Avalon?

They're not, that's what I was getting at. The Worcester PD was nowhere to be seen in Kissogram!, possibly because they had been instructed to stay out of the "professionals'" way. Their counterparts in New Avalon, on the other hand, would have taken a marked and unfriendly interest in an unprovoked, organized group assault on one of the city's undead citizens.

Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/
zgryphon at that email service Google has
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

#12, RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff
Posted by BobSchroeck on Jun-28-13 at 09:08 AM
In response to message #3
LAST EDITED ON Jun-28-13 AT 09:08 AM (EDT)
>Ha. Excellent first name.

If I recall correctly, that's the Creature's canonical name. It just never got used anywhere but the novel, and not all that much there, either.

-- Bob
My race is pacifist and does not believe in war. We kill only out of personal spite.

#15, RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff
Posted by Mercutio on Jun-28-13 at 12:05 PM
In response to message #12

>If I recall correctly, that's the Creature's canonical name.

It's not, actually. Frankenstein's monster doesn't have a truly canonical name, but at one point during the novel he refers to himself while speaking to Dr. Frankenstein as "the Adam of your creation." But in that context (and I believe Shelley was explicit about this) he's using Adam as a metaphor, not claiming it as his actual name.

Hence my complimenting Ben for doing his monster research. Frankenstein's monster has generally come to be known as Frankenstein himself. A lot of people know that and have in turn assigned it various other names in various other contexts and derivative works; the one Ben has chosen reflects familiarity with the source materiel or that he took at the least the minimal amount of time to look into things. Many who decide they want to work with the classic romantic monsters (your Frankensteins, Draculas, wolfmen, your Mr. Hyde's) do not bother. But Ben goes the extra mile.

(Also, I like saying "monster research." It makes it sound like there's, I dunno, some sort of legitimate scholarly program out there you can consult on the matter. "And what do you do, sir?" "Monster research. My thesis was on wolfmen, you know.")

Keep Rat

#16, RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff
Posted by mdg1 on Jun-28-13 at 12:37 PM
In response to message #15
For perhaps obvious reasons, I like to think his first name is Herman...

#23, RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff
Posted by Mephron on Jun-28-13 at 03:29 PM
In response to message #16
That's one of his cousins, works in a mortuary on Kane's World. Nice guy, if not too bright. His wife's got all the brains in THAT relationship.

Geoff Depew - Darth Mephron
Haberdasher to Androids, Dark Lord of Sith Tech Support.
"And Remember! Google is your Friend!!"

#25, RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff
Posted by mdg1 on Jun-28-13 at 04:09 PM
In response to message #23
I thought her dad did (in a jar, in the cupboard).

#29, RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff
Posted by DaPatman89 on Jul-03-13 at 07:20 PM
In response to message #25
Great. Now I can't shake the idea that the Frankensteins are like Discworld's Igors.

Note: Not 100% certain this is necessarily a bad thing.

#17, RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff
Posted by BobSchroeck on Jun-28-13 at 12:50 PM
In response to message #15
>It's not, actually. Frankenstein's monster doesn't have a truly
>canonical name, but at one point during the novel he refers to himself
>while speaking to Dr. Frankenstein as "the Adam of your creation."

Ah. No doubt that's what I'm recalling. I can count the time since I last read Frankenstein in decades, so that's my excuse for the error. <grin>

-- Bob
My race is pacifist and does not believe in war. We kill only out of personal spite.

#7, RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff
Posted by Nathan on Jun-28-13 at 02:20 AM
In response to message #0
>Chief Librarian and Archivist

>One of the three Gorgons of Greek myth (and the only one known still
>to be alive today), Euryale manages the BPRD's vast stockpile of
>strange, forbidden, and occasionally just useful information, from the
>Scrolls of Mu to the great databases of the Equations of the Knights
>of Radnak. If a BPRD agent needs information contained in a moldering
>scroll, a dusty tome, an archaic data solid, or the hard-light
>labyrinth of the Crystals of Zin, they must enter Eury's domain to get
>it. She has an encyclopedic knowledge of where everything in her
>library is and what one might hope to find there, and she's very
>particular about things being put back where they belong. Woe to the
>agent who disrespects the Library. Eury doesn't wear those glasses
>because she likes rocking the Sexy Librarian look (although she does);
>she wears them to stop her eldritch gaze turning everyone who comes
>into the Library to stone.

...I wonder, is Eury a Fate/Stay Night reference, an original, or drawn from a source I don't recognize?


"V, did you do something foolish?"

"Yes, and it was glorious."

#8, RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff
Posted by Gryphon on Jun-28-13 at 02:24 AM
In response to message #7
>...I wonder, is Eury a Fate/Stay Night reference, an original, or
>drawn from a source I don't recognize?

... uh, well, she's a reference to Greek mythology, but apart from that, I got nothin' for you. (Except I think I did see a drawing of Medusa rockin' the sexy librarian glasses one time on the interwebs. That probably informed Eury's design as much as anything. You can tell them apart easily, though. Eury's the skinny one with the red snakes. :)

Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/
zgryphon at that email service Google has
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

#14, RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff
Posted by BobSchroeck on Jun-28-13 at 09:16 AM
In response to message #8
> (Except I think I did see a drawing of
>Medusa rockin' the sexy librarian glasses one time on the interwebs.
>That probably informed Eury's design as much as anything. You can
>tell them apart easily, though. Eury's the skinny one with the red
>snakes. :)

And I can just imagine them being rather annoyed at being put up in a bun, which they express by biting the hairsticks every chance they get...

-- Bob
My race is pacifist and does not believe in war. We kill only out of personal spite.

#19, RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff
Posted by BZArcher on Jun-28-13 at 01:40 PM
In response to message #14
There's a fantastic scene in Discount Armageddon, by Seanan McGuire, where one of her Gorgon characters with that exact problem realizes she can make a more comfortable disguise for her snakes by putting them inside a hollowed out beehive wig. :)

#24, RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff
Posted by Pasha on Jun-28-13 at 03:31 PM
In response to message #19
>There's a fantastic scene in Discount Armageddon, by Seanan McGuire,
>where one of her Gorgon characters with that exact problem realizes
>she can make a more comfortable disguise for her snakes by putting
>them inside a hollowed out beehive wig. :)

"Oh, they're just hungry."


#27, RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff
Posted by The Traitor on Jun-28-13 at 06:55 PM
In response to message #19
Of course, you then lose out on a major surprise attack in a SERE scenario; hiding vibroshivs and lockpicks in the hairsticks and teaching the snakes how to use them. Also good for annoying coworkers by training them to steal ham sandwiches from their lunch trays.

"Yeah, I'm definitely going to hell/But I'll have all the best stories to tell" -- Frank Turner, The Ballad of Me and My Friends

"Hey, Eury, didja get a perm?" "No. They got into the Chief's Starbucks. Again."

#20, RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff
Posted by Nathan on Jun-28-13 at 01:42 PM
In response to message #8
LAST EDITED ON Jun-28-13 AT 01:44 PM (EDT)
>... uh, well, she's a reference to Greek mythology, but apart from
>that, I got nothin' for you. (Except I think I did see a drawing of
>Medusa rockin' the sexy librarian glasses one time on the interwebs.
>That probably informed Eury's design as much as anything. You can
>tell them apart easily, though. Eury's the skinny one with the red
>snakes. :)

I did kind of figure that the Management hadn't gotten into FSN, given the absence of hints of other characters therefrom, but that version of Medusa is very Sexy Librarian when she's in civvy mode, so I felt like I had to ask.

Edit: Mrrrrgh. Cannot has inlined link to image? Silly forum. Let's try just adding it below, instead.


"V, did you do something foolish?"

"Yes, and it was glorious."

#22, RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff
Posted by Gryphon on Jun-28-13 at 02:34 PM
In response to message #20
>Edit: Mrrrrgh. Cannot has inlined link to image?

Well, you can, but you have to trick DCF into ignoring it by attaching a fake CGI call to the end ("?x" or the like after the filename extension). Otherwise it'll spot the ".jpg" (or whatever) and automatically inline the image instead of obeying the "link:" tag.

[link:i31.photobucket.com/albums/c386/valles_uf/f4b61a771dc7516ba670547507e187b8.jpg?x|Like this.]

(There's another trick to get it to display that instead of interpreting it - there are special amper symbols to make shown square brackets instead of delimiting markup with them.)

See, this is one of the several reasons why I've never seriously looked into replacing this crocky old forum. You keep something around for 12 years, you learn some of its tricks... :)

Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/
zgryphon at that email service Google has
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

#26, RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff
Posted by jonathanlennox on Jun-28-13 at 05:17 PM
In response to message #0
>Chief Parascience Officer

So is she rocking a conical hairdo with white lightning stripes on the sides?

#28, RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff
Posted by Peter Eng on Jun-29-13 at 03:12 AM
In response to message #26
>>Vivienne FRANKENSTEIN, Ph.D.
>>Chief Parascience Officer

>So is she rocking a conical hairdo with white lightning stripes on the

Probably not - this is UF, where canon hairdos can be ignored on the grounds of being goofy-looking, and if that isn't a goofy 'do, I don't know what is.

Peter Eng
Insert humorous comment here.

#30, RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff
Posted by Gryphon on Jul-03-13 at 07:25 PM
In response to message #26
>>Vivienne FRANKENSTEIN, Ph.D.
>>Chief Parascience Officer

>So is she rocking a conical hairdo with white lightning stripes on the

Only on very special occasions.

["Uh-oh. Must be their anniversary. Viv's rockin' the mad science beehive."
Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/
zgryphon at that email service Google has
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.