#0, Brandenburger Zeitung, June 27, 1946
Posted by Gryphon on Nov-26-17 at 01:15 AM
LAST EDITED ON Feb-23-21 AT 04:18 PM (EST)
Brandenburger Zeitung Early Edition, 27.6.1946 Full Text of His Majesty the Kaiser's Address Delivered to the Reichstag Last EveningFriends, fellow Karlsländer. I come before you today to break with one of my oldest and most cherished principles. I have long believed, and found in practice to be true, that it is best if I limit the shocks experienced by my people to no more than one per week; but events have overtaken us. In a struggle for national survival, there must inevitably come times when principle must bow to stark necessity. Therefore, I must beg your indulgence, and trust in your resilience, as I issue the following proclamations. First, on the subject of witches. Karlsland has depended heavily upon these women for its survival, and its place in the world, from the very beginning; indeed, since well before the beginning of the Reich as a modern, unified nation. The royal courts of Prussia, of Bavaria, of Baden and Württemberg; the Hanseatic League; the medieval Sacred Roman Confederation; even the Karlslandic tribes of antiquity—all looked to witches as both their shield and their sword in times of crisis, with which, as any student of history knows, the long annals of humanity have never been ill-furnished. More recently, within the lifetimes of most adult Karlsländer, there have been two separate occasions upon which, without witches, we would all have perished. One of those occasions is still going on as I speak to you today. And yet, here in the very crucible of Western civilization—a city raised in large part by witches, its population preserved to inhabit it by them, at the cost of many of their lives—we, who congratulate ourselves on being the most modern and enlightened people on Earth, go blithely on failing, as our ancestors failed, to treat them with the respect they deserve. No longer. I hereby proclaim that henceforth, within all the territories and domains over which I am by the favor of the ancestors sovereign, witches—past, present, and potential—shall be accorded the same status, the same rights and privileges, as any man of Karlsland. (Ed. note Pause for furore.) As an aside, for those of you in the press who are already sharpening your pens to accuse Frau von Preußen of planting this idea in my head, I should note that when she arrives in Gallia and learns of this development, Hannelore's automatic response is almost certain to be "Oh Fritzchen, you fool." (Ed. note Pause for laughter.) And perhaps she is right. She usually is! But this had to be done. It has been left undone far too long. Second, and pursuant to the above: the matter of the succession. As many of you are no doubt very fretfully aware, I shall not be siring children of my own, and my elder brothers and their sons have all managed to find some way or another of rendering themselves unsuitable, with a diligence that I must say does them credit as sons of Prussia. (Ed. note Pause for laughter.) For that purpose, the matter of who succeeds me has been much on the public mind, and the public tongue, of late; but the new Witch Law provides for a solution. My niece, Captain Eugenie Prinzessin von Preußen, is a fighting witch of the Reichsmarine: a brave sailor who is even now at the helm of her ship, the battle cruiser that shares her name, steaming back into the war from a recent refit. She is, by any measure, the pride of the House of Hohenzollern. I hereby decree that, with any luck many years hence, when her proud uncle is no more, she shall inherit his throne; and may Kaiserin Eugenie reign over a long and peaceful era of Karlsland's greatness. (Ed. note Pause for furore.) The third and final matter I must take up with you today concerns the conduct of the war. Many of you will know that, in all the long history of human conflict with the entities known as the Neuroi, no one has ever made meaningful contact with any individual of that inscrutable race of beings. Few attempts have been made, and all of them have been well-documented failures, not to say débâcles. My third and final shock for my people today, which I hope will prove a pleasant one, is that this is no longer the case. Operational necessity forbids me to offer specific details, but I can report to you today that Allied combat witches in Europe recently made contact with a Neuroi defector—the first of its kind ever known, so far as I am aware. (Ed. note Pause for extended furore.) Communications between ourselves and this defector are as yet far from perfect, so we do not know the precise reasons why, but it is indisputable fact that this individual has joined forces with our witches and taken up arms against the invaders, at considerable risk to itself and to the enemy's considerable cost. Given the well-known superiority of Neuroi weapons to our own, the military utility of such an asset should be readily apparent. I am all too aware that previous attempts by Allied forces to harness the enemy's technology have ended in disaster, to such a degree that further experimentation along those lines has been very strictly circumscribed by the Alliance Military Council. My General Staff and I have agreed, and continue to agree, with this wise and prudent policy. However, it is my judgment that this development represents an entirely new direction in the Allied Powers' ongoing efforts to better understand, and thus better combat, this hitherto-inscrutable foe. A new direction, and a far greater opportunity. We have here the first real communication ever achieved between human beings and any representative of our alien enemies; and although that communication is still imperfect, it represents our first and perhaps only chance to achieve any understanding whatsoever with these mysterious beings. In order to best further this opportunity, I have authorized all personnel of whom I am commander-in-chief to welcome our new friend as a comrade-in-arms. His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Fusō has issued concurrent instructions to his own forces, and we have jointly submitted a formal request to the Alliance Military Council that all other forces within the Grand Alliance do likewise. (Ed. note Pause for extended furore.) Understand that His Imperial Majesty and I have not taken this decision lightly. We understand the risks; we understand also the deep historical scars that will surely make this act an unpopular one in some circles. But we feel the burden of posterity as well as history, and we believe the potential benefits of such an alliance, however unusual, far outweigh all other considerations. For one of the Neuroi merely to cease attacking humanity is without precedent; to offer humankind a hand in friendship is almost beyond imagining. And yet it has happened. A lesser nation might spurn that hand, or even strike out against its owner, motivated either by crippling fear of the unknown or spite for all that we have endured at the hands of our new friend's fellows. However, my conviction is unshakable, as is my faith that you, my friends, will agree: Karlsland is no such nation. (Ed. note Pause for furore, rapidly giving way to sustained applause.) As with the treatment of witches—as with the imperial succession—we Karlsländer will seize our moment, rise above the ancient fears and prejudices, and show all the world the way to a better, brighter, fairer future. With the steadfast courage and sincere friendship of all our Allies—human and otherwise!—we shall prevail! Long live the Reich! Long live the Alliance! Long live victory! (Ed. note Pause for very sustained applause and cheering.) Thank you, friends; thank you and good day.
#1, RE: Brandenburger Zeitung, June 27, 1946
Posted by NHO on Nov-26-17 at 02:12 AM
In response to message #0
Shipgirl as a heir to the trone. Of course. You magnificent bastard!Also, does this mean that update is in the works?
#2, RE: Brandenburger Zeitung, June 27, 1946
Posted by Gryphon on Nov-26-17 at 02:23 AM
In response to message #1
>Shipgirl as a heir to the trone. Of course. You magnificent bastard! > >Also, does this mean that update is in the works? I sure hope so. It's been quite a dry spell. I'm hopeful that I've finally started pushing past it... we shall see. --G. -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ zgryphon at that email service Google has Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.
#3, RE: Brandenburger Zeitung, June 27, 1946
Posted by Proginoskes on Nov-26-17 at 02:34 AM
In response to message #0
Is this an appropriate situation for the phrase "Hals und Beinbruch!"? I want to say that it is, but then I don't speak the language. Best of luck with the writing and I hope it goes well, in any case.
#4, RE: Brandenburger Zeitung, June 27, 1946
Posted by Gryphon on Nov-26-17 at 02:57 AM
In response to message #3
>Is this an appropriate situation for the phrase "Hals und Beinbruch!"? >I want to say that it is, but then I don't speak the language. Best of >luck with the writing and I hope it goes well, in any case. I'm told a German would say that where an English-speaker would say "break a leg"—when you want to wish someone good luck, but it's bad juju to actually say "good luck". So... maybe? It's a judgment call. :) Either way, thanks. --G. -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ zgryphon at that email service Google has Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.
#9, RE: Brandenburger Zeitung, June 27, 1946
Posted by MoonEyes on Nov-26-17 at 06:02 PM
In response to message #4
>I'm told a German would say that where an English-speaker would say >"break a leg"—when you want to wish someone good luck, but it's >bad juju to actually say "good luck". So... maybe? It's a judgment >call. :) That is in fact exactly right. It even MEANS that, and more. "Neck- and leg-break". Not only "break a leg" but your neck as well. ...! Stoke Mandeville, Esq & The Victorian Ballsmiths "Nobody Want Verdigris-Covered Balls!"
#5, RE: Brandenburger Zeitung, June 27, 1946
Posted by jhosmer1 on Nov-26-17 at 09:57 AM
In response to message #0
LAST EDITED ON Nov-26-17 AT 10:00 AM (EST) Has Fritzhchen given ALL women equal rights (he says “potential witches”) or is he still keeping normal women as second-class citizens? If he has not, I am a little disappointed.Still, by announcing Neuroi-chan last, he made sure his first two points looked eminently reasonable even to conservative Karlslanders ;) I hope the dry spell is past. I keep going back to listening to the OWAW audio while walking or doing lawn work. I even started a Strike Witches/KanColle/Girls und Panzer fic for NaNoWriMo and had to keep reminding myself “No, that’s Gryphon’s canon, not the shows” Not surprisingly, the GuP cast make excellent Tank Witches
#6, RE: Brandenburger Zeitung, June 27, 1946
Posted by Gryphon on Nov-26-17 at 10:14 AM
In response to message #5
LAST EDITED ON Nov-26-17 AT 10:19 AM (EST) >Has Fritzhchen given ALL women equal rights (he says “potential >witches”) or is he still keeping normal women as second-class >citizens? If he has not, I am a little disappointed. He has in fact hedged the shit out of that very point with this wording, because he knows that going all the way there in one moment would have derailed the rest of his speech. He also knows that once the dust settles there will be an almighty kerfuffle in the Reichstag over the actual legislative implementation of that decree. They will eventually have to come to him for clarification, and then he can make that part happen when he's not speaking on national radio. Calmly. Coolly. Entirely without incident. "It seems to me that any woman might be, or have been, a witch, Herr Chancellor. Surely that distinction is for Providence to make, not we poor men." (In practice, the difference will probably be that non-witches will have to wait for majority to exercise most of their rights, just as men do. Which will probably cause its own problems, but every society would have to grapple with the inherent inequality in a situation where some people have literal superpowers and some don't.) >Still, by announcing Neuroi-chan last, he made sure his first two >points looked eminently reasonable even to conservative Karlslanders Yep. This ain't Fritz's first rodeo. ;) --G. -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ zgryphon at that email service Google has Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.
#7, RE: Brandenburger Zeitung, June 27, 1946
Posted by Star Ranger4 on Nov-26-17 at 05:02 PM
In response to message #6
>He has in fact hedged the shit out of that very point with this >wording, because he knows that going all the way there in one moment >would have derailed the rest of his speechHuh. And here I thought Women's right to citizenship would have been settled (in their favor, no less) after the first Neurotic war!
#8, RE: Brandenburger Zeitung, June 27, 1946
Posted by Gryphon on Nov-26-17 at 05:19 PM
In response to message #7
LAST EDITED ON Nov-26-17 AT 05:19 PM (EST) >Huh. And here I thought Women's right to citizenship would have been >settled (in their favor, no less) after the first Neurotic war! Oh, they're citizens in most of the world by 1946, certainly. In some countries, even legally equal citizens, at least in principle. Principle and practice can be pretty far apart, though, and there's still a lot of cultural background noise in a lot of the more inherently conservative societies (of which Karlsland's, even—perhaps especially—after the turmoil of the Evacuation, must fairly be counted). In a sense, what Fritz is doing there isn't mandating full equality so much as admitting witches to the patriarchal privilege club. To 21st-century liberal sensibilities, this could be read as a weird half-measure at best and a patronizing farce at worst, but in his time and place it's radical as hell—and keep in mind, that was just the introductory proclamation, made in the context of a war-crisis speech to the Reichstag (and the Karlsland public, and the world beyond, by conscious extension). It's not the endgame of what he's up to there; only the opening move. It'll take years, until (with any luck) well after the end of the war, for the full ramifications of that address to play out, not only in Karlsland, but around the world. And I didn't even get to how Hirohito will be burying the lede when he makes his similar announcement in re Neuroi contact to his nation. :) --G. (also, IJLS "the first Neurotic war") -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ zgryphon at that email service Google has Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.
#10, RE: Brandenburger Zeitung, June 27, 1946
Posted by MoonEyes on Feb-19-18 at 03:24 PM
In response to message #6
Belatedly, I am much looking forward to when the "All women can be witches and so are equal." Because we know VERY well that anything that is mean to be done>Calmly. Coolly. Entirely without incident. never EVER is. ...! Stoke Mandeville, Esq & The Victorian Ballsmiths "Nobody Want Verdigris-Covered Balls!"
#11, RE: Brandenburger Zeitung, June 27, 1946
Posted by Gryphon on Feb-19-18 at 08:50 PM
In response to message #10
>Because we know VERY well that anything >that is mean to be done > >>Calmly. Coolly. Entirely without incident. > >never EVER is.Yep. That's the joke.... --G. -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ zgryphon at that email service Google has Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.
#12, RE: Brandenburger Zeitung, June 27, 1946
Posted by MoonEyes on Feb-20-18 at 08:00 AM
In response to message #11
>That's the joke.... Yes, that is indeed what I just realized, and why I am looking forward to it. Though, I have to say that I don't QUITE see Emperor Karl Franz jumping up and shooting the shit out of all and sundry... ...! Stoke Mandeville, Esq & The Victorian Ballsmiths "Nobody Want Verdigris-Covered Balls!"
#13, RE: Brandenburger Zeitung, June 27, 1946
Posted by Star Ranger4 on Feb-20-18 at 01:03 PM
In response to message #12
> >>That's the joke.... > >Yes, that is indeed what I just realized, and why I am looking forward >to it. Though, I have to say that I don't QUITE see Emperor Karl Franz >jumping up and shooting the shit out of all and sundry... > Heh. I'm trying to decide if "Hellbringer" Depew would look at that clip and say Hmm... Psalm of (x) or take notes, or scoff at him as being an amature.I will, however, say the 'sleeve shot' reminds me strongly of his holster Droids.
#14, RE: Brandenburger Zeitung, June 27, 1946
Posted by Gryphon on Feb-20-18 at 01:22 PM
In response to message #13
>Heh. I'm trying to decide if "Hellbringer" Depew would look at that >clip and say Hmm... Psalm of (x) or take notes, or scoff at him as >being an amature. > >I will, however, say the 'sleeve shot' reminds me strongly of his >holster Droids. Well, I mean, that's hardly coincidental. The Clerics of the Order of St. Ignatius in UF are based (in terms of their dress sense and fighting style, though obviously not their background or their organization's function) on the Clerics from Equilibrium, after all. The UF version of Brother Preston there is one of the senior members, and either he or Brother Partridge (Sean Bean's character from the movie) will have taught Geoff much of what he knows of the gun kata. --G. -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ zgryphon at that email service Google has Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.
#15, RE: Brandenburger Zeitung, June 27, 1946
Posted by The Traitor on Feb-24-18 at 05:29 PM
In response to message #14
Y'know, now I've got the image in my head of McCree from Overwatch being part of the Order of St. Ignatius, which is probably the only way to make him more dangerous.--- "She's old, she's lame, she's barren too, // "She's not worth feed or hay, // "But I'll give her this," - he blew smoke at me - // "She was something in her day." -- Garnet Rogers, Small Victory FiMFiction.net: we might accept blatant porn involving the cast of My Little Pony but as God is my witness we have standards. I main Pharah and I am sick to death of getting High Nooned out of the bloody air
#16, RE: Brandenburger Zeitung, June 27, 1946
Posted by Gryphon on Feb-25-18 at 01:32 AM
In response to message #15
>I main Pharah and I am sick to death of getting High >Nooned out of the bloody air I am told that when Matt Mercer plays Overwatch, he sometimes gets on the in-game chat and says "it's high noon" in his McCree voice when he is not playing McCree, just to fuck with people. That, now, that is quality trolling. :) --G. -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ zgryphon at that email service Google has Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.
#17, RE: Brandenburger Zeitung, June 27, 1946
Posted by BLUE on Feb-26-18 at 09:11 AM
In response to message #16
>>I main Pharah and I am sick to death of getting High >>Nooned out of the bloody air > >I am told that when Matt Mercer plays Overwatch, he sometimes >gets on the in-game chat and says "it's high noon" in his McCree voice >when he is not playing McCree, just to fuck with people. > >That, now, that is quality trolling. :) > Being casually acquainted with Mercer (I work enough cons that he recognizes me), I can confirm that he is exactly that kind of troll.
#18, RE: Brandenburger Zeitung, June 27, 1946
Posted by McFortner on Feb-26-18 at 05:19 PM
In response to message #16
Those are the three scariest words spoken in the game. The four scariest are "Fire in the hole!" Michael C. Fortner "Maxim 37: There is no such thing as "overkill". There is only "open fire" and "I need to reload".
#19, RE: Brandenburger Zeitung, June 27, 1946
Posted by Gryphon on Jun-02-18 at 00:17 AM
In response to message #18
>Those are the three scariest words spoken in the game. > >The four scariest are "Fire in the hole!" I read a story once in which the latter was someone's answer to the question, "Any last words?" - which is so brilliant I wish I'd thought of it, and will almost certainly steal it sometime. :) --G. -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ zgryphon at that email service Google has Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.
#20, RE: Brandenburger Zeitung, June 27, 1946
Posted by NHO on Dec-26-18 at 08:18 AM
In response to message #0
On the topic of public announcements:Modern Witch, somewhat special edition: Strike Witch of the Future On the cover: Mio Sakamoto, visibly in her twenties, in jet Strikers, with lightning rifle in hands. Three interesting features inside: story of the jet engine/strikers, very bare-boned but full of exclamation marks story of Tesla's lightning rifle, and, in the middle of secondary articles, introductory article about the Force, part one of four. Very constrained furore in very limited circles, but way to preserve and spread good word of more magic.
#21, RE: Brandenburger Zeitung, June 27, 1946
Posted by Proginoskes on Feb-23-21 at 06:32 PM
In response to message #0
Not seeing what got changed, but it was very nice to reread this.
#22, RE: Brandenburger Zeitung, June 27, 1946
Posted by Gryphon on Feb-23-21 at 06:47 PM
In response to message #21
>Not seeing what got changed, but it was very nice to reread this. I dug it up to link it in the GG3/III teaser thread, and when I did, I discovered that although the subject line was correct, within the article itself, it was dated "1943" this whole time. --G. -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ zgryphon at that email service Google has Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.
#23, RE: Brandenburger Zeitung, June 27, 1946
Posted by Zemyla on Feb-23-21 at 07:26 PM
In response to message #22
>>Not seeing what got changed, but it was very nice to reread this. > >I dug it up to link it in the GG3/III teaser thread, and when I did, I >discovered that although the subject line was correct, within the >article itself, it was dated "1943" this whole time. I blame Tracer. She backtimed the announcement so she could marry Emily early.