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Apr-08-12, 10:11 AM (EDT)
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"BPGD: Team Deadpool"
   Babylon Project Galactic Database
Text Data Extraction Search: Weapon Zero Special Teams

Team Deadpool

For years now, the former GI Joe operative and Salusian Public Security officer codenamed Deadpool has run his own little operation on the side. Ostensibly a soldier of fortune selling his considerable tactical skills to the highest bidder, he's really been working as a roaming troubleshooter for the International Police Organization's secret deniable-operations branch, Special Assignment 0 (codename Weapon Zero). Originally operating alone, he has accumulated a small team of like-minded (that is to say, a bit daft) individuals over the course of his career as a fake rogue galactic security agent. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you don't mind having some cleanup to do when the dust settles, maybe you can hire... Team Deadpool.


Name: Wade Wilson
Species: Human
Age: 301
Homeworld: Earth

A veteran of the United Earth Defense Force's 22nd-century special mission team, GI Joe, Wade Wilson received extensive training and experience in small arms, hand-to-hand combat, irregular warfare, and demolitions during his career with the UEDF, as well as the ability to regenerate near-instantly from more or less any injury. Unfortunately, that same ability left his body hideously scarred and his mind not entirely stable. Though at least 50% of his crazy-ninja riff is a schtick, that still leaves around half of it that isn't. Deadpool's unpredictability and capacity for lateral thinking (one might almost say incapacity for linear thinking) are his greatest assets, but they do make him difficult to deal with during downtime, a problem he addresses by not having any if he can help it.

As a result, he sometimes seems to be everywhere, undertaking Howling Brigade missions on one side of the galaxy while shadowrunning with his own team on the other and maybe teaming up with his brother, Slade "Snake Eyes" Wilson, to take down a cartel of BTL simstim smugglers for MPS Section 9 somewhere in the middle. The key to this galaxy-hopping ability, besides Deadpool's seemingly limitless fund of manic energy, is an overtechnological device of unknown origin which can open interstellar teleportation portals - energy constructs similar in function to IPO Stargates, but not dependent on fixed material installations. These subetheric tunnels are nicknamed "boom tubes" owing to the extreme unsubtlety with which they manifest, in which (it almost goes without saying) Deadpool takes great glee.

The device responsible is an unremarkable-looking object about the size of a book, which Deadpool always carries somewhere on his person. It appears to be functionally indestructible and, in anyone else's hands, completely inert, leading some to speculate that it's just a prop and he's making the gateways himself. He refers to this gadget as "Clarice" and insists that it is a) alive b) female and c) in love with him.

Besides Clarice, Deadpool owns a huge collection of weapons, quite a few of which (always including at least one of his signature brace of terminium ninja swords) he carries with him at all times, along with a standard IPO jumpline launcher and what he describes offhandedly as "all the usual urban ninja crap." His uniform incorporates no armor (he claims that it chafes), but does include several devices designed to prevent him from being unmasked, including an electroshock interdictor, automatic gas sprayers, and - I swear I'm not making this up - another mask.

Red Hood
(fmly. Redpool)

Name: Jason Todd
Species: Human
Age: 40
Homeworld: Kane's World

Jason Todd was (from 2384 to 2386) Robin to the third Batman, Dick Grayson (active 2375-2386). When Grayson was forced into retirement by injuries, Todd resented being expected to hang up his gear as well. While attempting (with... mixed results) to carry on as Robin on his own, he encountered Deadpool when a mission brought the latter to New Gotham. Finding Deadpool's style much to his liking, he left Kane's World not as Robin, but as Deadpool's new partner, initially (not much to his liking) codenamed Redpool. Not until three years later would he finally manage to get his new mentor to call him by his preferred handle, Red Hood - a street name once used by one of New Gotham's most infamous criminals, adopted to thumb his nose at the Bat-organization that he felt had spurned him.

Having been trained by both Batman and Deadpool, the Red Hood is an extremely able combatant at any distance. Slightly less mad and considerably less manic than Deadpool, he may - if it's possible - be even more ruthless, though he does have a (gruffly concealed) soft spot for the underdog and a penchant for cheerfully hurling himself headlong into hopeless causes. Having made peace of sorts with the current Batman, he's lately taken to wearing the Team Batman crest on his battle togs sometimes - an association which, to his slightly malicious delight, has caused him to be tagged with the nickname "Gunbat" by the strangely sizeable Team Deadpool fandom that inexplicably exists on New Japan.

The Red Hood does not have superpowers, although Deadpool insists that he's "workin' on it." What he does have is a strength- and durability-boosting "techsuit" similar to those worn by the current Batman and his crew; a collection of weapons, gadgets, dirty tricks, and party favors that makes even his partner's arsenal look a bit minimalist; a keenly honed tactical mind; and a much greater eye for the long game than his full-speed-ahead approach to combat would initially suggest. Deadpool himself has acknowledged Jason as the strategic brains of the operation.


Name: Rose Wilson
Species: Human
Age: 17
Homeworld: Cathay

If you asked Rose Wilson, she would tell you that she's had the happiest childhood in the history of childhood - one in which she's wanted for nothing, she's been surrounded all her life by the support and affection of a doting father and a favorite uncle, and every day is Take Your Daughter to Work Day. On the other hand, the father and "uncle" are Deadpool and the Red Hood, and "work" mainly consists of shootouts with Big Fire, the World Crime League, and what have you, so any normally accredited child psychologist would tell you that she's been abused constantly since the day after she was born and is consequently out of her goddamned mind.

Fortunately, Rose has never been in a position to have that view of the matter put to her. Assuming she didn't simply find it bafflingly nonsensical, she would probably take mortal offense. (Given her training and general disposition, "mortal" may be meant more literally in this context than is generally the case.) In fact, she's surprisingly well-adjusted for someone who has literally spent her entire life as a member of an irregular strike team, and she's extremely comfortable in the skin that upbringing has left her in. Besides, everything's relative, and if she'd been left with her mother she'd be a lot worse off.

As you would expect of someone raised by crazy outer space commandos, Rose Wilson is an expert markswoman and hand-to-hand combatant. She's picked up some of her Uncle Jay's strategic smarts and most of her father's epic disregard for his own safety, making her a smart fighter able to (in her phrase) "go non-linear" when plans fall apart. In action she wears a suit of light tech armor similar to the 66th Einherjar Legion's lorica squamata and, though expert with firearms, prefers the personal touch of fighting with swords, truncheons, or shock batons.

Rose inherited a slightly reduced version of her father's healing factor, and she also possesses a genetic abnormality that gives her a slight metapsionic precognitive ability. Her left eye can see two seconds into the future, which is handy, but also means she lacks normal stereoscopic vision - looking at something with both eyes at once is extremely disorienting. To compensate for this, her mask incorporates an optic projection array with a neurally controlled selective cutoff.

Present disposition: Team Deadpool is not presently active, but - in keeping with the team's fluid style - can be reconstituted on very short notice should the need arise. In the meantime, its members operate individually or in pairs according to the dictates of circumstance and whim.

N.B. After encountering the Titans during a job in New Avalon last year, Ravager decided to stay on with them for a while, spread her metaphorical wings a bit, and see what life is like without her usual support structure. She's had to make some adjustments to her approach - the Titans are not known for their body counts - but she seems to be taking it as a kind of personal challenge. She needs a better codename, admittedly, but according to Red Robin, that's a work in progress. (According to Rosie, Tim is her current work in progress, but that's a whole 'nother file. -V-)

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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
  RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool mdg1 Apr-08-12 1
  RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool Polychrome Apr-08-12 2
  RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool Pasha Apr-08-12 3
     RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool Gryphonadmin Apr-09-12 7
         RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool Pasha Apr-09-12 8
             RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool Gryphonadmin Apr-09-12 10
  RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool The Traitor Apr-09-12 4
  RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool BZArcher Apr-09-12 5
     RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool Gryphonadmin Apr-09-12 6
         RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool ebony14 Apr-09-12 9
             RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool Gryphonadmin Apr-09-12 11
                 RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool Peter Eng Apr-09-12 12
                     RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool BlackAeronaut Apr-10-12 13
                         RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool Gryphonadmin Apr-10-12 14
                             RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool BlackAeronaut Apr-12-12 15
                                 RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool Gryphonadmin Apr-12-12 16
                                     RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool The Traitor Apr-12-12 17
                                         RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool ebony14 Apr-12-12 18
                                             RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool mdg1 Apr-12-12 19
                                             RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool BlackAeronaut Apr-13-12 20
                                             RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool Gryphonadmin Apr-13-12 21

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Member since Aug-25-04
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Apr-08-12, 12:57 PM (EDT)
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1. "RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool"
In response to message #0
   You gave Deadpool a MOTHER BOX?!?

By the sheerest coincidence, I was reading the Simone Deadpool run this morning (including the oft-ignored Agent X run). So I had a completely different expectation for Team Deadpool. But this is good too. :)


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Charter Member
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Apr-08-12, 03:04 PM (EDT)
Click to EMail Polychrome Click to send private message to Polychrome Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
2. "RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool"
In response to message #0
   Aw, no Bob, Agent of Hydra?


"My power is cowardice!"

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Charter Member
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Apr-08-12, 08:32 PM (EDT)
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3. "RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool"
In response to message #0
   LAST EDITED ON Apr-09-12 AT 04:12 AM (EDT)
>If you asked Rose Wilson, she would tell you that she's had the
>happiest childhood in the history of childhood - one in which she's
>wanted for nothing, she's been surrounded all her life by the support
>and affection of a doting father and a favorite uncle, and
>every day is Take Your Daughter to Work Day. On the other
>hand, the father and "uncle" are Deadpool and the Red Hood, and "work"
>mainly consists of shootouts with Big Fire, the World Crime League,
>and what have you, so any normally accredited child psychologist would
>tell you that she's been abused constantly since the day after she was
>born and is consequently out of her goddamned mind.

Somehow, I see Rose and Boba getting together over beers after a firefight (with each other, 3rd party mooks, or both) and laughing themselves silly about the things the social workers said about their upbringings.


Holy crap, I just realized that you did a thing that I didn't realize, which was to make Rose DEADPOOL!!?!'s kid, not Slade's. On first reading, I thought it was him that was the Uncle, not the father. That's, umm..errr...hunh?

-Pasha ("No, wait..get this...she says, she actually SAYS, 'You can't teach a child to count with different sized pistol magazines! HAHAHAHA, oh, it kills me.")
What was that feeling again?
Oh yes.

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Charter Member
11089 posts
Apr-09-12, 09:45 AM (EDT)
Click to EMail Gryphon Click to send private message to Gryphon Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
7. "RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool"
In response to message #3
   >Holy crap, I just realized that you did a thing that I didn't realize,
>which was to make Rose DEADPOOL!!?!'s kid, not Slade's.

Oh, hell, Snake doesn't have kids, he's too busy being all one-with-the-night and shit.

OK, it wasn't entirely Wade's idea either, but... well, that's another file.

Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/
zgryphon at that email service Google has
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

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Charter Member
639 posts
Apr-09-12, 10:00 AM (EDT)
Click to EMail Pasha Click to send private message to Pasha Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list Click to send message via ICQ  
8. "RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool"
In response to message #7
   >>Holy crap, I just realized that you did a thing that I didn't realize,
>>which was to make Rose DEADPOOL!!?!'s kid, not Slade's.
>Oh, hell, Snake doesn't have kids, he's too busy being all
>one-with-the-night and shit.
>OK, it wasn't entirely Wade's idea either, but... well, that's another

No, I meant Slade, not Snake. As in her canonical father being a third Wilson Broth..hang on a sec...I just looked at the GI Joe BPGD file, and I somehow managed to miss that Snake Eyes and Deathstroke are (in UF) the SAME DAMNED PERSON.

I can't decide if that's bitch'n awesome or just really fucking cool.

What was that feeling again?
Oh yes.

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Charter Member
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Apr-09-12, 02:24 PM (EDT)
Click to EMail Gryphon Click to send private message to Gryphon Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
10. "RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool"
In response to message #8
   >No, I meant Slade, not Snake. As in her canonical father being a
>third Wilson Broth..hang on a sec...I just looked at the GI Joe BPGD
>file, and I somehow managed to miss that Snake Eyes and Deathstroke
>are (in UF) the SAME DAMNED PERSON.

Well, sort of. There's actually a different character kicking around who's as close as the UF universe gets to Deathstroke the Overrated. He's been mentioned a couple of times but not directly seen so far - Colonel Virgil Slade, the commander of the renegade mercenary outfit known as the Sky Raiders. (In UF, he's a mixture of Slade from the Teen Titans cartoon, who's pretty obviously supposed to be Deathstroke, and Col. Duray of the Sky Raiders from City of Heroes.)

That Snake is a) Deadpool's brother and b) named Slade Wilson is more of an injoke than an actual reference. He isn't supposed to be Deathstroke. I actually did that to make Deathstroke not exist in the UF universe, long before I thought of the Sky Raiders thing. :)

Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/
zgryphon at that email service Google has
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

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The Traitor
Member since Feb-24-09
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Apr-09-12, 02:12 AM (EDT)
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4. "RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool"
In response to message #0
   >BTL simstim smugglers

And now I have the image of Deadpool slumming it around the universe aboard Red Dwarf. Everything is beautiful and nothing hurts.

"Yeah, I'm definitely going to hell/But I'll have all the best stories to tell" -- Frank Turner, The Ballad of Me and My Friends

"Red spandex? RED SPANDEX? I don't feel so good..."

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Member since Nov-8-05
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Apr-09-12, 07:32 AM (EDT)
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5. "RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool"
In response to message #0
   (According to Rosie, Tim is her current work in progress, but that's a whole 'nother file. -V-)

...so how many times has Cassie broken her arms?

We will BUILD heroes!

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Charter Member
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Apr-09-12, 09:22 AM (EDT)
Click to EMail Gryphon Click to send private message to Gryphon Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
6. "RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool"
In response to message #5
   >(According to Rosie, Tim is her current work in progress, but
>that's a whole 'nother file. -V-)

>...so how many times has Cassie broken her arms?

Why does everyone assume I'm with Tim? Even the Gotham office thinks so.

Well... you know, there's the whole 'Batgirl and Robin' thing? It's just logical, yeah?

And you do look good together.

And there was the whole snogging-in-the-gym thing.

I wasn't going to mention the elephant in the room...

I'm not even gonna give you the satisfaction.


That's what I'm talking about. I had to stop doing that, it was like kissing my brother.

You have a brother?!

It's a figure of speech.

"Wait, since when did you do figures of speech?"
Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/
zgryphon at that email service Google has
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

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Member since Jul-11-11
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Apr-09-12, 02:14 PM (EDT)
Click to EMail ebony14 Click to send private message to ebony14 Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
9. "RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool"
In response to message #6
   I keep expecting...

Robin: Could everyone please stop talking like I'm not here?

Ebony the Black Dragon

"Life is like an anole. Sometimes it's green. Sometimes it's brown. But it's always a small Caribbean lizard."

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Charter Member
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Apr-09-12, 02:25 PM (EDT)
Click to EMail Gryphon Click to send private message to Gryphon Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
11. "RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool"
In response to message #9
   >I keep expecting...
>Robin: Could everyone please stop talking like I'm not here?

Heh. Clearly on the next page. :)

Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/
zgryphon at that email service Google has
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

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Peter Eng
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Apr-09-12, 06:55 PM (EDT)
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12. "RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool"
In response to message #11
   >>I keep expecting...
>>Robin: Could everyone please stop talking like I'm not here?
>Heh. Clearly on the next page. :)

Possibly followed by a collective "GLAH!" as they realize he's in the room.

("I have super-hearing, and I didn't notice you come in. Again. How do you do that?")

Peter Eng
Insert humorous comment here.

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Member since Oct-21-05
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Apr-10-12, 05:55 AM (EDT)
Click to EMail BlackAeronaut Click to send private message to BlackAeronaut Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
13. "RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool"
In response to message #12
   >>>I keep expecting...
>>>Robin: Could everyone please stop talking like I'm not here?
>>Heh. Clearly on the next page. :)
>Possibly followed by a collective "GLAH!" as they realize he's in the
>("I have super-hearing, and I didn't notice you come in.
>Again. How do you do that?")

Honestly, I think Cassie would be indifferent to it, and there should at least be one person that laughs their freakin' caboose off because they can see the humor in the situation. Probably Rose herself.

Black Aeronaut Technologies
Creative aerospace solutions for the discerning spacer
"Murphy never sleeps, but that's no reason to poke him with a sharp stick."

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Charter Member
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Apr-10-12, 09:29 AM (EDT)
Click to EMail Gryphon Click to send private message to Gryphon Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
14. "RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool"
In response to message #13
   >>Possibly followed by a collective "GLAH!" as they realize he's in the
>>("I have super-hearing, and I didn't notice you come in.
>>Again. How do you do that?")
>Honestly, I think Cassie would be indifferent to it,

Well, I dunno if she'd be indifferent, but she's surely known he was there the whole time. She's like that. They've learned over the years that they can't reliably do the signature Bat-trick (leaving the room at the end of a conversation without the other person noticing they've gone) to each other. On one occasion particularly beloved of their teammates, they each tried to outwit the other in choosing the correct moment to do this, to such an extent that they ended up not meeting in the first place.

(Neither one can do it to Raven under normal conditions, either. In one memorable instance, Cassie tried it and discovered to her chagrin that Raven had anticipated her and put a new ward on the kitchen window. Nothing takes the edge off your sense of urban ninja invincibility like bouncing off a forcefield and winding up sitting in the sink with your cape over your head.)

>and there should
>at least be one person that laughs their freakin' caboose off because
>they can see the humor in the situation. Probably Rose herself.

In such contexts, it usually is. In UF, even her codename is an inside joke. She crashed a freighter into the docking ring at Omega once, causing Jay to start calling her "Rosie the Wrecker", but she objected on the grounds that R-Wr is false alliteration, so he had to come up with something else. Six-year-olds. What're you gonna do?

Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/
zgryphon at that email service Google has
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

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Member since Oct-21-05
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Apr-12-12, 03:38 AM (EDT)
Click to EMail BlackAeronaut Click to send private message to BlackAeronaut Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
15. "RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool"
In response to message #14
   >(Neither one can do it to Raven under normal conditions, either. In
>one memorable instance, Cassie tried it and discovered to her chagrin
>that Raven had anticipated her and put a new ward on the kitchen
>window. Nothing takes the edge off your sense of urban ninja
>invincibility like bouncing off a forcefield and winding up sitting in
>the sink with your cape over your head.)

Wait, this happened? In comics or in UF? (Doubt it was the animated TT series - unless Cassie made an appearance there that I never heard about.)

>>and there should
>>at least be one person that laughs their freakin' caboose off because
>>they can see the humor in the situation. Probably Rose herself.
>In such contexts, it usually is. In UF, even her codename is an
>inside joke.

Oh great! It's like having a semi-sane Joker fighting at your side... then again, I guess the same could be said for Deadpool, only a little less sane than some people might like.

Black Aeronaut Technologies
Creative aerospace solutions for the discerning spacer
"Murphy never sleeps, but that's no reason to poke him with a sharp stick."

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Charter Member
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Apr-12-12, 10:15 AM (EDT)
Click to EMail Gryphon Click to send private message to Gryphon Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
16. "RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool"
In response to message #15
   LAST EDITED ON Apr-12-12 AT 10:18 AM (EDT)
>>(Neither one can do it to Raven under normal conditions, either. In
>>one memorable instance, Cassie tried it and discovered to her chagrin
>>that Raven had anticipated her and put a new ward on the kitchen
>>window. Nothing takes the edge off your sense of urban ninja
>>invincibility like bouncing off a forcefield and winding up sitting in
>>the sink with your cape over your head.)
>Wait, this happened? In comics or in UF?

I'm talking about her place in Claremont. To the best of my admittedly limited knowledge, the comics version of Raven owns neither a kitchen window nor the sense of humor required to put a ward on it so that a stealthily departing Batgirl bumps her head. :)

>>In such contexts, it usually is. In UF, even her codename is an
>>inside joke.
>Oh great! It's like having a semi-sane Joker fighting at your side...

Not really. Rosie doesn't laugh all the time for no good reason, she's just very good at recognizing the humor value of life's absurdities. The tragic thing about the Joker was always that he wasn't really funny, and tended in fact to react violently to anything that might actually have been. He was 100% bitter irony.

Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/
zgryphon at that email service Google has
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

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The Traitor
Member since Feb-24-09
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Apr-12-12, 03:30 PM (EDT)
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17. "RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool"
In response to message #16
   The Joker: Just in need of a hug and a night in with Harley and a Kevin Bridges DVD.

"Yeah, I'm definitely going to hell/But I'll have all the best stories to tell" -- Frank Turner, The Ballad of Me and My Friends

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Member since Jul-11-11
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Apr-12-12, 04:29 PM (EDT)
Click to EMail ebony14 Click to send private message to ebony14 Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
18. "RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool"
In response to message #17
   >The Joker: Just in need of a hug and a night in with Harley and a
>Kevin Bridges DVD.

As Terry McGuinness once noted, really all that the Joker wanted was for the Batman to laugh at his jokes.

Ebony the Black Dragon

"Life is like an anole. Sometimes it's green. Sometimes it's brown. But it's always a small Caribbean lizard."

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Member since Aug-25-04
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Apr-12-12, 04:51 PM (EDT)
Click to EMail mdg1 Click to send private message to mdg1 Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
19. "RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool"
In response to message #18
   I loved that scene.

"Get a clue, clowny! He's got no sense of humor! He wouldn't know a good joke if it bit him in the cape..."


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Member since Oct-21-05
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Apr-13-12, 04:20 AM (EDT)
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20. "RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool"
In response to message #19
   Actually, as whimsical as he might seem, I've always seen The Joker as he was presented by Frank Miller in The Dark Knight Returns. Sure, some of Frank's other characterizations (Catwoman comes to mind) may leave something to be desired, but I feel that with The Joker he was dead on. One such shining example is when Batman is wondering if The Joker ever keeps track of how many people he's killed. Joker, meanwhile is thinking: No, I don’t keep count. But you do. And I love you for it.

That, and Heath Ledger's Joker. Brrrrr... Very close in my book with Jack Nicholson as The Joker. Real show-stealer there.

Black Aeronaut Technologies
Creative aerospace solutions for the discerning spacer
"Murphy never sleeps, but that's no reason to poke him with a sharp stick."

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Apr-13-12, 09:14 AM (EDT)
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21. "RE: BPGD: Team Deadpool"
In response to message #20
   >That, and Heath Ledger's Joker.

Hnnh. I do not approve of Hobo Joker.

Actually, there's a lot in that version of the franchise I don't hold with, but particularly Hobo Joker.
Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/
zgryphon at that email service Google has
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

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