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Text Data Extraction Search: International Police Personnel Files
Personnel Data: TYLER, Rose

Full name: Rosalind Franklin Tyler
Species: Human (but see below)
Date of birth: April 27, 2387
Place of birth: Powell, Coalhill Crown Colony, Vega sector
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 120 lbs.
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Brown (sometimes blonde)
Adjusted Wolfe-DeKok Intelligence Index: 178

Date of IPO Induction: May 12, 2410
Division of service: Special Assignment 0 (Weapon Zero)
Grade: Scientific consultant
Other special qualifications/certifications:
- MBChB, New Albion Institute of Science School of Medicine
- BA, Pre-Contact Exo-Literature, New Albion University
- BS, Physics, New Albion Institute of Science
- MS, Hyperphysics, New Albion Institute of Science
- PhD, Overtechnology and Hyperscience, New Albion Institute of Science
- TD, Prydon Chapter Academy of Time
- Time and Relative Dimension in Space Operator
- Starship master's certificate, United Kingdom of Zeta Cygni and the Rimward Territories
- Galactic Police Organisation close-quarter self-defense badge
- Galactic Police Organisation marksman badge

Other grades/titles:
- Stranger Knight of the Order of Zeta Cygni (102/G 2408)
- Lady Companion of the Order of the Thistle (100/W 1879)
- Special Agent - Scientist, GPO Science Patrol
- Professor, Hyperscience Faculty, New Albion Institute of Science
- Bronze medal, Jericho Street Junior School Under-7 Gymnastics Team

Description: Rose Tyler is an attractive human woman of about thirty (her actual age disagrees with her calendar age owing to temporal displacement). She has dark brown hair which she sometimes bleaches and her taste in clothes tends toward the practical, though she can dress up to very good effect when the need arises or the whimsy takes her. In the field, she is often found in a battered black leather car coat that is a bit too large for her.

Notes: Rose Tyler grew up on Coalhill, one of the so-called "Crown Colonies" - worlds settled by Earth's United Kingdom during the First Earth Expansion Period (ca. 2001-2025). To this day, Coalhill proudly describes itself as a working-class world, settled primarily by colonists recruited from the lower echelons of 21st-century London's population. Coalhillers stereotype themselves as hard-working, hard-playing, practical people without much patience for the airs and graces of the upper crust, and Rose's upbringing and background were typical of the place and its era.

A clever child but an indifferent student, Rose completed the compulsory phase of her education without distinction and left school as soon as she was able, taking a job in a department store. While working there, she was discovered by a talent scout from Ziggurat Records, who believed that her looks, voice, and working-class charm perfectly fit the requirements for the label's latest project, an attempt to replicate the lucrative "idol effect" characteristic of the Greater Rigel Sector Co-Prosperity Sphere in the pop culture of the Crown Colonies.

This did not work, but Tyler's one album, released in 2405, met with commercial and critical success on her homeworld, making her something of a household name there, if not much of anywhere else. A handful of acting jobs followed, primarily in television programs made by the BBC's Coalhill branch. Though the instant international stardom she was promised by Ziggurat failed to appear, she kept her job at the department store as a fallback while she worked on building her entertainment career by degrees.

It was at the store in the spring of 2407 that she first met the itinerant Time Lord known as the Doctor, who was on Coalhill to investigate the presence of the Nestene Consciousness there. Caught up in the events first by chance and then by choice, Rose helped the Doctor stop the Nestene from conquering the planet, then left with him when he departed.

For a year or so of subjective time, Rose and the Doctor traveled the multiverse together, had many adventures, and formed an ever-stronger bond. The stresses of traveling with a Time Lord can change people, breaking some but crystallizing others. In Rose's case, the process took a rough, unfinished, bright but largely directionless child and transformed her into a poised, purposeful, courageous young woman with the beginnings of a formidable intellect.

At one point, the Doctor attempted to return her to her home a few hours after she'd left so that she could visit her family, but a TARDIS miscalibration delivered them to 2409 instead. This small blunder turned out to be a blessing in disguise, since it positioned Rose perfectly to get in on the BBC's efforts to cast a replacement for the retiring Adam Felton as the title character on the popular sci-fi show Professor Enigma - and her absence provided just the right air of mystery and unpredictability that drew the casting directors' eyes to her CV. Today, she claims that she applied for the job as a joke, and to tease the Doctor (who has been occasionally nonplussed by the idea of a TV show based loosely on his life), never dreaming that they would actually take her candidacy seriously.

But they did, and suddenly the Doctor - for a change - found himself dragged along in the wake of someone else's whirlwind life. Rose even cajoled him into appearing in an episode of the program himself, as the Victorian man of action Lord Eccleston. Once recording wrapped on her first season, Rose and the Doctor returned to their travels (after the producers extracted the Doctor's solemn promise that he wouldn't foul up their production schedule by mistiming her return again).

Sadly, future appearances of Lord E (as the fandom dubbed him) would be prevented by the Doctor's regeneration in a subsequent adventure, but the change brought the two travelers even closer together. Over the next two subjective years, their adventures spanned a dozen galaxies and as many aeons, and Rose began to entertain the notion that they'd be together forever - until an unfortunate encounter with a Dalek dimensional weapon transported her back to the year 2399 and trapped her in a parallel universe.

That universe, Gallifrey Chronal Catalog No. 102/G, is classified as a close-divergent offshoot of our own, GCC 100/W. History and current matters there are roughly equivalent to those we know, with a few key differences. The most significant point of divergence for our purposes was that 102/G's founding Wedge Defenders were primarily Britons, that universe's Worcester Polytechnic Institute having been in England, not the United States.

Rose found herself in the city of New Albion, hub and capital of the United Kingdom of Zeta Cygni and the Rimward Territories - 102/G's counterpart to our own New Avalon. Trapped in a familiar but alien world, she quickly decided that there was only one viable course of action: learn whatever was required, and do whatever was necessary to obtain the resources needed, to get home again.

To that end, she enrolled at the New Albion Institute of Science, determined to formalize and complete the wide-ranging education she had begun, in a haphazard, osmotic sort of way, during her time with the Doctor. Throwing herself into her studies, her predicament having provided all the motivation she had lacked in her earlier schooling and more, she accumulated several degrees over the next few years and earned renown as one of NAIS's most promising students.

In her fourth year at NAIS, Rose was involved in the aftermath of a mishap in the Life Sciences laboratory that brought her into contact with the head of the Galactic Police Organisation, 102/G's counterpart to the IPO. Her ability, drive, single-minded determination, evident adventuring experience, and apparent fearlessness caught Brigadier Sir Daniel Griffin-Hudson's attention instantly, and when the dust settled he offered her a job with the GPO's high-level operations department, the Science Patrol.

Rose took the job with the understanding that she would exchange her expertise for the GPO's resources, with an eye toward eventually escaping back to her home dimension. Brigadier Griffin-Hudson, a man who had spent some time of his own in exile, offered her whatever she needed to research and implement her escape in exchange for a four-year commitment to the Science Patrol. They sealed the deal with a handshake, he reopened the abandoned research station at Terminal Light for her use, and she got to work.

Since 102/G was rendered a disjunct pocket dimension by the same accident that stranded Rose there, getting back to 100/W was far from easy; in fact, conventional crosstime physics maintains that it's impossible. Some people simply find impossibility motivational, though, and over the next six years - in between completing her advanced studies in hyperscience, going on to teach classes in the subject at her alma mater, and conducting operations as one of the Science Patrol's top agents - Professor Rose Tyler proved that she was one of them.

In GCC 102/G 2410, with her commitment to the GPO, her calculations of the hypertime vectors, and her universal translocator array (or, as her Science Patrol colleagues dubbed it, the "dimension cannon") all completed, Rose gave away most of her things, made certain her successors in the GPO and at NAIS were in place and properly briefed, said her goodbyes, used her key to the Doctor's TARDIS to lock onto its interdimensional location, and fired herself into the unknown.

She arrived back in GCC 100/W on May 8, 2410, at the home of IPO officers Donald and Katherine Griffin, to find that Don Griffin and the Doctor were in the final stages of building a similar apparatus in an effort to send the Doctor across to search for her. Reunited at last, the two travelers spent several weeks at the Griffins' to rest, recuperate, and get reacquainted.

The differing spans of subjective time since their parting - about three years for the Doctor, more than ten for Rose - meant that the two had much to learn, but as learning is something a vocation for them both, this posed no particular hardship. If anything, they emerged from this period of adjustment a stronger team than they'd been before. The Doctor was delighted by the "new" Rose, a full-fledged action scientist in her own right, while Rose found that the perspective and experience she'd gained in her GPO career had left her better able to appreciate the dimensions (if you'll pardon the expression) of the Doctor's background and character that she'd previously overlooked or not understood.

Shortly thereafter, Rose paid her first visit to Gallifrey, as part of Don Griffin's "backup" during what became the Project Phoenix Incident. She emerged from that adventure with an even greater appreciation for what the Doctor was up against vis-à-vis his homeworld, the respect of certain highly-placed members of Time Lord society, and a TARDIS - albeit a very old one - of her own. Shortly thereafter she was given the rare honor of a degree by acclamation (i.e., one that the Board of Provosts deemed had been earned by field experience and independent study rather than formal training at the Academy) by the Prydon Chapter of Time Lords.

In addition to her powerful (if unevenly applied) intellect, Rose Tyler has considerable force of personality and an iron will. It is this strength of will, as much as any measure of raw intelligence, that fixes her Adjusted W-DeK score and makes her so successful in her chosen fields of study, which may go some way toward explaining the extremely segmented nature of her knowledge base. The things she's motivated or interested to learn, she can focus on with the intensity of an interstellar spotting laser. Those that she isn't, she simply can't be bothered about.

As such, she has (for example) a knowledge of interdimensional barrier dynamics and certain exotic energy sources that rivals or even surpasses that of the Doctor, but has never learned to drive a car (which made for an entertaining guest appearance on Top Gear after the success of her first series of Professor Enigma) and is almost completely ignorant of cooking techniques beyond the preparation of cup ramen. She also possesses a medical degree, but never completed the secondary requirements and so is not licensed to practice medicine (something she's fond of pointing out when people mistakenly call her "Doctor").

However, despite her extensive technical and scientific experience, she's no armchair egghead. Rose was trained in the dangerous arts of the action scientist by some of New Albion's best, including the Brigadier and Count A.G. Petrarca, and she's equally at home doping out a tricky problem in the lab or defusing an Evil Science Bomb under fire. She's an excellent runner and, although not a front-line combatant, she can handle herself in a fight. She prefers to talk (or charm) her way out of trouble, and she's usually successful, but if push comes to shove, this is one professor who's not afraid to shove back.

Having immersed herself in the delights and dangers of the action scientist's life for more than a decade, Rose has become impatient with the mundane realities of everyday life. She bores easily when nothing much is happening and constantly seeks the next intriguing puzzle or challenge (be it intellectual or physical). This sometimes leads her into trouble, but her adaptability and fearlessness usually lead her out again. It should be noted that these challenges do not always take the form of dangerous adventures. Sometimes she's simply seeking to invent a new gadget, win a scientific argument with the Doctor (a pastime both have come to take great delight in since her return from 102/G), get more involved in the production of Professor Enigma, or engineer a return to rock 'n roll (there are persistent rumors that she'll be appearing alongside the Art of Noise at least once in this summer's tour, possibly at one of their Crown Colonies dates in late August).

As a recently invested Lord ["Lady"? What do you call a female one? -V-] of Time, Rose has received the Rassilon Imprimatur, a genetic modification designed to convey certain superhuman attributes useful in that profession. These include a heightened sensitivity to chronal phenomena, the extrasensory ability to perceive the hidden workings of the universe, a mild form of telepathy, a greatly extended lifespan, and the capacity for complete cellular regeneration on the point of physical death. (As she has not yet had her first regeneration, she remains physiologically human.)

Unlike the Doctor, whose preferred field tool is the sonic screwdriver, Rose favors the laser variety. This occasionally causes friction between the two travelers, since the laser screwdriver is much more readily adapted into a deadly weapon, but since her general policy is to fight only if absolutely cornered, she's rarely forced to employ it thus - and even less often is she unable to find another, less destructive way of extricating herself. She suspects it annoys the Doctor somewhat how frequently she puts the lie to his often-stated maxim that those with access to deadly force rarely go to the trouble of seeking any other solution - which is fine with Rose, since she usually finds him rather tiresomely pompous when he gets to that point.

In addition to her laser screwdriver and a few other odds and ends - she commonly carries a Science Patrol pocket scanner similar in function to an IPO tricorder, as well as such more mundane items as a flashlight with a telescopic magnet attachment - Rose's most significant possession is the antique TARDIS she "acquired" during her first visit to Gallifrey. This item, a Type 37 model, is even older than the Doctor's Type 40 and was abandoned for many years before she came across it in a storage room beneath the Panopticon. Resurrected by an infusion of energy from the cosmic entity known as the Phoenix, it appears now to be in good working order apart from its chameleon circuit, though in deference to its age (and because she prefers to travel with the Doctor), she rarely uses it for serious time travel. Instead, with its outer shell locked in the form of a red Glasgow police box from the 20th century, the Phoenix (as the ship was inevitably dubbed) serves as the principal prop, interior set, and location transport vehicle for the production of Professor Enigma.

The Phoenix on location

Rose's relentless need to be interested can cause her to plunge into waters too deep to navigate alone, or lead her to overpack her schedule, taking on too many tasks for even her seemingly unbounded energy levels. Like the Doctor, she sometimes just needs someone to tell her to stop - and since the Doctor's never been much good at that himself, this can occasionally get the pair of them into even deeper waters. Fortunately, it's under such pressure that they really come into their own, and even more fortunately, they've accumulated an extended family of sorts in the Griffins and their circle who can both back them up and, on occasion, slow them both down long enough to catch their breath. So far as either of them has a home apart from the Doctor's TARDIS, it's the Griffin house on Tomodachi.

Current assignment: As a member of Special Assignment 0, Rose Tyler maintains no official ties to the International Police, though she is known to be friendly with a number of IPO operatives and has publicly assisted in a number of cases. She customarily receives missions - or at least suggestions for same - from the Office of the Chief Technologist, usually through Don or Kitty Griffin.

End of Text Data Extract
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BPGD: TYLER, Rose [View All] Gryphonadmin Jun-03-10 TOP
   RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose BobSchroeck Jun-03-10 1
      RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose Gryphonadmin Jun-03-10 2
          RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose zojojojo Jun-03-10 3
          RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose BeardedFerret Jun-04-10 5
              RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose Gryphonadmin Jun-04-10 6
   RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose A Vile Gangster Jun-03-10 4
   RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose JeanneHedge Jun-05-10 7
      RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose Gryphonadmin Jun-05-10 8
          RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose BobSchroeck Jun-05-10 9
              RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose JeanneHedge Jun-06-10 10
                  RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose Arashi Jun-06-10 11
                      RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose Gryphonadmin Jun-06-10 12
                          RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose The Traitor Jun-07-10 13
                          RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose Arashi Jun-08-10 16
                              RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose BobSchroeck Jun-08-10 17
                                  RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose Mephronmoderator Jun-08-10 20
                                      RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose dbrandon Jun-09-10 24
                                          RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose BeardedFerret Jun-09-10 25
                                              RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose Gryphonadmin Jun-09-10 26
                                              RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose A Vile Gangster Jun-09-10 27
                                              RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose Mephronmoderator Jun-09-10 28
                                              RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose Gryphonadmin Jun-09-10 29
                                              RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose dbrandon Jun-10-10 30
                                              RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose dbrandon Jun-10-10 31
                                              RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose Gryphonadmin Jun-10-10 32
                                              RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose MoonEyes Jun-12-10 38
                                              RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose Astynax Jun-10-10 33
                                              RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose BeardedFerret Jun-11-10 35
                                              RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose Offsides Jun-11-10 36
                                              RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose Astynax Jun-11-10 37
                                              RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose The Traitor Jun-13-10 39
                                              RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose A Vile Gangster Jun-10-10 34
                              RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose The Wanderer Jun-08-10 19
                                  RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose Gryphonadmin Jun-08-10 21
                                      RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose Prince Charon Jun-08-10 23
              RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose Peter Eng Jun-07-10 14
              RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose Gryphonadmin Jun-07-10 15
                  RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose trigger Jun-08-10 18
                      RE: BPGD: TYLER, Rose Gryphonadmin Jun-08-10 22

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Eyrie Productions, Unlimited
Benjamin D. Hutchins
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