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Eyrie Productions, Unlimited

Subject: "BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff"     Previous Topic | Next Topic
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Conferences Featured Documents Topic #262
Reading Topic #262, reply 15
Member since May-26-13
943 posts
Jun-28-13, 12:05 PM (EST)
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15. "RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff"
In response to message #12
>If I recall correctly, that's the Creature's canonical name.

It's not, actually. Frankenstein's monster doesn't have a truly canonical name, but at one point during the novel he refers to himself while speaking to Dr. Frankenstein as "the Adam of your creation." But in that context (and I believe Shelley was explicit about this) he's using Adam as a metaphor, not claiming it as his actual name.

Hence my complimenting Ben for doing his monster research. Frankenstein's monster has generally come to be known as Frankenstein himself. A lot of people know that and have in turn assigned it various other names in various other contexts and derivative works; the one Ben has chosen reflects familiarity with the source materiel or that he took at the least the minimal amount of time to look into things. Many who decide they want to work with the classic romantic monsters (your Frankensteins, Draculas, wolfmen, your Mr. Hyde's) do not bother. But Ben goes the extra mile.

(Also, I like saying "monster research." It makes it sound like there's, I dunno, some sort of legitimate scholarly program out there you can consult on the matter. "And what do you do, sir?" "Monster research. My thesis was on wolfmen, you know.")

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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff [View All] Gryphonadmin Jun-27-13 TOP
   RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff BobSchroeck Jun-27-13 1
      RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff Gryphonadmin Jun-27-13 2
          RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff BobSchroeck Jun-28-13 11
   RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff Mercutio Jun-27-13 3
      RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff The Traitor Jun-27-13 4
      RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff Gryphonadmin Jun-28-13 5
          RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff Mercutio Jun-28-13 6
              RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff Gryphonadmin Jun-28-13 9
                  RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff Mercutio Jun-28-13 10
                  RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff BobSchroeck Jun-28-13 13
                      RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff Arashi Jun-28-13 18
                      RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff Gryphonadmin Jun-28-13 21
      RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff BobSchroeck Jun-28-13 12
         RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff Mercutio Jun-28-13 15
              RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff mdg1 Jun-28-13 16
                  RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff Mephronmoderator Jun-28-13 23
                      RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff mdg1 Jun-28-13 25
                          RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff DaPatman89 Jul-03-13 29
              RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff BobSchroeck Jun-28-13 17
   RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff Nathan Jun-28-13 7
      RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff Gryphonadmin Jun-28-13 8
          RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff BobSchroeck Jun-28-13 14
              RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff BZArchermoderator Jun-28-13 19
                  RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff Pasha Jun-28-13 24
                  RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff The Traitor Jun-28-13 27
          RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff Nathan Jun-28-13 20
              RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff Gryphonadmin Jun-28-13 22
   RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff jonathanlennox Jun-28-13 26
      RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff Peter Eng Jun-29-13 28
      RE: BPGD: BPRD Operational Support Staff Gryphonadmin Jul-03-13 30

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