>Isn’t it obvious? He’s BATMA… Err Gryphon. Okay, he was
>Batman as well once upon a time, but mostly he’s UF-G. His being
>able to do things like that is what makes him what he is.
>Not sure what it says about my brain that this made me think of "Trogdor", which in turn leads to the mental image of a kaiju sized G burninating the countryside. But now that image is in the brains of anyone who read this, so enjoy that.
>I know a lot of the readership is older than one might think, but I
>have to wonder just how many are old enough (Bob is one, I know) to
>know where this comes from. Then again, a lot of us have been around
>the sun more than a few times.
Unless there's an older reference underneath, this pings as a Gomez Addams paraphrase to me, and I'm pretty sure most of the folks who frequent this corner of the Internet will at least be familiar with the movies if not the old TV shows.
The question in my mind is if G was trying to make a reference only he could possibly understand in that situation, or if he really does enjoy ladies speaking French (well, Gallian in this case, but functionally equivalent.)
>Most questions I’ve had I’ve been able to suss out, either through
>the annotations or comments or just plain context. But this, I just
>don’t get… and now wonder if what happens in the next chapter
>involves one or more of said person’s spiritual decendants.
>Either way, time will tell. I can only hope the Muse also explains to
>you exactly what happens during Sea Trials along the way.
Annotations and follow up conversations seem to indicate this is a half conscious cheeky reference to vampire hunters in general, not a direct challenge to any individual, though I still see it as dangerously tempting fate (granted, I almost pity any hunter foolish enough to visit that house with intent to harm the residents, but inviting trouble in is just never the best play.)
 | -={(Astynax)}=- "You must be the Belmont." |