LAST EDITED ON Mar-30-10 AT 05:21 PM (EDT)
D0g always reminded me of "The Luggage" from Discworld. At first he's playful and energetic, kinda comical in an industrial-accident sort of way. It isn't until later that his destructive capabilities reveal themselves.I loved watching him do-in both that Strider and the Advisor. Such delicious violence!
Y'know, looking at D0g's head, Chibi-Tali could conceivably keep adding on to Chikktika, right? Besides, She knows *Corwin* ferchrissakes!
I do think her Chikktika-D0g would be a little more Star Trek and a little less Sanford & Son, though, know what I mean?
Now Playing:
Pendulum-- Slam (Hold Your Colour, 2005)
Is this bass really strong enough?