SUNDAY, JUNE 10, 2412 DECEPTICON COMMAND NEXUS VILNACRON, CYBERTRON Onslaught despised uncertainty. The Combaticon commander stood in one of Vilnacron's upper command galleries, hands clasped behind his back, observing the events far below him in one of the fortress city's inner courtyards. Observing? Brooding, really, if he had to admit it. If he could have, he would have frowned. Instead he settled for watching other Decepticon warriors as they sorted and piled the debris that had accumulated over the centuries of neglect since they had been forced to abandon Cybertron and their capital. There was quite an impressive assortment; it was very apparent that the inefficient Autobots had never bothered with the regular maintenance that a military fortification required. Instead they had left the interior of Vilnacron mostly alone, leaving the ghosts of the past wars dead and buried. Aside from an initial sweep ages ago to remove anything of tactical, strategic, technological, or informational value (which Onslaught grudgingly admitted had been a good move), the buildings and fortifications had been sealed up and left to the vagaries of time. The only concrete examples of the Autobot occupation that remained, now that the Decepticons had taken back their city, were the many heavy-duty electro-cipher seals that had been welded over most of Vilnacron's doors. Those, and the garrison's heavy weapons emplacements that had been hastily reinforced by the Autobots to help defend the city from Shockwave's recent assault. They had left the large and bulky heavy phaser arrays and particle beam cannons behind - either as some strange gesture of goodwill, or simply because they knew the Decepticons would just erect their own defenses if the existing ones weren't left, Onslaught wasn't sure. The Autobots may have been weak fools, but they were not total idiots, Onslaught reflected. As he watched the goings-on down below, Onslaught saw another disposal team haul in a load of Autobot door-seals to toss onto one of the many debris piles. He felt a mild twitch of satisfaction within his spark as Brawl, normally one of his most intractable teammates, vented some of his frustration by transforming to tank mode and using his main gun to reduce the pile of large Autobot emblems to flinders. Doubts gnawed at the corners of Onslaught's processors. If he didn't know better, he would have, upon first analysis, written off this returned Megatron as a pretender. Not pressing the advantage when it was clear that within a few more cycles the whole of Cybertron could be theirs? Not attacking Prime full out, even when he had categorically proven his strength destroying Shockwave? Opening diplomatic relations, however tenuous, with the Autobots? These events left Onslaught feeling ill-at-ease, unsure of what Megatron would do next. But no. Even if Onslaught allowed himself to feel more emotions than Shockwave ever did, the logic in the current scenario made sense. This way, the Decepticons could consolidate their current position. The wounded could be repaired, and Vilnacron itself had been taken with no further loss of spark. By making such a dramatic entrance, Megatron had taken iron-fisted control of the situation, cowing the rank-and-file and leaving the subcommanders waiting for new orders. And if that wasn't enough, the raw ruthlessness of Megatron's battle with Shockwave, the cool efficiency of the logician's demise, and the sheer casualness with which he blasted Motormaster's cab to fragments upon his arrival led to an inescapable conclusion. This indeed was Megatron. The question thus became: What would be his next move? And speaking of certain subcommanders... Onslaught turned where he stood, regarding the other combiner team leaders who had joined him in the command gallery. All of them were present, save for Blackjack (still in Autobot custody) and Scrapper (who was 'otherwise occupied"). At the moment, they were trying to ignore Motormaster's constant complaints. " - and if somebody doesn't slaggin' get on the -stick- soon and fix my -feet-, I'm gonna start tearin' exhaust pipes out." The dark-armored Stunticon commander sat in one of the gallery chairs, his broad arms crossed. He scowled down at the end of his legs. They were in fine working order, but down where his tractor-cab feet should have been, there were plain, boxy structures. Razorclaw lounged where he sat, watching Motormaster calmly, but offering no opinions, if indeed he had any. Nearby, Hun-Grrr was tapping small pits with his finger-claws into the surface of the table he sat at. This left Snaptrap, the leader of the Seacons, to look over at Motormaster and answer. "Oh? And what would be the excuse Hook is giving -this- time?" Motormaster sneered. "Oh, he's -just- so -busy- carrying out Megatron's repair orders, that the -best- he could do at the time was to give me these -temporary- replacements," he replied with a mockery of Hook's usual supercilious tone. His voice then dropped back down to roughness, and he slammed a hand down on the endtable next to him. "I can't even slaggin' TRANSFORM with these things on!" Onslaught considered this fact for a moment. "And Soundwave is unable to serve as Hook's replacement for this procedure?" It was well known that in the past, when a dedicated technician was unavailable, that Soundwave could perform most necessary Transformer repairs, and had done so often before the Constructicons had joined the Decepticon troops on Earth. Motormaster barked a cruel laugh. "Oh -nooooo-, smelting pool -forbid- that Megatron's number-one lackey-bot would be seen lowering himself to doing a simple repair job! -He- and -his- scraplets are busy securing the data-nets for Megatron." Hun-Grrr nodded at this news. "So, what're you gonna do about it, Motormaster? Grab 'em and force 'em to get on with the repairs?" Razorclaw finally spoke up. "It would be a waste of energon to engage in such folly." Snaptrap snorted. "And why is that?" "Because to do so would be akin to challenging Megatron directly," continued the Predacon commander. He left the obvious end result unsaid. A cool silence descended over the group, as they considered this fact. At this point, nothing was certain, and their desire to risk Megatron's wrath was low in the extreme. Not after what had happened to Shockwave. "Be that as it may," Onslaught slowly offered, after gathering his thoughts, "we will not know either way until Megatron removes himself from seclusion." At his words, the assembled commanders turned and regarded a locked chamber door at the back of the room. /* Joe Satriani "One Robot's Dream" _Super Colossal_ (2006) */ Eyrie Productions, Unlimited and Imagination, Unlimited present UNDOCUMENTED FEATURES FUTURE IMPERFECT TRANSFORMERS: CYBERTRON RELOADED Issue #4 -- "The New World Order" Benjamin D. Hutchins Philip Jeremy Moyer The Transformers created by Hasbro/Takara (c) 2007 Eyrie Productions, Unlimited Within the chamber, the overhead lights were dimmed. The sole illumination came from the myriad computer monitors and holographic displays that circled the room, reflecting from the seated form of Megatron. His red optics glowed faintly as he took in datatracks and video recordings, going back four hundred years, that had been provided to him by Soundwave. During his long voyage back to Cybertron, Megatron had occasionally wondered what had become of the galaxy that he had left. Had the interstellar society started by the Salusians and their allies collapsed, as such things often did? Had Cybertron's civil war continued in his absence, grinding on as it had for millennia? What had become of the humans who had aided the Autobots at the turn of the twenty-first century? Some of these questions had been answered once Megatron had reached human-occupied space. It had been something of a challenge to access the Internet without drawing attention to himself, but after nearly four centuries of stasis, he had relished the challenge. It had come as something of a shock for Megatron to learn that the natives of the little mudball where his forces and those of the Autobots had crashed had gone on to become one of the dominant species in the galaxy. While they had experienced their own rises and falls over the years, they had managed to surpass Megatron's expectations. But this was mere background information for Megatron's true focus: the history of Cybertron in his absence. Some of that information had been available from the planet's local data nets. While the Autobots, understandably, were not about to let any Decepticon have access to Teletran 2, their main planetary operations mainframe, there was more than enough data cached around the other networks that Soundwave was capable of pulling together a reasonable overview of Cybertron's history in Megatron's absence. Despite himself, Megatron was moderately surprised and impressed. After the devastation of the Great Wars, the multiple Decepticon attempts to take back Cybertron after Unicron's attack in 2005, and even the fall of the United Galactica, the Autobots had managed to bring Cybertron back to a measure of its pre-war splendor. It would take decades, perhaps even centuries, for the reconstruction to be complete, but something that had once seemed impossible was now within Cybertron's grasp. Provided it did not fall apart thanks to outside or internal forces... Megatron continued to review the information provided to him by Soundwave, his lips compressed in a line. He had gone over his communication officer's personal datatracks several times now, and had drawn at least one conclusion: Galvatron, whoever and whatever he had been, was certifiably insane. He did not know how this doppelganger, this second-rate copy, had come to be, though he certainly had his suspicions. What struck Megatron as strange was that while Galvatron had rapidly descended into paranoia and desperate malevolence, his first few appearances in Decepticon records showed a cool ruthlessness that reminded Megatron of himself in older days. A sound of synthetic horns interrupted Megatron's reverie. His optics flickered as he returned his focus to the first entry in the current archive. The sound of trumpets distorted as in the video track their ends were shot off. The point of view shifted, panning to take in the dais that was at the center of the Decepticon Plaza Of Heroes, and the wide winged buffoon who was the center of this pageantry. "My fellow Decepticons," the image of Starscream proclaimed, gesturing grandly, so as to make sure his attached cape made the right motions. "As your new leader, I... " The sound of high-power turbines caught Soundwave's attention, and the focus once again panned. A sleek purple-winged fightercraft, scaled for a Transformer to pilot it, flew straight down the plaza, scattering Decepticons to both sides. The pilot ejected, after which the purple ship transformed to land beside the newcomer. Both approached the dais. "Who disrupts my coronation?" Starscream angrily demanded. The newcomer, a barrel-chested Transformer with a purple torso and forearms, looked up at the egotistical Air Commander with clear contempt. "Coronation, Starscream?" he remarked in a deep, dangerous voice. "This is bad comedy." Starscream's optics blinked. He took a wary step back. "Megatron? Is that you?" The newcomer snarled, "Here's a hint!" and then transformed, becoming a large artillery piece. The orange barrel of his weapon form flared to life, and a bolt of violet-white energy, outwardly much like that produced by Megatron's own fusion cannon, lanced forward to strike Starscream dead-on. Screaming, Starscream was frozen in place, unable to turn away as his entire superstructure was converted to inert matter. His shell turned grey, crumbling to metallic shards as his crown tumbled down to the decking in front of the dais. Megatron did have to admit, Galvatron did get style points for crushing Starscream's crown beneath his foot, leaving gold and red crumbs on the floor. "Will anyone -else- attempt to fill his shoes?" Galvatron inquired, looking out over the crowd of Decepticons. The cheers from those assembled secured the newcomer's temporary leadership. Frowning, Megatron turned off that one particular display. Despite what Shockwave had been attempting to do in his absence, he did have to admit the treasonous Operations Officer had had a good point while he was still alive - the damage caused by Galvatron's madness to the Decepticon Army had been almost irreparable, given that despite his clear insanity the surviving Decepticons had clung to him out of desperation and fear of his power. It would take a firm and steady hand for anybody to undo the damage that had been caused. Megatron got out of his chair and turned to leave the room, shutting off the displays with a gesture as he headed for the door. There was no more time for idle cycles; now it was time to get down to work. There was a soft "pleep" from the datachamber door's occupation indicator. Since the gripe session between the combiner leaders had resumed after its brief pause, the sound went unnoticed, except possibly by Razorclaw, who didn't deign to react if he did hear it. The conversation came to an abrupt halt, however, as the chamber door slid open. The five Decepticons looked up at the figure who emerged. Each of them had been, at one point or another in their long lives, at the receiving end of Megatron's facial expressions. Even back then, to be the recipient of one of the Decepticon Supreme Commander's cruel glares was something to cause even the stoutest of warriors to quake in their servos. This expression, however, was different. The sheer purposefulness, the utter determination that could be seen on Megatron's flexmetal face, brought them all up short and at a loss for words. Megatron looked at them all, his scarlet optics meeting each commander's briefly. None of them reacted to his gaze; they were, each and every one of them, not about to speak up first and draw attention to themselves. Megatron considered them for several more astroseconds, and then nodded. "Come, my Decepticons. We have much work to do." MONDAY, JUNE 11 CONFERENCE SUITE 5 AUTOBASE, IACON Misato Katsuragi had been to more than her share of general staff meetings during her long military career. For the most part, she regarded them as a massive waste of time. Sure, some meetings in the past had been useful and productive - those that had been directly involved with mission planning for her 'Mech lances first came to mind. Work got done, objectives got laid out, and they were mercifully short and to the point. Those weren't really meetings, though; they were -briefings-, which was a whole different animal. IPO staff meetings also had things to recommend them; not only was the overall 'corporate culture' of the International Police nice and non-stressful, Lu Durgo had a habit of bringing fresh donuts and coffee just the way Misato liked it - and the Chief hated wasting time in meetings just as much as Misato did, so, again, his meetings were more like tactical briefings. Get in, lay out the objectives, get out and get to work. Misato liked that in a commander. But the majority of the meetings she had attended in her day had been filled with long-winded summations of current events and things she already knew or didn't really want to care about. She was a soldier - a field-grade officer. It was neither her job nor her concern what the political backdrop of the current conflict was. Her concerns were simple and straightforward: How do I accomplish the mission and get my people home alive? Too many "staff meetings" involved people who did not have direct impact on her own squadron or division, with little actual time devoted to the meat of whatever issues was being discussed. Add to that mixture uncomfortable chairs, tepid coffee, stale snacks, and piles of documents and data pads scattered over the briefing table, and it was little wonder that Misato didn't care for meetings. On more than one occasion (when she wasn't bored out of her skull), she had to restrain herself from indulging in a private fantasy of reaching across the conference table and slapping some sense into some stuffed-shirt bureaucrat or addle-brained intel officer. Sometimes she hadn't been successful in keeping that restraint, which was one of the several reasons she'd never made it past major, but it wasn't for lack of trying. At least she wouldn't have to worry about that particular problem at -this- staff meeting; the conference table in question was the size of a hockey rink. The door at the far end of the room hissed open. As it did so, Prowl rose to his feet and barked, "Atten-HUT!" Misato didn't normally go for this kind of military pomp either, but she supposed that for Optimus Prime, she'd make an exception. Prime strode into the room, placed a stack of data solids next to the terminal at the head of the table, and remarked, "As you were," before seating himself. The assembled Autobots sat, except for Ironhide, who had entered with Prime and now stood, arms folded, behind and to the right of the Autobot commander's seat. "Let's start with a quick department head report. Prowl?" "Megatron's been as good as his word... so far," Prowl replied. "All Decepticon forces have stood down and reported to Vilnacron, except their space fleet. That's taken up a defensive deployment in high orbit. Situation's quiet, for the moment." "Red Alert?" "I concur with Prowl," the Director of Planetary Security reported. "No incidents to report. The Decepticons are keeping their peace, for now. Most are staying in Vilnacron; those that have left the city aren't offering to cause trouble. It appears they're just... sightseeing. Not too surprising, really, given how long it's been since some of them were last on Cybertron. Of course, I have officers monitoring all Vilnacron access points; if they try to launch any kind of covert operation, we'll know about it." "Jazz?" "I've spent most of the day on the com with the headbots of the non-aligned and Minicon settlements near Vilnacron," said Jazz. "Nothing's happened, but they're nervous, and I can't say I blame 'em. A few are demanding increased security presence. I think they're just looking for some reassurance that us lettin' the 'Cons have their city back doesn't mean we're gonna leave the civvies swingin' in the breeze if the situation goes south on us," he added. Optimus Prime turned to his left. "Red Alert, can you spare a few officers for increased patrols of the non-aligned districts?" "No, but you'll get them anyway," Red Alert replied. "I'll have a revised rotation available within the hour." "My crew and I can help out with that," Hot Rod offered. "We've got a pretty good rep in the Minicon community, thanks to Bobcat." "I'd be glad of the extra botpower," Red Alert agreed. Prime nodded. "Thank you both. Jazz, anything else?" "While we've been wrapped up in our own little war," Jazz noted ironically, "the galaxy's been busy too. We're going to need to choose a delegate to the constitutional convention for this Galactic Alliance deal the Z-man's settin' up before too long." He spread his hands. "Other'n that, it's like Red Alert said. Quiet." "Too quiet," Ultra Magnus put in. "But I can't really complain. It gives me an opportunity to rest and repair the troops and facilities damaged in Shockwave's attack. On the ground, we're still in pretty good shape, but our aerospace defenses took a serious pounding." Air Commander Jetfire nodded. "Orbital defenses, especially, are a shambles. The Decepticon fleet is taking up most of the slack there, actually, but the problem with that is obvious. The Air Corps is coming back up to speed. Most of our wounded will be out of Repair by the end of the week, including Air Raid." "Good to hear," said Prime. "Ratchet, anything to add to the medical update?" Chief Medical Officer Ratchet half-rose. "Casualties were surprisingly light given the ferocity of the Decepticon attack, most likely because Megatron's arrival forestalled their heaviest push. My full report will be ready by the end of the day, but off the top of my head, we're looking at a dozen killed and about sixty wounded, fifteen seriously. Most everybody should be back online by Friday. On the Decepticon side, the worst off are the Vozdushnikons, who we'll continue to treat here. Well," he added wryly, "apart from Shockwave." That got a chuckle that made its round of the table before Prime moved on, asking, "Bumblebee? Your analysis?" "I'm stumped, Prime, and I don't mind admitting it," Bumblebee replied. "I must've crawled through every duct and maintenance space in Vilnacron before you handed the place over, and I'm scrapped if I can figure out what Shockwave was so fired up to get at in there. And judging by Decepticon activity since they took over, they don't know either. Or Megatron doesn't care nearly as much about it, if he does know. For now they seem to be doing just what he said they were going to do - move in, clean up, and get the place back online." "Blaster?" "Nothin' concrete to report," said the Autobots' chief information officer. "The 'Cons quit jammin' and the signal strength's slammin'. We're seein' some weird signal patterns in the bandwidth back 40, but that could just be lingering subspace distortion from all the heavy ordnance. I'm - " "We're," Sylvie tossed in. " - keepin' an ear on it," Blaster added without missing a beat. "Good. Keep me posted. Commander Kondaka, what news from Queltaadu City?" The full-sized Zentraedi officer at the far end of the table rose to his feet. "The garrison remains on secondary alert," he reported in his booming, harmonic-rich voice. "My orders from Reflex Point are to place my aerospace forces at your complete disposal. My security forces are also available to help yours increase patrols to the neutral areas. Please accept once again my apologies for our poor response to the initial assault." Prime looked surprised. "I've read the report, Commander," he said. "Your forces were completely bottled up by a Decepticon siege. They specifically targeted Queltaadu City to prevent you from assisting us; you did well just to survive such a concerted attack. You have nothing to apologize for." "Nevertheless, I feel we performed poorly," Kondaka replied stiffly. "Be assured we will acquit ourselves better should the Decepticons choose to abandon their non-aggressive stance," he added with just the faintest hint of a nasty smile. Prime sighed inwardly. He had to keep reminding himself that Kondaka was not a man who could be mollified or bantered with, unlike his predecessor in command of the Queltaadu City garrison, Commander Bron. It was said the Zentraedi officer didn't even want to be on Cybertron, and regarded his posting as a punishment, though Kondaka was far too professional a soldier ever to let such a thing be confirmed. "Very well, Commander," Prime said. "I accept your apology - and your offer of support. Please have your unit commanders coordinate with Jetfire and Red Alert for their assignments." "Sir!" Kondaka replied. He saluted before returning to his seat. Prime turned to Misato. "Colonel Katsuragi, I understand you and your people will be staying with us for a while." Misato nodded. "The Chief and Lor - er - Hammer have agreed that the ACROSS Getter Team should stay here for the time being, both because most of our equipment is still in repair, and because we'd just be sent back anyway if anything untoward happens in the next few weeks." She grinned. "Besides, if things stay this calm, we might even be able to do what we -came- for one of these days." Prime chuckled. "Let's hope so. In any case, you're most welcome." The meeting broke up not long thereafter, Optimus Prime and his department heads having determined that there was little to do but watch and wait to see what Megatron did next. Sylvie went with Blaster as far as the corridor that branched off toward the small-scale residence block, where she peeled off, telling him she'd stop by the Communications Center later to see what was doing with those anomalous signals. "Hey, Priss, I'm back," she called as she entered the small suite she shared with her fellow pilot. "You didn't miss much, but - ... Priss?" Getting no answer and seeing no one in the tiny living room, she went to the door of Priss's bedroom, knocked, then keyed the door open and put her head in. Priss Morgan sat in semidarkness, the room illuminated by the glow of a holographic projector she'd set up on a small table at the foot of her bunk and the display of her portable computer. She had on a data monocle as well; Sylvie could see the greenish flicker as it superimposed scrolling text on everything else Priss was seeing. The portable's screen seemed to be patched into Teletran-2, the Autobots' central computer, downloading a number of large files while simultaneously controlling the playback on the holojector. Above the glowing horizontal eye of the projector, reproduced in miniature, a war was raging. The scene appeared to be somewhere on Cybertron, but so devastated that Sylvie had no idea where. The combatants seemed stalemated, locked in the Cybertronian equivalent of pointless trench warfare... until suddenly, out of nowhere, came a silver and black armored vehicle, bristling with weaponry and seemingly invulnerable within its sloped armor. It crashed through both lines, scattering defenders in all directions, then transformed into a huge and powerful warrior. Sylvie blinked. The Transformer at the center of the holographic action, though filmed unsteadily from some distance away, was unmistakable. His alternate mode was different, and thus the configuration of his robot mode was unfamiliar, but his color scheme, the shape of his head, and the black cannon affixed to his right forearm couldn't belong to anyone else but Megatron. That must be what he looked like before he went to Earth, Sylvie thought as she watched the holo-Megatron wreak havoc on the defenders. Those unfortunates didn't seem to be Autobots - they all had roughly the same configuration and bore no markings she could recognize - but whoever they were, they were no match for the Decepticon leader, who smashed like cheap toys hand-to-hand any who eluded his devastating firepower. "Well," said Sylvie when the clip ended, "that was... interesting." "Oh, hey, Sylv," Priss said, noticing her friend for the first time. She paused playback before the projector could go on to the next clip and flipped up her monocle display. "What's up?" "Nothing much. You didn't miss much at the meeting. Things are quiet. I was just going to head over to the repair center to see how things are getting on with the Getter Machines." Priss nodded, tapped a few keys, took off the monocle's headpiece, and climbed off the bed. "Hang on, I'll come with. I could stand to get out of here for a while." Ironhide stood at the edge of one of Iacon's outer curtain walls, looking down into the small courtyard at the base of the wall. A husky, blue-armored young Autobot, one of Hot Rod's Seventh Cav rookies, was standing down there, looking thoughtfully off to the southwest. "Offroad!" Ironhide barked. The young Autobot in the courtyard turned, looked up, and then waved. "Yeah, Ironhide!" he called back. "You gonna patrol that sector or just -admire- it?" Offroad considered that, looking over his shoulder at the long, arching elevated highway leading off toward Vilnacron. "Well, it -is- an awful nice-looking sector," he allowed. Ironhide chuckled. "Get rollin', you cam-crackin' punk." Grinning, Offroad saluted and said, "On my way, old-timer." Then he transformed to his bulky sport utility mode and roared off up the highway. "Well, Ironhide, looks like you've got that one trained," a familiar voice said from behind the senior Autobot. Ironhide turned to see a group of his comrades standing nearby. Making a dismissive gesture, he said, "Ah, he ain't got the sense to get in outta the rain, but he does okay if you watch him. What's doin', Brawn?" "We're headed to the Neutral Zone," Brawn said, angling a thumb back over his shoulder. "Thought you might like to come hoist a couple." Ironhide nodded, looking satisfied. "Reckon I might. Supervisin' punks like Offroad's thirsty work." Shaking his head, he added, "I don't know how Blitzwing puts up with it." Misato was getting used to observing events from high places. In this particular case, she stood on the gantry walkway in front of Repair Bay 23's auxiliary command post, looking out over the wide, well-lit metal expanse of the chamber as Autobots and IPO TacDiv bluesuiters worked on repairing ACROSS's military assets. Along one wall, the damaged light assets - the Meerkats, Warthogs, and Napoleons - were being stripped down to their basic chassis by the bluesuiters and some Minicons, to give the repair teams a better sense of what needed to be fixed. Along another wall, one of Mora Bascht's lieutenants was directing the distribution of the salvaged supplies from the Philip Marlowe from their storage containers that had been carried on the remaining intact Meerkats and Pelicans. Taking up one third of the shop space, however, was the recumbent form of her damaged Atlas. Skullomania was incongruously laid out on what looked to the Major like a gigantic operating table. Upon taking a second look, Misato realized that was exactly what it was. Several Transformers stood around the table, working on the assault-class 'Mech as if it was just another Cybertronian casualty. TacDiv bluesuiters climbed over the table and the Destroid to get into the smaller spaces the Autobots couldn't easily reach. Chuck Keith had taken a kind of supervisory role over the whole operation, checking Skullo's 'vitals' and directing the repair team's efforts to specific areas. Armor panels had been removed and set aside for reforging. The damaged assemblies of the particle projection cannons had been removed as well and placed on a separate table for inspection and rebuilding. The whole of the Atlas's main torso had been opened up to allow the team to extract the destroid's damaged gyrostabilizer systems, while part of Skullo's jack-o'-lantern head had been peeled away, the long-range antenna's mountpoint removed to allow for easier repair. Misato sighed at the sight of her pride and joy having been laid low, but she knew in her heart that it had done what it was designed to do: protected its pilot long enough to carry the battle through to the end. That fact filled her with a surprising amount of pride, still more so because her teammates in ACROSS had shown even more courage than they had thought themselves capable of. Priss had snapped out of her funk, Sylvie had gotten back on track, and Chuck - well, her trust in his skills and suitability for the team had been amply rewarded. She allowed a slight smile to cross her face as she watched Lt. Keith pilot the repulsorlift platform he was using as an observation post over the length of Skullomania, pointing out where a power conduit had been overloaded and needed to be replaced. If nothing else, Misato reflected, Keith had a good chance of making it as ACROSS's next squad maintenance engineer if being a Getter pilot didn't work out for the long haul. After all, one never could be quite sure when the IPO might decide to reassign some of her core personnel, like her Hoffmanite chief engineer, if the need became great enough. Speaking of whom... Misato shifted where she stood, and was treated to the sight of some of the top mechanical minds among the Autobots - Ratchet, Wheeljack, Perceptor, and Hoist, along with a host of smaller Transformers and Minicons - listening intently, taking notes, and asking questions of Mora Bascht on the whys and wherefores of Getter technology. While Ratchet and Hoist seemed to be taking the details in stride, and Wheeljack was positively brimming with glee (if the flashing of his 'ears' as he spoke were any indication), Perceptor had such an expression of befuddlement on his face that Misato had to restrain herself from laughing out loud. "Wait," Perceptor said. "Are you saying it's polycrystalline -and- photomorphic? That's impossible." "Well, no, not under normal conditions," Mora replied. "But when the particles are suspended in a Getter-ray flux above 2,300 saotomes, they separate and mimic a substance with both properties." That didn't seem to enlighten the Autobots' chief scientist much. Misato could relate. She was a decent hand with a wrench - had to be, with so many years of experience as a MechWarrior and Veritech jock - but the principles behind a technology that close to magic were well beyond her understanding. Besides, she didn't have time to exercise her more mundane technical skills much any more either, not with a whole special detachment to run. Misato didn't like being away from the front-line realities of a combat outfit. It was one of the reasons she'd never managed to be promoted past major, despite her great experience and natural skill. She simply didn't have the patience for any job where the rear-echelon requirements exceeded the front-line ones. Running ACROSS was right on the borderline, especially right now - being part soldier, part cop hadn't been an easy transition for her in the first place, and now, with the political situation so unstable... ... it was all so much easier when it was just about who needed shooting and where. The sound of knuckles knocking against the railing she was leaning on snapped Misato's focus back to the here and now. She turned her head, and saw the approaching figure of Shana O'Hara, still clad in her efficient combat harness and black fatigues. "Hey, Scarlett... what brings you by?" Misato pushed back from the railing, giving the redhead her full attention. "Eh, 'Bee's headed off to Little Iacon to check on some things, and I got done with my admin stuff for the day, so I figured I'd come down here and see how -you- were doing." Scarlett took up the leaning position that Misato had just abandoned, whistling as she took in the repair proceedings herself. "I read the reports, heard your presentation; but to see the damage in person - this takes the chromium cake." Misato quirked a grin and slapped Scarlett on the shoulder. "You should have tried -living- through it, Scarlett. Not an experience I care to repeat anytime soon. I'd rather leave kaiju-class fights to the experts - except we -are- the experts." Scarlett laughed. "Isn't that the way? Sounds like some of my old missions with the Joes. 'Fight for freedom where ever there's trouble. GI Joe is there!'" She quipped the last in a sing-song voice. "Though without so much Rock-em-sock-em robots. Most of the time," she continued in her normal voice. Misato let out an appreciative chuckle. "One of these days, I'm going to get you to tell me about some of those missions; you must have had some whoppers." Shana smirked. "Get some time off, and I just might. Speaking of which - how's your team doing for time?" "Mmm?" Misato raised an eyebrow and looked back out over the repair bay. She studied both the Atlas's and G-Machines' physical states with a practiced eye. "Well, at the rate Chuck's going, the particulars of Skullo's repairs should be finalized and in progress within the next few hours; after that, they won't need him to hold their hands to take care of the rest. As for Professor Bascht over there..." Misato grinned. "... I'll probably have to get her to take a breather before Perceptor's cerebro-circuits melt down from the confusion. Give them a chance to process what they've learned before the next session. Priss and Sylvie? I'll have to check in on them, but - no, hey, here they come now. Well, that'll be simple." "And you?" "Well, uh... " Misato glanced towards the transparisteel window which took up the outer wall of the auxiliary command post. The two women could easily see the piles of data pads and printouts that had slowly taken over Misato's temporary desk tasked for overseeing the ACROSS repairs. "Scarlett?" Shana O'Hara replied calmly, as if she hadn't noticed the paperwork hill that was taking over the Major's workplace, "Yes, Misato?" "You wouldn't happen to -know- of any places around here where a girl could get a good beer, would you?" Misato asked, equally deadpan, as if she didn't know she was being led on. Scarlett smiled slightly, knowing that she had truly caught Misato's interest. "For you, Misato, I think I've got just the place..." Like all planetary cultures, Cybertron had its share of entertainment and recreation areas. There were not that many of them; the damage that had occurred to the infrastructure during the Great Wars had put priority on repairing those facilities that could contribute to the war effort. However, a handful of Transformers had put their own lives on the line to carefully support and maintain parts of Cybertron's cultural heritage. Some of these were museums of artwork and libraries of data tracks that had dated back to before the Great Wars, hidden deep underground from the destruction caused by the Decepticons and the Autobots during the battles for Cybertron. Others were performance spaces - usually disguised as simple meeting halls, but convertable at a moment's notice to serve for the production of Transformer shows. And others were just places to meet and kick back an energon ale, to try and put the horrors of the war behind and to find a measure, if only for a few hours, of peace. One such place was nestled within the borderlands between Iacon and Vilnacron. Both sides' leaders had turned a blind optic to it over the centuries, since it didn't practice any particular philosophy, and sometimes useful information could be exchanged or seeded through it. After the Decepticon Defeat of 2026 it had become more publicly known, and began to cater to Minicon, Human, and offworlder clientele. However, its original cachet remained. It was simply known as "The Neutral Zone". "Nice place you've got here," Misato commented as she, the Getter pilots, and Mora Bascht followed Scarlett through the Minicon-scale auxiliary doors into The Neutral Zone. It was arranged much like many other bars and watering holes throughout the galaxy. Seating booths circled the walls, tables and chairs shared the open middle space with several gaming tables, and a wide bar counter curved around the far end of the room. The only things that made it truly different were the facts that everything was giant-sized to match its regular patrons, and there was a pervasive aroma of motor oil and exhaust where Misato would have expected the pungent scent of alcoholic beverages. "... Interesting decor," she added, glancing back at the inner doors, which Sideswipe was now just stepping through. "What's the story with -that-?" she asked, pointing back and up over the inner doors. Above the entrance there hung a very odd sight: a portion of the lower hull of a Romulan Warbird, somewhat twisted and mangled along the edges, mounted like a bizarre hunting trophy. It was stained with a slight patina of carbon scoring, but it was still recognizable as of Romulan make, given the prominent bird-of-prey logo that was still visible on the hull. Scarlett shrugged, leading the small group off to the left, where several ramps led up to a series of smaller balconies. "No idea, Misato... it was mounted up there when I got here. I tried asking some of the regulars about it once, when I first settled here, but nobody had any idea who bagged it or mounted it." Misato nodded. "Oh well." She hrmed, glancing at the balcony they were now entering. "Let me guess: Minicon seating?" Scarlett nodded, working her way through the small groupings of Minicons, and the organic bipeds who had, for some reason or another, decided to remain on Cybertron despite the renewed Decepticon presence. "What tipped you off?" "The fact that I don't have to strain my neck to contemplate climbing the seats was a clue." Taking a seat in one of the Minicon booths, Misato gave the Neutral Zone another once-over, this time checking out the clientele rather than the decor. The bar was moderately busy, not jam-packed like it would tend to be on a weekend. There were Transformers in a few of the larger booths, or standing in small groups here and there. In the alcove opposite the bar, a group of off-duty Zentraedi soldiers were playing holo-pool. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but there was an odd frisson of tension in the air - very faint, but definitely palpable. It took Misato a few moments to realize why: Not all of the Transformers in the place were Autobots. A few, clustered near the bar or in shadowed booths, were Decepticons. A waitdroid rolled over to the group's tables, balanced on its monopod wheel as its waldoes manipulated a small datapad for effect. It regarded the humans with yellow-gold optics as it asked, "Okay, ladies and gent, what'll it be?" in what its designers must have thought was a reasonable approximation of a New York waitress accent. "I'm WA-7, call me Wanda. I answer either way." Scanning the table, WA-7 matched the identity of one member of the party and blinked her optics in surprise. "Well, I'll be! If it ain't Scarlett O'Hara! I haven't seen you 'round for the past five months! Whatcha been up to?" Grinning, Scarlett gave an offhand shrug. "Oh, just the same old same old, Wanda... keeping an eye on things, making sure our boys don't get into -too- much trouble." The waitdroid made a digital snorting sound. "Do you have to keep extra restrainin' bolts around just to make sure? I swear, sometimes Chester could use one or two, just to keep him from upgradin' things when he shouldn't..." "No, it doesn't get -that- bad." Scarlett laughed, while Misato watched the byplay with clear amusement. "Speaking of whom, how's he doing?" "Why don't you ask him yerself?" WA-7 spun about on her single wheel and called out towards the vicinity of the balcony's smaller bar and kitchen, "Hey, Chester!" A guttural voice answered from the depths of the human-scale kitchen. "Yeah?" "Someone to see ya, honey!" the droid replied, and then in a smug tone continued, "A redhead, by the looks 'f her!" "Eh?" There was a grunt from the kitchen's service window, and Misato turned to look over her shoulder to see who it came from. A heavily-jowled alien face was now looking through the window, and his heavy, hairless eyebrows lifted in surprise as his wide mouth split into a smile. "Shana! Be right with ya!" There was more noise from the kitchen, and then the owner of the voice and face entered through the smaller kitchen door. Misato's own eyebrows went up, surprised. The cook for the Minicon/Humanoid section of the bar turned out to be a brawny, four-armed Besalisk wearing a food-stained shirt, smock, and wide pants. Besalisks came from someplace out on the Rim, Misato couldn't remember exactly where; not a species one expected to find on Cybertron, in any event. The alien chef sidled to the two booths, radiating good cheer as he clapped Scarlett on the shoulder with one meaty hand. "So, my friend, it's been way too damn long. What can I do for ya?" he said with a smile, using another hand to pull over a wide stool to sit on. Shana smiled back, briefly squeezing the chef's hand before he removed it. "Well, for one, you can take our orders while I introduce you to my friends." She turned, tilting her chin towards the ACROSS commander. "Chester, this is Misato Katsuragi of the IPO. Misato, this is Chester Jettster, chef, mechanic, and all-around scoundrel." Chester laughed. "Flattery'll get you -everywhere-, Shana." He turned slightly in his seat, fixing Misato with a evaluating eye as his lower arms fished out a worn data-pad and stylus. "IPO, eh? Well, good to meetcha, Misato. What'll it be? Some liquid refreshment to tide you over?" Misato considered for a moment. "You wouldn't happen to carry Guinness?" The Besalisk chuckled and replied, "Tap, can, bottle, barrel, chilled, warm, boiling, or frozen?" Misato blinked, then laughed. "Can, chilled." "Right you are!" He made a note, and then regarded Scarlett. "And you?" "Maccadams Pale Energon Ale," the redhead replied casually, which caused Misato to boggle slightly at her companion. Scarlett looked back at the ACROSS commander. "What?" Misato shook her head. "Nothing. Nevermind." Chester ignored the byplay, and took the orders from the rest of Misato's crew. He then used a small head-mounted commlink to tap into the bar's speaker system to ask Sideswipe, who'd taken a seat at the large table below with Ironhide and his crew, if he wanted his usual. The red Autobot replied with a hand wave and a nod. "So, Chester," Scarlett said, leaning closer to the Besalisk and lowering her voice, "what's the word on the street?" Chester arched a brow ridge as he leaned forward. "Well, as I suspect you can guess, folks have got... concerns. So far, the customers have been keepin' to themselves, but the boss's havin' me work on the Zone's defenses whenever I get off shift." He gestured expansively with his four arms, taking in the Cybertronian bartender behind the larger-scale bar and the clusters of robots arrayed around the room. "Which he wouldn't have had to -do- if he hadn't spent the past decade using the parts to set up a new lighting system," WA-7 interjected as she rolled back over to the group, carrying their drinks. "I mean, really, a DISCO BALL? Who uses a mirrorball in this day and age? What kinda scrap were you thinkin', Chester?" The alien chef rolled his eyes. "Don't you have somethin' to do, Wanda?" "I'm doin' it right now, Chester honey," Wanda shot back, finishing handing out beverages. "Which is more than what -you're- doin'." Chester grunted. "Fine, fine." Snorting, he got up from his impromptu seat. He looked both ways, and then leaned in close, shielding his mouth from view from the other patrons. "Shana, I'll send you and the 'Bee a datawave once I clear it with the boss. Some interesting convo's goin' round." Scarlett nodded as the Besalisk stood up straight and pulled down his stained shirt in a futile attempt to cover his bulging waist. "Now, if you'll excuse me, ladies... and gent," he said, nodding to Chuck Keith to show he wasn't being left out, "I'll get to work on your dinner orders." Sylvie watched him return to the kitchen, then took a closer look at the booth Sideswipe had slipped into. "Wow," she observed to Priss. "Check it out. Veteran central. I think Sideswipe's the youngest bot there." Priss looked. "Yeah, hell. Brawn, Ironhide, Trailbreaker... dunno who the Minicon is, but he looks like he's been around the block a time or two thousand... " "That's Refute," Sylvie said. "There's an entry on him in the O'Coyne Guide. "He's a real old-timer, all right. They say he and Ironhide used to fight together in the Quintesson Arena. That was a -long- time ago." "Huh," Priss mused. "Exciting times, eh?" Brawn remarked. "Big changes coming. Be interesting to see how they play out." Ironhide put down his ale barrel and regarded his old comrade with a questioning look. "Sprock it, Brawn - you don't honestly think that Megatron's -serious- about remakin' the Decepticrud army?" Before Brawn could respond, a dry, cultivated voice interjected, "You're not the only ones wondering that, Autobots." Ironhide turned to see a black-armored Decepticon Sky Soldier standing behind him, arms folded. Those who had known Ironhide for a long time, like Brawn, still marveled at the fact that the old Autobot's face could take on such a look of delight at the sight of a Decepticon, any Decepticon. And under normal conditions it wouldn't, but this particular Decepticon was, in Ironhide's view, special. "Baffle!" he declared. "Well I'll... Pull up a barstool!" Baffle looked mildly put-upon. "Oh, if you -insist-, Ironhide," he said with wryly affected weariness. Up on the balcony, Priss watched the Autobots chat with Baffle, wondering what made that particular Decepticon not just acceptable, but a welcomed guest at the table of veterans like Brawn and Ironhide. Before she could get in much quality eavesdropping, though, she was interrupted by the incoming-message tone of her ACROSS PDA. Hauling it out, she read the screen message, grinned, and started playback of the attached video clip. Sylvie leaned over to see what it was and saw, without much surprise, that it was another old clip of Megatron, this one showing him in his "modern" form, fighting Optimus Prime atop a gigantic dam somewhere, probably on Earth. "... And this one is... ?" she asked. "Sherman Dam, 1984," Priss replied without taking her eyes off the tiny screen. "Rewind found it for me in an archive copied over from Teletran-1." "So, uh... are you planning on starting a fan club website, or just collecting for your own amusement? You must have nearly every file image and video clip of Megatron the Autobots -have-." Priss answered the question with another question: "Don't you think there's something... I dunno, -compelling- about him?" Sylvie rolled her eyes. "Priss, he's a giant robot. A giant -evil- robot. This cannot possibly end well." Priss waved the objection away irritably. The only reply was Megatron's voice, rasping tinnily from the PDA's tiny speaker: "Because everything I touch is food for my hunger - my hunger for power!" I definitely do not like the direction this is taking, Sylvie mused to herself, but, seeing that she wasn't going to get anywhere with Priss right now, she turned her attention back to the table below. "I see you're back in your old colors already," Brawn observed, pointing to the Decepticon symbols on Baffle's wings. "Yes, I'm surprised it was so easy myself," Baffle replied. "I just reported to Vilnacron and declared my intentions, and they took me to see Megatron. He was... " Baffle paused, searching for words. "He was as I remembered him, not from the bad times, but in the beginning, when we served together under Scorponok." "How are the other Decepticons taking his 'new order' so far?" Refute wondered. "Some better than others," Baffle admitted. "The Constructicons seem to be very happy, but then, he has them building things, which they'd be happy to do for anyone. Some of the other veterans grumble, though I've seen no overt dissention yet. The younger ones, those who never served under Megatron before... well, those created under Galvatron's rule have no idea what to make of the present situation, but the youngest ones seem to be very pleased indeed. I've been placed in command of a wing of Sky Soldiers who are all very green, but utterly committed to the new way." He sighed melodramatically and added, "It makes a fellow proud to be a Decepticon." Ironhide grunted. "I ain't convinced," he said. "Megatron's always been good at actin' a part if it'll get him what he wants." "Mm," Trailbreaker agreed. "Question is, what -does- he want?" "Well, for whatever it's worth, I believe he's sincere," Baffle said. "He's deeply concerned about Cybertron, about the meaning of the calling so many of us have heard. It's a concern that overrides all others." "Uh-huh, well, even if that's true, what happens when the crisis, whatever it is, is over?" Ironhide wondered. "I wouldn't have agreed to wear the brand again if I didn't believe in its future, Ironhide. You know me better than that." "I don't doubt that," Ironhide replied. "I'm just thinkin'... what if you're wrong?" He shook his head and took another drink. "Ah, don't listen to me. I'm just gettin' paranoid in my old age." "And you've certainly got plenty of -that-," a sneering voice cut in. Ironhide and Baffle turned to see a new group of Transformers, all wearing the Decepticon brand, though most of them sported features that made it plain their alternate modes were ground vehicles. At the front of the group, the one who had spoken featured bright yellow armor with sleek styling. At the sight of him, Sideswipe's fists clenched at his sides. Sylvie saw Brawn slowly put a hand on the red-clad Autobot's forearm and heard him murmur very quietly, "(Eeeeasy there, cowboy.)" "Well, well, well, look who we have here," the yellow-armored Decepticon sneered. "How's business, Ironbutt? Failed to protect any Autobot leaders lately? Y'know, I'm surprised Prime gave you your old job back after you came back from the dead. But then, he always -was- a little -soft-." Ironhide rose slowly to his feet and turned to face the speaker. "Your kind ain't welcome here, Sunstreaker," he said, his voice tightly controlled. Sunstreaker snorted derisively. "This is the Neutral Zone, scrap-for-brains." "I ain't talkin' about Decepticreeps," Ironhide replied, raising a clenched fist. "I'm talkin' about -traitors- an' -cowards-." "Okay, not good," Scarlett remarked. Her face assumed the slightly faraway look that Misato always associated with Lensmen - presumably she was on the horn to Bumblebee via cybercomm. For her part, Priss looked ready to draw her weapon and get involved, however unwise the scale discrepancies might be, but for Chuck Keith muttering to her, "Take it easy. We're guests on this planet, remember? Besides, Ironhide can take care of himself." "Nobody calls me a coward," Sunstreaker snapped, through the observers couldn't help noticing that he didn't object to the "traitor" label. "You want to go for it, old-timer? Trust me, I'd like nothing better." "Brawn, I can't hear too well in my old age," Ironhide said in an exaggeratedly casual tone. "Is that a turbopump with a bad bearin' I hear whinin', or is some low-displacement punk askin' for directions to Fist City?" "Low-displacement punk? That's rich coming from a rustbucket like you," Sunstreaker shot back, but before he could take another step and make the confrontation absolutely face-to-face, a hand on his shoulder stopped him. Half-turning, he saw a Transformer he didn't recognize holding him back. The stranger wore no markings of allegiance, but the shape of his head and the aeronautical features of his robot mode gave him a passing resemblance to a Decepticon Seeker. His armor was mostly maroon and sky blue with some black patches, and he was clearly a bit the worse for wear: His paint job was badly battered, with heavily chipped edges and obvious carbon scoring along what the onlookers guessed would be his wings' leading edges. His face was badly damaged, with almost the entire right half's flexmetal plating torn away and replaced with a rigid and unsightly patch. From the look of him, he was either the veteran of many hard-fought battles... or just a bum. No one could really tell. "If I were you, I'd take it easy, friend," said the stranger in a quiet, slightly raspy voice that was pitched a bit high for a male-pattern Transformer's. "The whole planet's on a hair trigger. You don't want to be the one who sets its off." He chuckled ironically. "Your leader wouldn't like that very much. And you -know- what happens to those who displease Almighty Megatron," he went on, an audible sneer twisting the last two words. Sunstreaker snorted and shrugged out from under the stranger's hand. "Megatron isn't here," he replied coldly. "And you, my poorly maintained friend," he added, looking the stranger up and down disdainfully, "are obviously not part of his inner circle, in any event." The cajoling good humor remained in the stranger's voice as he replied, "Obviously. Oh, don't get me wrong, friend. I don't presume to speak -for- him. I'm just saying... you wear his colors, it's in your best interest to follow his rules. Unless you think you can replace him, of course. That would be... interesting." Gently grasping Sunstreaker's elbow, the stranger continued, "Come, let me buy you a drink and we'll discuss your chances." Ironhide blinked, staring at the stranger. "... can't be," he murmured, his voice nearly inaudible. "Take your filthy hand off me, cretin," Sunstreaker snapped, smacking the stranger's hand away again. His own right hand transformed into a weapon barrel, which he leveled at the stranger's head. "Now run along back under whatever scrap pile you crawled out of and sleep it off, you boost-addled buffoon. If I have business with this Autoscum, it's none of your affair." The stranger chuckled dryly. "Well, I -tried- to be reasonable about this..." Then, faster than the eye could follow, he grabbed Sunstreaker's wrist, shoved his arm upward so that, should he fire his weapon, the bolt would go harmlessly into the ceiling, and then applied a cross-body hold and threw the Autobot turncoat halfway across the room. Sunstreaker hurtled through the air and crashed into the Warbird hull over the entrance with a resonant BONG, bounced, and came to rest on a corner table, smashing it and sending drinks and patrons flying. /* Extreme "Play With Me" _Extreme_ (1989) */ Sunstreaker scrambled resiliently to his feet and would have thrown himself into a counterattack, but he discovered to his chagrin that the patrons whose table he'd smashed wanted a word with him about the damage. "Okay, -really- not good," Scarlett said, drawing her miniature bowcaster and arming the first energon bolt in its magazine. In the manner of bars all around the galaxy, once triggered, the violence spread like a virus, engulfing the whole Neutral Zone. The simmering tensions between various groups - Autobots and Decepticons; newly-law-abiding Decepticons and their more mayhem-minded comrades; "big" Transformers and Minicons; even Transformers and Zentraedi - all erupted into a wild, near-cathartic free-for-all of punches, kicks, and throws. To Scarlett's mild astonishment, though, no one - not even Sunstreaker - employed a weapon. "You guys help me cover the exits!" Scarlett called to the ACROSS team. "Anybody who's not putting up a fight, make sure they get out. Shoot to wound if you have to!" she added with a harried grin. "Ratchet's good with legs." "Is that Scarlett O'Hara?" one of the rumbling Decepticons asked. "Oh, slag, -Bumblebee's- Scarlett?" "Let's get the sprock out of here!" In the melee that followed, Misato noticed a few times, with a combination of awe and amusement, that even the biggest, baddest Autobot and Decepticon warriors - including Sunstreaker himself - would go to almost comical lengths to avoid having even given the impression that they were drawing on or in any way targeting Scarlett. Most had no qualms about trying to intimidate the other humans, to say nothing of the various Minicons who had decided to help them contain the melee rather than run away, but they all gave the redhead in the black tac gear a wide berth. Misato also noticed, but didn't quite know what to make of, another human who seemed very adept at staying out of the path of trouble, even in such a full-on throwdown. A young-looking man with short brown hair, dressed in a brown leather bomber jacket and khaki pants, he had a slightly ironic grin on his handsome face as he deftly avoided any combatants who came his way, slipping through gaps between brawling Transformers without any apparent fear of the dangers presented by fist-fighting giant robots. In this artful fashion, he made his way to the side exit, turned to take one last look at the action, finished his drink, put the mug down on the nearest intact table, and then left. The general chaos only abated when Sunstreaker and the stranger, the pair who had started it all, found themselves facing off in the center of the room. At that point, sensing a good show was about to begin, the others participants seemed to abandon their own aggression in favor of crowding into a circle, leaving a patch of clear space among broken tables, to watch the main event. "I don't know who the slag you are, stranger," Sunstreaker, somewhat the worse for wear following his argument with the Warbird and the subsequent fracas, snarled, "but I'm gonna make you wish you'd never been sparked!" The stranger smirked with the half of his face that was capable of expression. "Non, je ne regrette rien," he replied sardonically. Sunstreaker launched himself at his opponent, unleashing a combination of kicks and punches that would have wrecked most foes outright. The stranger blocked them all, even managing to give the impression that he was a little bit bored by the proceedings; then he got inside Sunstreaker's guard, looped an arm around his upper body, and dragged him completely off-balance. "(Who's the judo master now, Autobrat?)" the stranger murmured in Sunstreaker's pickup as he overmatched the yellow-clad warrior's balance. "What - ?!" Sunstreaker gasped. His concentration completely broken, he lost any chance he might have had of regaining the initiative and crashed to the floor. By the time he regained his wits and was in a position to get up, he found himself with the blade of a crackling energon sword nearly nudging the point of his chin. "Sunstreaker," the stranger said, his mocking tone turning the very name into an insult. "You were a pathetic Autobot, and you're even MORE worthless as a Decepticon! Get out of my sight before you give me cause to feed your tailpipe to your mouth." Sunstreaker backed slowly away, rising cautiously to his feet as soon as he was clear of the point of the stranger's blade. Then, gathering his dignity as best he could, he sneered, turned, and retreated into the night, followed by a few of the comrades who hadn't already fled the scene. The stranger watched them go, then put his sword away and walked through the devastated barroom, unconcerned with the damage around him, toward the side exit. Baffle intercepted him before he could make his exit, saying, "What's your name and your drink, stranger? And which side are you on?" The stranger gave him an ironic smile. "I'm just a nameless Transformer, home after centuries away, learning what's changed. I have... things to find out. Glad I could help, though - Sunstreaker's always been a kickplate." Then, gracefully sidestepping the black-armored Seeker, he left through the side door and disappeared as well. Brawn stood looking at the door, rubbing the top of his domed head. "Something about that guy's familiar," he finally said. "You're imagining things, Brawn," Refute said. Autobot and Decepticon military police, led by Nightstick and Onslaught respectively, arrived a few minutes later and, with help from the least of the offenders in the brouhaha, started taking statements and putting the pieces together. A few combatants who owned up to their roles in the fracas left under arrest. The rest filtered out into the evening of their own accord, discussing the excitement among themselves. "Okay," Misato asked as the small convoy of Autobots she and the others were riding in made their way back to Iacon. "What was the deal back there? Who was that yellow guy and what was his problem?" "Nnh," Sideswipe said. "Can we not talk about him?" Misato glanced in surprise at the red Autobot's center console, but Sideswipe hadn't even put his virtual image up on the video display to make the remark. "Uh... okay," she said. The rest of the ride back to Iacon passed in an awkward silence. A lone swoop bike sped over the metal highways and through the structural canyons of one of Cybertron's many industrial districts. This particular district had been abandoned long ago, its various warehouses empty and unused. In this way, it was not much different from many other such districts on the planet. Most active storehouses were closer to the City-States, so as to be easily protected; those on the borderlands had become run down, unused save for the occasional lone Cybertronian who wished to remain unnoticed by the combatants of the Great Wars. The pilot of the swoop bike was no Transformer, but he too had a desire to remain undetected for the moment. He had risked a lot to come here, but so far he was getting away with it. The hoverbike continued its journey for quite some time, unseen by curious optics. Its pilot was privately glad that he had managed to bring his bike along. While the outside wasn't much to look at, covered with dings and scrapes from a lifetime of travel, the bike was still well-cared for, and capable of more thrust and maneuverability than many newer gravbikes. Cybertron was huge, no place for those without an alternate means (or alternate form) of transportation. Doubly so for those who had some cargo to transport, as the bike's rider did: two large pannier-sacks strapped to the sides in front of the main thrusters. Finally, the swoop bike slowed to a halt outside one particular warehouse. It wasn't much to look at - dull, grey, blocky, lacking any sort of insignia or title - but the rider of the bike smiled all the same at the sight of it. He parked his ride next to an ajar loading bay door, unsecured and hefted the two large sacks, and worked his way inside the building. The interior of the storehouse was much like its outside. Patently unremarkable, save for the rather large hole in the roof, letting in the faint starlight that suffused Cybertron's atmosphere. It cast pale illumination on the floor and side walls of the building, but also intensified the darkness of the shadows which surrounded the corners and crevices of the interior. One of those shadows on the far side of the warehouse moved as the man made his way to a small hovel that had been improvised from the remains of a large shipping crate. "Man... you would NOT believe the kind of day I had," the man spoke out loud as he set down his cargo. Despite appearances, he was not talking to himself, but to the moving shadow, which loomed upwards in the half-light. The source of the shadow directed its attention towards the man as he started to rummage in the packs, and made a questioning sound as it moved closer. The rumbling noise echoed softly off the warehouse's bare walls. "Yeah. I know, I know - you were dead-set on coming here, and I agreed to help and come along... but I'm telling you, this place is tense, and getting tenser by the day. Hell, it's getting worse than home was back in the fifties! And -that's- saying something." The shadow tilted to one side, somehow expressing curiosity, even shrouded in darkness. "Well, give me a moment, and then I'll fill you in." Having said that, the man continued unpacking the two panniers, setting their contents aside, and activating a travel lantern that was inside the crate-turned-domicile for some better illumination. The source of the large shadows moved back and patiently waited, little illuminated by the small lantern. Finally, the man finished his tasks, and sat back against the side of the crate. "Okay. Here's what happened..." He then proceeded to recount the events of the bar brawl in the Neutral Zone, taking care to elaborate any details when prompted to by his listening companion. "... And there you have it." The man stretched back, the dark reddish-brown leather of his bomber jacket creaking with his movements. "We've been under their radar so far, but if they get wind of -you-... well, we're talking -blah-blah-blah- all OVER again." As he said those last few words, he put his hands up next to the sides of his head and waggled them in the standard human expression for 'going crazy'. The larger shadow chuckled, a deep rolling laugh, and repeated the gesture and sound. The man smiled at the sight. "All right, all right. I think you get it. Just... be careful when you do go out, okay?" The shape rumbled again, raising one silhouetted arm in a salute. "Yeah, but you were never a Boy Scout. Or an Eagle Scout. Or a -Cub Scout-, for that matter." A grating harrumph was the man's answer, followed by a curious head-tilt. "Eh? Oh, -right-!" The man slapped his forehead. "I got so wrapped up in what's been going on, I almost forgot why I headed out in the -first- place." He grinned, moving to one of the extracted piles of cargo from the bike. "You're lucky that when the blockade on Cybertron was lifted, the shipping companies got back on the ball, otherwise we wouldn't have these in the first place." He paused, considering this fact for a moment. "Of course, we wouldn't -be- here, -either-, but..." The shadowed shape gave an impression of mostly-patient waiting. Finally, the man turned around and handed to his companion a thick stack of printed material, many of them brightly colored. "Here you go! Still, I should warn you, I've got some good news and some bad news. The good news is, with the embargo lifted, the comic shop in Cybertropolis was able to get its backlogged shipments delivered. The bad news is, so many folks had been waiting for their subs, they were all out of the Moyer covers by the time I got there." There was a disappointed rumble from his shadowy friend as its attention turned downwards towards the stack of comics on the floor. "Hey, don't look so down. Apparently, according to Previews, he's going to have an artbook coming out in a couple of months. I'll hook you up with a Zentraedi edition to make it up to you, okay?" The shadow's mood lifted perceptibly; it made a sound of eager interest. "Hey. You got my word on it." Saying that, the man sat back against the crate again, pulling his own stack of comic books nearby, as well as an auto-cook cup ramen that would serve as an abbreviated meal. "But for now, just relax, and read your comics." And so they did. There's just no getting around it, Misato Katsuragi thought to herself as she lay and looked up at the unfamiliar ceiling of her Iacon suite. I didn't drink enough to get to sleep. Sighing, she got out of bed, threw on a robe, and wandered into the kitchenette to see if there was any Guinness left. She wasn't sure where she'd get more at this time of night in Iacon, of all places - do they have 7-Elevens on Cybertron? - but she supposed there'd be someone around she could ask. She was mildly surprised when the hallway door chimed - the big one, not the little one next to it. She went and keyed it open - Sideswipe was leaning down on one knee in the hall, delicately dangling a six-pack of Guinness at human eye level from his left hand. In his right he held a half-dozen 55-gallon drums lashed together with plastic industrial shipping straps. "Care to do some drinkin' with me?" he asked with a slight smirk. Misato regarded him for a moment, then took the beer and stepped back. "C'mon in," she said. /* Joe Satriani "Is There Love in Space?" _Is There Love in Space?_ (2004) */ They went out on the balcony, where Sideswipe slumped into the Autobot-scale chaise longue with his six of Maccadams beside him while Misato took a more modestly sized seat a short distance away. For a while they just drank in silence, watching the lights of Iacon's air traffic flit around in the distance. Then, as he finished off his third drum, Sideswipe said, "Sunstreaker's my brother." Misato regarded him over the top of her third Guinness. "Seriously? That Decepticon?" "He wasn't always a Decepticon. He used to be one of us. First Guards, same as me. We both went to Earth with Optimus Prime." "... So what happened?" "Well... in the mid-2100s, the Decepticons under Galvatron were working as mercenaries, and they signed on to help a human terrorist group called Cobra. The Earth governments put together a military commando unit to stop them, and a bunch of us joined up to help because of the 'Cons. Prime put Bumblebee in charge of the detachment - it was his first major command. You can imagine how juiced he was about it. Well, Sunstreaker got all on his case about how Prime was only sending him to help the -humans- because he was useless to the -main- Autobot force." Sideswipe shook his head. "He used to ride 'Bee all the time. Said we needed soldiers, not mascots. Said it right to his face." Cracking his fourth drum of Maccadams, he went on, "'Bee brushed it off and led the Autobot task force back to Earth. It took them ten years and cost a lot of lives - ours and the humans' - but they did eventually stop Cobra from taking over the solar system." Misato waited for half a Guinness before prompting, "And?" Sideswipe drained his fourth energon ale, crushed the drum, and tossed it off the balcony into the alley below. "And, 'Bee brought what was left of his task force back to Cybertron, and no sooner was he back than Sunstreaker was into him again, this time about how he'd managed to get a chunk of his force killed fighting an enemy force that was mostly -humans- of all things, and Sunstreaker hoped he was proud of himself, and... well, on and on. "Finally 'Bee just looked at him and said, 'Sunstreaker, shut up.' Sunstreaker thought that was the funniest thing ever, Bumblebee telling HIM to shut up. He started in again, really riding 'Bee about the casualties in his unit. 'Bee told him again to shut up. That pissed him off. He said 'You wanna come over here and make me, you little twerp?' And 'Bee looked at him a second, and then he said, 'Okay.'" Misato winced. "Bad move on your brother's part," she said. Sideswipe chuckled hollowly and tore the top off his fifth ale. "I know. I was -there-. It was the damnedest thing I've ever seen. There were some great fighters on Bumblebee's team, humans and Autobots both. He'd learned from all of them. He led a squad through ten years of hard combat against a well-equipped human army with Decepticon support while Sunstreaker sat on his ass back here on Cybertron. I don't think Sunstreaker ever really understood how that kind of experience could change a bot." He took a pull of his ale and then gazed sadly into the drum. "I don't think any of us who weren't assigned to that mission understood until then, but we all wised up damn quick. "'Bee learned a lot of tricks during his first command - but I don't think he would have gone after Sunstreaker if Sunstreaker hadn't goaded him into it. He really didn't think 'Bee had the guts to take him on, let alone the skills to get it done... but he was wrong. Bumblebee always had more guts than any of the rest of us. He just needed experience, and he got that with the Joes. With Shana. He picked up some of his moves from her, but I think the most important thing she taught him was that he didn't have to take slag from jerks like Sunstreaker." He finished the fifth drum, tossed it aside, and regarded the sixth without opening it. "He was out of the repair bay in a couple of days, but... he never really recovered." Sideswipe sighed. "I dunno. Sunstreaker was always a little... off. He was so cold and ruthless in combat. I mean, I like a good scrap as well as the next bot and I'll fight dirty if I have to, but Sunstreaker... he didn't want to just -beat- his enemies. He always fought to kill. I was never like that. "Anyway, after that, he got even colder, more remote. He stopped talking even to me. One day, in the middle of a firefight with a Decepticon raiding party, he tried to shoot Bumblebee in the back - figured he'd get away with it in all the confusion, but Shana spotted him and stopped him. He ran away and... " Sideswipe looked down at his feet, shoulders slumping. "... joined the 'Cons." Misato discarded her fifth Guinness can and said, "That's awful, Sideswipe. I'm sorry." Sideswipe made an attempt at putting a brave face on it. "Ehh, it's ancient history," he said, popping his sixth ale. "Say, are you even feelin' those? 'Cause it's startin' to hit me, and I figure in about five minutes I'll be fuckin' -hammered-." "Kind of," Misato replied. "Takes a lot with me. A Detian with a well-honed tolerance. Barkeeps love to see me coming." Sideswipe laughed. "I bet," he said. "Well, lesson learned. Next time, bring the lady a case." Misato snorted, then lay back and contemplated the starry sky. No, a six wasn't enough to get her really wasted, but it -was-, she thought, just enough for a buzz and a good night's sleep. She was just starting to doze off when a thought occurred to her, rousing her enough to say, "Hey, Sideswipe?" "Yeah?" came the fuzzy reply. "Who do you suppose that guy Sunstreaker picked the fight with was? It seemed like some of the other guys recognized him, or thought they did... " "I 'unno," Sideswipe replied. "I mean... he din' -look- like anyone I know. Somethin' kinda familiar 'bout 'im, but... " Sideswipe shook his head. "Gotta be a coincidence. Guy he reminded me of? 's -dead-. I mean -real- dead. Kinda dead you don' come back from." Then, yawning, he dropped his sixth empty next to his chaise and said, "Hope y'don' mind if I crash here. 'Cause if I try ta drive home, I'm DEF'NITELY gonna crash SOMEPLACE!" he added with a roll of drunken laughter. Misato giggled. "Sleep it off, big guy, doesn't bother me." She got up and gave a theatrical shiver. "Me, I'm goin' inside," she said. "Gettin' chilly out here." Sideswipe lurched up and to the side, overturned his chaise, sprawled on the balcony floor, and raised himself on one elbow. "Oh hey, no, don' go 'way," he said; then his face took on a look of hazy concentration. "Uh... hang on a sec... how does... ah, hellwithit, vehicle mode!" Thus commanded, his onboard diagnostic computer took over from his muddied conscious processes and transformed him into his car form. "There," he muttered. One of his doors swung upward invitingly. "Climb in," he said. His virtual image, slightly staticky, appeared on his dashboard VDU and gave a comical leer. "I got heated seats... " Misato considered the offer for a second, then said, "Hell, what more can a girl ask for?" and climbed in, closing the door behind her. TUESDAY, JUNE 12 VILNACRON Returning from patrol, Skywarp cruised low over the abandoned zone east of the city's main entrance. Below, he saw the Constructicons, minus Hook, clustered around a bunch of tangled scrap metal that had once been, from the look of it, part of the support structure for the long-defunct monorail that had once run between the city and Iacon. The five seemed nonplussed by whatever they'd found, though to Skywarp, it all just looked like more wreckage, just like you found everywhere else in the abandoned areas. As he passed overhead, his audio pickups caught a fragment of their conversation, Mixmaster's voice saying in puzzlement, " - almost like something ATE - " Not -my- problem, Skywarp thought, winging over for final approach to the city's central courtyard. As he approached, he saw a line of Decepticons standing at attention near the command bunker's gate while a familiar figure stalked along the line. And -that's- not my problem either, Skywarp thought gratefully as he transformed, landed, and took up a position a cautious distance away, waiting while Megatron concluded his business at hand. "... believe I made my instructions very clear, but apparently -not-," Megatron was saying sardonically. "Is that how it happened, Wildrider? Were my instructions unclear? Did you not understand them?" "Er... n-no, Megatron. I mean yes, Megatron. That is... " Megatron kept the hapless Stunticon pinioned on his gaze for several seconds, then turned and walked away. He strode up the line, past his nervous troops, until he found himself in front of Sunstreaker. If he was surprised to see the former Autobot there, Megatron showed no sign of it. He looked Sunstreaker up and down coldly, then said, "I understand you started the mess in the first place. Curious. I remember your -brother- as the impulsive one." Were Sunstreaker capable of blushing, his face would have gone bright red. As it was, he fidgeted. Megatron noticed and gave him a tiny, cold smile. "By all means, Sunstreaker. I haven't -laughed- yet today." For just an instant, Skywarp thought the ex-Autobot was actually going to go for it; then Sunstreaker backed down, his hands unclenching. "You are confined to quarters until I decide what to do with you," Megatron bluntly stated, his red optics boring into the former Autobot's optics. "Dismissed." Sunstreaker swallowed, nodded, and made his best attempt at a military bearing. "As you command, Megatron," he replied. He turned to leave, somehow managing not to transform and peel off on all four tires for his quarters. Megatron regarded the remaining Decepticons in the line balefully, then turned and crossed the parade ground, stopping next to Onslaught, who had watched the whole situation with folded arms. "What do -you- think, Onslaught?" Megatron asked. Onslaught's optics dimmed. "... Sir?" "What would you do with them?" Megatron persisted. "In my position, how would you address this pathetic lack of discipline?" "Well, er... " Onslaught was unused to being asked such questions - certainly neither Galvatron nor Shockwave had been in the habit of putting these matters to a discussion, and nor had Megatron, not for quite a long time. Finally, noting that his leader was waiting, he cleared his vocabulator and replied, "Confinement to quarters is a good start. For some of them, Sunstreaker and the Stunticons especially, I recommend restricted energon rations and increased drills - punishment detail." Megatron thought that over for a moment, then said, "It's unimportant. Onslaught, I have a task for you... " Taken off-guard for the second time in as many minutes, Onslaught said again, "Sir?" IACON In many ways, Sylvie Daniels was a classic example of the early-25th-century net-head. She had a set of classic Frankensteiner cervical-spine interface jacks, an integral cyberbrain auxiliary processing module, an internal barrier array that served as a backup to the standardized anti-hacking external barrier collars, and a suite of subdermal smartlink inductors that could be used for contact interface with quite a variety of 3WA, IPO, and off-the-shelf equipment. She owned a Fairlight Curtana, the sleekest, most sophisticated cyberdeck on the market, a piece of hardware not found among the possessions of anyone but the most serious webdivers. But Sylvie understood something that a lot of the really hardcore net fiends - the pallid, haughty types who affectedly referred to the real world with derogatory terms like "meatspace" and confidently predicted that all the really -smart- people would bring about a Total Machine Society within two generations - either didn't get, or had willfully blinded themselves to: The Wire might be a great source of information and an intriguing intellectual exercise, but the flesh is where the -fun- is. So when she got out of bed that morning, it wasn't to gaze ruefully at another day Locked in the Prison of Meat and perform the minimum possible maintenance before plugging in and walling off the Mundane World. She did switch on, sure, but only to rifle through the room service menu and order a gigantic breakfast, then jack out, get a shower, and consume said breakfast dressed in nothing but a damp towel while considering her day's options. It wasn't until she was done with breakfast and dressed that she plugged in again, and that was just to take a quick surf across the main local news feeds. She encountered an item on one of them that stopped her cold. She scanned it twice, more slowly the second time, then ran a couple of minor trace routines to make sure it was authentic. Then, letting out a sound that was somewhere between surprise and dismay, she clipped the deck to her belt, jumped into her shoes, and ran into the hall. Sylvie's original intention was to run to the Autobase comm center, where she'd spent a sizeable chunk of the ACROSS team's enforced downtime on Cybertron, but it occurred to her belatedly, as she pelted down one of the long, arching skyways that were such a part of the Cybertronian landscape that it was, after all, a very long run. Should've called somebody for a ride, she mused ruefully. Just then, she noticed a pedestrian coming the other way along the skyway - a Minicon, his plating mostly in shades of blue, with occasional accents of yellow and orange "goggles" on his face. Sylvie spied what looked like little jet turbines on his legs - a good sign. "Hi!" she said, skidding to a halt near him. "I'm Sylvie. What's your name?" The Minicon regarded her curiously, then emitted a stream of electronic tones, similar to the electrocode "speech" of an astromech droid. Sylvie blinked - every Minicon she'd met before had had a standard full-function vocoder, but oh well - she could probably download a program for her Curtana that would subtitle it for her, but right now she didn't have time. "Uh... okay, we'll figure that out later," she said. "Listen, I need to get to Autobase CommCen in a hurry. Can you help me out? Do you have a vehicle altmode?" The Minicon cocked his head the other way, blinked, uttered a few more untranslatable tones, and then shrugged and transformed, dropping to the metallic pavement of the skyway in the form of a jet hoverboard. "... Okay, good enough!" Sylvie said, stepping aboard. "You know the way to CommCen?" The board-bot breedled, powered up his repulsor array, spun 180 degrees, and rocketed off, barely keeping his startled passenger aboard. "I guess so!" Sylvie said as she recovered her aplomb and balance. She was just starting to have fun when they entered another of Iacon's interconnected buildings, banked hard to port to catch a cross-corridor, and approached the hallway leading up to the main gallery from the firing range. Priss Morgan was emerging from that hallway - and before she consciously registered what was approaching, Sylvie had reached out, grabbed her arm, and hauled her aboard the speeding board. "WHA!" Priss remarked, grabbing instinctively onto the first firm handhold she saw, which happened to be Sylvie's belt. "Easy there!" Sylvie called back over her shoulder. "I might arguably be an exhibitionist, but there are limits!" "I can't believe they think this is coffee," Misato Katsuragi was complaining as she and Chuck Keith walked up the main hallway from the commissary. "They're probably not used to serving humans," Chuck replied. "Well, it's not like it's that hard! They could download the coffee episode of 'Good Eats' off the net or something. I mean, this is terrible." Misato took another sip, grimaced, and went on, "You're a young boy, full of natural energy, Chuck. You don't understand. We old people, we... we -need- coffee in the morning. Especially when we sleep in a car." Chuck blinked. "You sleep in a car?" "Well, I did last night - look, that's not important," Misato said, waving it away. "What's important is that we find someone in this place who can explain to the caf crew what coffee is supposed to - " She trailed off, her face going blank. She and Chuck stopped and turned to watch in unison as a strange, strange thing hurtled up the hall, passed them, and disappeared in the other direction. Misato look at her coffee again. "I really, REALLY hope that wasn't this excuse for coffee making me see things," she said. "Like Priss and Sylvie on a rocket-powered skateboard?" Chuck asked. "Yeah." "It's not the coffee." They looked at each other, then ditched their coffee cups on the nearest horizontal surface and ran after the strange spectacle they'd just seen. Autobase CommCen was jammed when Sylvie, Priss, and their Minicon benefactor arrived. Apparently many of the Autobots had picked up the same message, and reacted to it about the same way, in the course of their morning routines. Everybody was talking at once, creating an overcurrent of hubbub that Blaster had to talk under as he noticed them arriving and ducked through the crowd to join them. "I was just about to call you," he said. "Take it you saw the morning news - oh, hey, Grindor. What's shakin', li'l guy?" Sylvie and Priss's ride resumed his robot form and uttered a string of electronic beeps and burbles, shrugging nonchalantly. Blaster laughed. "Yeah, that'll happen a lot with these two," he agreed. "Anyway, stick around, the Visitors' Bureau is gonna want to know about this." Grindor nodded and beeped some more. "Good, yeah, that works," Blaster replied. Turning his attention back to Sylvie, he said, "Decepticon Command is supposedly gonna go live to give everybody some details in a few minutes. You recordin'?" "Always," Sylvie replied. "Good, 'cause my attention's gonna be netside," Blaster told her. Then, to her questioning look, he added, "No time to explain right now. Somethin' -weird's- goin' on in the ether. I'll bring you up to speed after the main event." Sylvie gave him a dubious look and might have pressed for at least a -little- detail now, but before she had a chance, the door leading to the main war room opened to admit Optimus Prime, Ironhide, and Prowl. The hum of conversation died out for a moment, then surged back to twice its previous volume as everyone started asking questions at once. Prime held up a hand. "I don't know any more than you do," he said. "Blaster, any word yet from Vilnacron?" Blaster shook his head. "Negative, Prime," he replied. "Channel's - wait one... message coming through now. Hang on while I authenticate the message headers... Yep, it's the 'Cons, all right. Text message with full-dress command cipher." Prime nodded. "Put it up." The massive main display screen at the front of CommCen flickered, then filled with a glowering Decepticon insignia before turning to slowly advancing text. Priss, who couldn't read Cybertronese, made a small frustrated noise. Hearing it, Sylvie pulled one of the modular interface cables from her Curtana and offered it. Priss took the wire, plugged it into the input on her data monocle, and donned the display device; immediately, it began adding subtitles to Priss's perception of the scrolling text. DECEPTICON HIGH COMMAND MILITARY OPERATION ANNOUNCEMENT ATTENTION ALL STATIONS: Decepticon High Command hereby announces that Decepticon Forces will be conducting SIMULATED COMBAT EXERCISES in the Aravex Wasteland, Sectors 17 and 18, north of CITY STATE TYREST. Exercises will begin at 0900 GALACTIC STANDARD TIME tomorrow, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 2412 SC, and continue until 1750 GST FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2412 SC. These exercises will be LIVE FIRE COMBAT SIMULATIONS. Non-combatants should avoid the exercise area at all times during the scheduled exercise period. The minimum safe overflight ceiling for the exercise area will be 125,000 Standard feet above mean surface elevation. Aerospacecraft flying below this flight level will likely be taken for a ruse of war by one or both of the simulation forces, making any interlopers subject to attack. Civilian, Autobot, and other observers are welcome in designated safe observation areas at any and all times during the scheduled exercise. Those wishing to obtain observers' passes and directions to the safe observation areas can get them from Decepticon Communications Officer SOUNDWAVE and/or other authorized members of High Command General Staff, Decepticon Armed Forces, at DECEPTICON HEADQUARTERS, VILNACRON. This exercise does not constitute an act of aggression against any group or organization presently on Cybertron. Decepticon forces traveling to and from the exercise area will be subject to strict safe-area protocols. Authenticated Data Signature HP480//: MEGATRON Supreme Commander, Decepticon Forces Governor of Vilnacron For a few moments, everyone in the room stood and regarded Megatron's electronic signature in silence, each alone with his or her private thoughts on the matter. Then Ironhide broke the reverie by jacking a shell ostentatiously into one of his sponson guns and turning to Prime. "Gimme an hour and a dozen bots," he said. "We'll bottle up those Decepticreeps in their city before they even think of being ready to move out." "I'm with Ironhide," Hot Rod added. "Say the word, I'll have a Seventh Cav interdiction squad ready to move out at Iacon South." "I'll alert all aerospace forces to be prepared for interdiction," Jetfire agreed. But to everyone's surprise, Optimus Prime... shook his head. "No," he said. There was an explosive outburst of puzzlement and disagreement, one which Prime cut straight through the middle of with a single word: "Blaster!" "Uh... yo!" Blaster replied. "Get in touch with Soundwave. I want Megatron to know that we -will- be observing his war games... with -great interest-." The silence carved out by Prime's declaration lasted only a few seconds before his officers started chipping in again. He let them talk over each other for a few seconds, then raised a hand and said in an only slightly elevated tone, "All RIGHT." That brought quiet to the room again. "I know this is risky," he told them all. "-Risky-?" Ironhide blurted. "Megatron's done this -before-, Prime, and it was -always- the first move in a major offensive." "I -know-," Prime repeated, a very faint edge coming into his voice. "But I'm going to take a calculated risk. Megatron was in a better military position when he first replaced Shockwave; if he had wanted to take Vilnacron by force, or even move on Iacon, he could have. Instead, he chose his current path. I think we owe him the benefit of the doubt... at least the benefit of -one- doubt," Prime added with slight wryness. "But that doesn't mean we're just going to sit around and see what happens," the Autobot leader went on. "Red Alert, maintain security watch on all the back ways out of Vilnacron. Hot Rod, your unit will be Red Alert's backup if the Decepticons do try to slip anything past us the back way. Ultra Magnus, you'll maintain Iacon at the highest state of readiness, just in case. Nightstick, you and your military police will maintain a strict cordon around the exercise area. Coordinate with the Decepticon MPs - play it like we're offering to help them keep a lid on their own games." The armored Autobot MP folded his arms. "They'll never buy that," he observed. Prime chuckled. "They don't have to," he said. "They won't turn us down anyway. It would look bad." Turning his attention to the next Autobot in the group, he went on, "Jetfire, prepare patrols and stay on top of the situation in the exercise area, but do -not- interfere with the games unless they deviate from protocol." "Understood." "Prowl, Ironhide... muster the First Guards." Optimus Prime nearly smiled. "Megatron welcomes us as guests - the least we can do is turn out in style." Ironhide grinned. "-Now- yer talkin'," he said. "We'll be ready," said Prowl with a crisp nod. "With fresh wax on!" Ironhide added, his grin turning a little bit nasty. "Easy, Ironhide. I'm not planning an end run," Prime said. "We're going to approach this in good faith until Megatron gives us a reason to do otherwise. He's in a very vulnerable position right now. Not only is he trying to consolidate his return to leadership of the Decepticons, he's made public an agenda that involves massive changes to the Decepticon way of life. If he's going to succeed, he needs all the support he can get." "An' by the time he shows his -real- hand, it might be too late," Ironhide objected. "We all -know- he's up to somethin', Prime. Better to crush 'im now, -while- he's vulnerable!" Before Prime could make another stab at talking his recalcitrant lieutenant around, a different voice was raised in answer to Ironhide's objections - the voice of Megatron himself, emanating from the speaker of Priss's PDA: "Optimus Prime, make war where none is offered?" Everyone turned to stare at the redheaded human, who had climbed up onto a table in order to make the announcement better heard. Ordinarily she'd have found all this attention a little intimidating, but right now, all that was on her face was determination. Like all the others, Ironhide just stared for a moment. Then he shook off the surprise and took a step toward her, his lip curling. "You stay outta this," he said, raising a finger. "You been on Cybertron for what, less'n a week? -I- was here for the -wars-. I seen whole cities burn - hundreds o' thousands die - 'cause Autobot leaders made th' mistake o' trustin' Megatron! I don't intend ta stand by an' let that happen again." Shaking his head, he added in a tone just short of outright contempt, "You don't understand Megatron." Optimus Prime put his hand on Ironhide's shoulder and forestalled whatever Priss's response might've been by saying, "Perhaps not, old friend, but she understands -me-. I know how you feel. Believe me, I do. But Agent Morgan is right. I - WE - can't be the aggressors here. If we attack the Decepticons while they're minding their own business - if we don't give them a chance to demonstrate that they're serious about the changes they've announced to the world - we become no better than they were. Pre-emptive warfare? Presumption of guilt? Is that really what you want the Autobot name to stand for?" Ironhide clenched both fists, clearly struggling with himself; then he went slack, hands falling open at his sides. "... No," he said. "No, Prime, you know I don't. I just... " He shook his head. "I don't trust Megatron. Never have. Never will." "It's hard for me as well, old buddy... but we have to try. If Megatron has truly changed - if he truly is trying to lead the Decepticons back into the light - then we owe it... not just to him, but to everyone who died on -both sides- of our ancient war... to see his vision realized. To see the day... when all are one." Slowly, Ironhide nodded. "Wish I could believe in that day, Prime... but I believe in -you-, and right now that'll have ta be enough." Optimus Prime's optics smiled above his half-mask. He gave Ironhide's shoulder a friendly shake. "Good enough," he said. "No one could ask for more." Then, raising his gaze to the rest of the Autobots and humans, most of whom had watched the proceedings with some degree of naked shock, he added in a firmer voice, "You've got your orders. Autobots: ROLL OUT!" As the Autobots, snapped back into action by their leader's voice, left the room, Sylvie looked up at Priss, still standing on the comm table, with an enigmatic expression for several minutes, then turned back to Blaster. "So... when you get off the line with Soundwave, what were you talking about when I got here?" Blaster nodded, holding up a "one moment please" finger. Up on the table, Priss Morgan scrolled through the translated text of Megatron's announcement again on her PDA, her face a mask of concentration and deep thought. /* Team Sleep "The Passportal" _The Matrix Reloaded_ */ Eyrie Productions, Unlimited and Imagination, Unlimited presented UNDOCUMENTED FEATURES FUTURE IMPERFECT TRANSFORMERS: CYBERTRON RELOADED Issue #4 - "The New World Order" The Cast (in order of appearance) Onslaught Motormaster Snaptrap Hun-Grrr Razorclaw Megatron Misato Katsuragi Prowl Optimus Prime Red Alert Jazz Hot Rod Ultra Magnus Jetfire Ratchet Bumblebee Blaster Sylvie Daniels Kondaka Dessai Priss Morgan Ironhide Offroad Brawn Perceptor Mora Bascht Shana O'Hara Sideswipe WA-7 "Wanda" Chester Jettster Trailbreaker Baffle Refute Sunstreaker The Cybertronian Stranger The Human Stranger A Shadowy Presence Skywarp Mixmaster Wildrider Grindor Charles "Chuck" Keith Nightstick Written and Illustrated by Benjamin D. Hutchins Philip J. Moyer With the Gracious Assistance of The EPU Usual Suspects NEXT ISSUE: While the Decepticons play at war on the surface, strange things move in Cybertron's interior - and unusual visitors converge to add new wrinkles to the situation above. What does this mean to the planet's hard-won, delicate new balance? TRANSFORMERS: CYBERTRON RELOADED #5 "Intrusion Countermeasures" E P U (colour) 2007