LAST EDITED ON Mar-24-10 AT 09:34 PM (EDT)
So Truss and his lovely wife were my guests for several days last month; we kicked back and watched part of the Winter Olympics and had a spiffing time - and unexpectedly, they brought me a present! Which I'm only getting around to sharing with the rest of the class now.
Yes, it's Captain Photon and General Rossum, drawn by Liz Chesterman (lj user equals "syrusb", for those of you dialed into the CoH community over there).
I love this picture not only because it's excellent, but because it's a story. I'm not sure exactly what it is they're looking at, but from their faces and my knowledge of the characters, I know what the dialogue for this panel of the notional Incredible Comics starring Captain Photon and General Rossum comic would be:
JEN: Oh my God!
CAP: Hah. I told him that wouldn't work.
Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Admin
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.