Eyrie Productions, Unlimited
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Mar-18-16, 11:37 PM (EDT) |
"A Witch of War"
 Senior Aviation Lieutenant Sanya V. Juutilainen-Litvyak models the sort of mismatched, ad-hoc arsenal an Orussian soldier can generally be expected to sport at this stage of a long, disorderly war. For those of you keeping score at home, she's carrying (from left to right and, where appropriate, top to bottom): - An Orussian ППШ-41 (PPSh-41) submachine gun. - A Belgican Nagant Model 1895 revolver. - Another Nagant 1895 revolver. - A Karlsland Model 24 Stielhandgranate. - A bandolier of rifle ammunition—probably Orussian 7.62x54mmR cartridges, as used by the Mosin-Nagant rifle, even though she doesn't have one. (Possibly she's carrying it for Eila, who could be using a Suomi M/28-30 sniper rifle.) - An Orussian RGD-33 fragmentation grenade. - Three Liberion Mk II fragmentation grenades. - An Orussian RPG-40 antitank hand grenade. Doc scored us this image from Jeff Moy at C2E2 today. This is impressively quick turnaround, given that I thought of the spec for it literally yesterday, when, in the course of poking around online looking for Mosin-Nagant rifle accessories, I stumbled across this photograph of a heavily armed young Soviet soldier. "Man, we should get someone to draw Sanya loaded out like this," I said, and 30-odd hours later here we are. :) --G. -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ zgryphon at that email service Google has Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam. |
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Member since Jun-8-15
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Mar-23-16, 01:17 AM (EDT) |
3. "RE: A Witch of War"
In response to message #2
Yes, yes it is. Sanya carries it all well, which someone who knows about her should expect. Some things stick out. - The winter coat, fuzzy mittens and scarf. Given the known endurance and environmental protections of a Strike witch, that she has these indicates action in a Severe arctic environment. Or just being stationed somewhere experiencing a Orussian winter. - the degree of loadout indicates either the expectation of extensive combat Real Soon but not Now - or else that she is in the process of moving base and taking as much kit with her at the time as is prudent, given the possibility the place she is leaving may not be there to go back to, which seems more likely. -The fuzzy mittens are not standard kit (A bit too fuzzy for ease of use). The scarf, however, may be. -The expression on her face is far more irate than Sanya's norm even in combat. This seems likely to be a picture from before the formation of her current unit, which would explain many of the details; It would also imply a pretty harsh winter campaign against the invading Neuroi forces in Orussia, with bases falling right and left and witches packing up every last bit of ordinance they can carry. This is, of course, nearly baseless speculation, but...really fits well with the mythlogy of her character. It would give some other personel who might learn of such campaigns cause to think this explains Sanya's generally even temperment. They're wrong, of course - Sanya does know that no matter how bad it is now, it could also be freezing cold, but that goes without saying, and if it were, well, she wouldn't be complaining /then/ either. Not lost, just touring |
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Charter Member
665 posts |
Mar-25-16, 09:14 PM (EDT) |
4. "RE: A Witch of War"
In response to message #3
LAST EDITED ON Apr-28-17 AT 04:56 AM (EDT) >no matter how bad it >is now, it could also be freezing cold, but that goes without saying, >and if it were, well, she wouldn't be complaining /then/ either. How very, very (O)russian. EDIT: and now that I've been drawn back here, a year later (and change) by seeing this linked again, the bit where she's carrying two revolvers vaguely reminds me of the very early MAD parody of Captain Marvel Marbles, whose altered magic word ("SHAZOOM!") includes: Ox, power of; Ox, power of (another). |
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Member since Jul-11-11
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Apr-28-17, 08:12 AM (EDT) |
6. "RE: A Witch of War"
In response to message #5
>Well, that's a reasonable explanation for Sanya's carrying the rifle >ammo. But the question is, why is the Soviet soldier in the 'base' >photograph doing it? It sort of makes me question if the image isn't >almost a reenactment or something. Grab a bunch of stuff, put it on, >and take a picture, "look, ain't I cool?" >Comrade, when Comrade Commissar tells you to carry the extra ammo, you do not argue. You just do, until you find the soldier with the rifle who is carrying the submachinegun ammo. Ebony the Black Dragon "Life is like an anole. Sometimes it's green. Sometimes it's brown. But it's always a small Caribbean lizard." |
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Member since Jun-29-03
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Apr-28-17, 07:50 PM (EDT) |
9. "RE: A Witch of War"
In response to message #6
>Comrade, when Comrade Commissar tells you to carry the extra ammo, you >do not argue.While this is, of course, true... >You just do, until you find the soldier with the rifle >who is carrying the submachinegun ammo.
...not even WWII era Soviet would issue a man with ammo for a weapon he did not carry while he DID have another weapon. Ammo with NO gun, yes. Ammo with OTHER gun...no. ...! Stoke Mandeville, Esq & The Victorian Ballsmiths "Nobody Want Verdigris-Covered Balls!"
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Member since Jul-11-11
393 posts |
May-02-17, 11:12 AM (EDT) |
15. "RE: A Witch of War"
In response to message #14
>>>...not even WWII era Soviet would issue a man with ammo for a weapon >>>he did not carry while he DID have another weapon. Ammo with NO gun, >>>yes. Ammo with OTHER gun...no. >> >>Comrade Commissar Ivanovich is just trying to clean up the mess left >>behind by Comrade Commissar Aleksandrovich, on the previous watch. >>Comrade Commissar Aleksandrovich, it is well known, cannot tell his >>ass from his elbow, let alone two different types of ammunition. > >Comrade Commissar Aleksandrovitch has gotten drunk on water stored in >a vodka bottle. >And, of course, the reason that Comrade Commissar Aleksandrovitch is drunk is because he couldn't read Comrade Quartermaster Petrov's terrible handwriting or make sense of his system of organization, which is byzantine and confusing, with secrets known only to those initiated into the mysteries of the Quartermaster Corps. Level-headed, sober souls have gone stark raving mad trying to make sense of it. Only souls with the cunning and knack for back-alley dealing that borders on - dare I say it? - capitalism can truly know how the Quartermasters organize things. And, in fact, it is Petrov's fault that the rifle bullets were issued with the submachinegun in the first place. Not that you'd ever get Comrade Quartermaster Petrov to admit it, and if you value extra socks and soft lavatory paper, you'll keep your mouth shut about the whole thing. Ebony the Black Dragon "Life is like an anole. Sometimes it's green. Sometimes it's brown. But it's always a small Caribbean lizard." |
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