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Forum URL: http://www.eyrie-productions.com/Forum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Eyrie Miscellaneous
Topic ID: 5
Message ID: 144
#144, RE: Excellent idea, this board.
Posted by megazone on Apr-22-01 at 04:03 AM
In response to message #140
>mostly I agree, but water? I think you'd have to be force fed <well,
>force drunk I suppose> the water with a hose for it to kill you <via
>internal bleeding from a burst stomach, most likely>.

You can die from over consumption of water - too much will toss your biochemistry out of whack enough to cause failure.

But it has been years since I saw the data - something like drinking 7 gallons in a couple of hour span is required. Not something someone without some kind of compulsive disorder is likely to do.

-MegaZone, megazone@megazone.org
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