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Eyrie Productions, Unlimited

Subject: "Persona 4 Golden"     Previous Topic | Next Topic
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Conferences Games Topic #208
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22954 posts
Oct-12-23, 08:21 PM (EST)
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"Persona 4 Golden"
   This was 20 bucks on Switch, so I decided to go back and play it first before continuing P5R. Made a couple of posts about it in the P5 stream, but I might as well give it its own.

Today's thought is about that sinking feeling that comes in every JRPG when you realize that you messed up something important without realizing it at some earlier point in the timeline, and there's nothing you can do about it now. Welp! Time to power to the end and look to New Game + for my salvation.

also, why did they introduce a new cohort character so late in the game, then give her such a tiny, easily missed window to start her social link?
Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/
zgryphon at that email service Google has
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
Persona 4 Golden [View All] Gryphonadmin Oct-12-23 TOP
   RE: Persona 4 Golden Gryphonadmin Oct-12-23 1
      RE: Persona 4 Golden Gryphonadmin Oct-13-23 5
   RE: Persona 4 Golden CdrMike Oct-12-23 2
      RE: Persona 4 Golden Kendra Kirai Oct-13-23 3
          RE: Persona 4 Golden Gryphonadmin Oct-13-23 6
              RE: Persona 4 Golden Kendra Kirai Oct-13-23 7
                  RE: Persona 4 Golden Gryphonadmin Oct-21-23 14
   RE: Persona 4 Golden Kendra Kirai Oct-13-23 4
   y'know, I have to wonder... Gryphonadmin Oct-13-23 8
      RE: y'know, I have to wonder... Kendra Kirai Oct-13-23 9
   RE: Persona 4 Golden Gryphonadmin Oct-16-23 10
   RE: Persona 4 Golden Rieverre Oct-17-23 11
      RE: Persona 4 Golden Gryphonadmin Oct-21-23 13
          RE: Persona 4 Golden Rieverre Oct-23-23 15
              RE: Persona 4 Golden Gryphonadmin Oct-23-23 16
                  RE: Persona 4 Golden pjmoyermoderator Oct-23-23 17
                      RE: Persona 4 Golden Gryphonadmin Oct-23-23 18
                          RE: Persona 4 Golden Rieverre Oct-24-23 21
                          RE: Persona 4 Golden Verbena Oct-24-23 22
                              RE: Persona 4 Golden Gryphonadmin Oct-27-23 24
                                  RE: Persona 4 Golden Verbena Oct-27-23 25
                                      RE: Persona 4 Golden Kendra Kirai Oct-27-23 26
                                          RE: Persona 4 Golden Gryphonadmin Oct-28-23 27
                                              RE: Persona 4 Golden Kendra Kirai Oct-29-23 28
                                              RE: Persona 4 Golden Gryphonadmin Oct-30-23 29
                                              RE: Persona 4 Golden Kendra Kirai Oct-31-23 30
                                              RE: Persona 4 Golden NHO Nov-07-23 32
                  RE: Persona 4 Golden Verbena Oct-24-23 23
                      RE: Persona 4 Golden Gryphonadmin Oct-14-24 37
                          RE: Persona 4 Golden Verbena Oct-15-24 38
                              RE: Persona 4 Golden Gryphonadmin Oct-15-24 39
              RE: Persona 4 Golden Kendra Kirai Oct-24-23 20
   RE: Persona 4 Golden Gryphonadmin Oct-21-23 12
      RE: Persona 4 Golden TsukaiStarburst Oct-23-23 19
          RE: Persona 4 Golden Gryphonadmin Nov-04-23 31
   RE: Persona 4 Golden Gryphonadmin Nov-09-23 33
   RE: Persona 4 Golden Gryphonadmin Dec-24-23 34
      RE: Persona 4 Golden Verbena Dec-25-23 35
      RE: Persona 4 Golden Kendra Kirai Dec-25-23 36

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Eyrie Productions, Unlimited
Benjamin D. Hutchins
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