Disco ELysium is....probably one of the best damn games I've played in a long, LONG while.It starts with your reptilian brain talking to you as you float in nothingness. It then goes on to try and keep you right there. Unfortunately, you wake up....and it goes downhill from there.
The game, as noted, takes place in a Blade Runner world of the 70s. The writing is hilariously funny, in my opinion, the characters are....interesting... and you get a bit of RPG too, in that you can create your character with varying stats, the which gives you access to varying actions and conversation choices.
The game has been called "the best RPG of 2019". In my opinion, it isn't an RPG, it is indeed an old-school adventure game, made for modern computers. But it's certainly one of the best games of the past LONG while, and I absolutely adore it.
"There is nothing. Only warm, primordial blackness. Your conscience ferments in it - no larger than a single grain of malt. You don't have to do anything any more.
Never ever."
Stoke Mandeville, Esq & The Victorian Ballsmiths
"Nobody Want Verdigris-Covered Balls!"