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Aug-22-10, 00:28 AM (EST)
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"BPGD: Autobot file - STINGER"
   [Yeah, it's a new UF bio for the Transformers Animated model of Bumblebee. --G.]

Babylon Project Galactic Database
Text Data Extraction Search: Teletran 2 Crosslink
Autobot Personnel Files: STINGER

Function: Student

"Enough talk - let's get to the action!"

PROFILE: Stinger is the son of Bumblebee and his binary partner, the human Shana O'Hara; his spark was created through a process called binary resonance and then infused into a blank protoform under the supervision of Autobot Surgeon General Ratchet. As the first product of an altogether new method of Transformer reproduction, and the son of a member of Optimus Prime's elite inner circle and one of the most well-known and respected human citizens of Cybertron, he has a lot to live up to.

It sometimes doesn't seem as though he's fully cognizant of that fact. Cheerful and hard to ruffle, Stinger doesn't sweat the small stuff. Observers who don't look closely tend to mistake that for laxity, or even recklessness, but more careful examination shows that what some take for brashness is actually pure, undiluted courage, of the sort his father became famous for during the Great Wars. He's capable of running eye-popping risks because he simply fears nothing, and able to get away with them because, relaxed attitude toward protocol or not, he's pretty good at what he calls the Hero Thing.

In truth, Stinger's laid-back, happy-go-lucky persona is his way of dealing with the pressure. If he doesn't seem to take things seriously, it's because he knows if he does dwell on the stature of his forebears and the expectations that creates for him in some people's minds, he'd probably go crazy. Instead, he lets it all slide off his back, but at the same time, there's no one more dedicated to Doing the Right Thing. He just insists on doing it his own way - and fortunately, his parents are the last people who'd want it any other way.

Stinger is currently attending the New Avalon Institute of Science in Zeta Cygni, along with his "childhood" pals Bulkhead (a conventionally sparked Autobot) and Sari Sumdac (whose origins are even weirder, by Transformer standards, than Stinger's).

ABILITIES: Stinger is even quicker and more nimble than his small chassis implies, and he possesses great energy efficiency. Physically and mentally tough, he can take a beating out of all proportion to his size and is never prepared to give up. He is armed with a pair of charged-particle blasters (his eponymous "stingers") which he can also configure as close-combat weapons. In vehicle form, he's unarmed but fast and agile, and almost as good a driver as he thinks he is.

WEAKNESSES: Stinger isn't very strong, and his fearlessness can be as much curse as blessing - in high school, he was voted Most Likely to Bite Off More Than He Can Chew. His weapons are subject to output restrictions because he is technically a minor, which is a relatively new concept to Cybertronian law.

STR 4 INT 7 SPD 8 RNK 0 END 7 COR 10 FRP 3 SKL 7

End of Text Data Extract
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BPGD: Autobot file - STINGER [View All] Gryphonadmin Aug-22-10 TOP
   RE: BPGD: Autobot file - STINGER Berk Aug-22-10 1
   RE: BPGD: Autobot file - STINGER BZArchermoderator Aug-22-10 2
   RE: BPGD: Autobot file - STINGER Prince Charon Aug-23-10 3
      RE: BPGD: Autobot file - STINGER Arashi Aug-23-10 4
          RE: BPGD: Autobot file - STINGER StClair Aug-24-10 5
              RE: BPGD: Autobot file - STINGER jhosmer1 Aug-24-10 6
                  RE: BPGD: Autobot file - STINGER A Vile Gangster Aug-25-10 8
                      RE: BPGD: Autobot file - STINGER Tzukumori Aug-28-10 11
                  RE: BPGD: Autobot file - STINGER StClair Aug-25-10 9
      RE: BPGD: Autobot file - STINGER Vehrec Aug-24-10 7
          RE: BPGD: Autobot file - STINGER Gryphonadmin Aug-25-10 10

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Eyrie Productions, Unlimited
Benjamin D. Hutchins
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