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Eyrie Productions, Unlimited

Subject: "The State of the Server"     Previous Topic | Next Topic
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Conferences City of Heroes Topic #72
Reading Topic #72, reply 0
Member since Mar-13-14
159 posts
Apr-22-19, 02:42 AM (EST)
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"The State of the Server"
   LAST EDITED ON Apr-26-19 AT 07:16 PM (EDT)
Edit 3: Server's back online, connection instructions are on Reddit, they've added a second server! Operation Skul Kil has commenced...

EDIT 2: https://massivelyop.com/2019/04/22/city-of-heroes-rogue-server-has-already-been-shut-down-under-threat-of-legal-action/

seems to be the best clearinghouse for new info.

EDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/Cityofheroes/comments/bg6a6y/the_future_of_score/

And that's that, it's gone. I'm not in the slightest surprised, but I am dismayed.

OK, so here's the scoop.

When NCSoft pulled the plug, a group called SCORE was able to obtain and run the CoH server code, and maintained a private access server for select folks. Recently, Stroya the Destroya leaked the existence of that server, and unlike previous leaks, the attempt to smear him as a conspiracy-theorist nutjob didn't work.

A reporter for MassivelyOP, Bree, covered the leak and it went big. Read her own words https://massivelyop.com/2019/04/18/whats-going-on-with-city-of-heroes-now-this-game-is-a-unicorn/

The Private server code was scrubbed of personal identification tracks and released. A group that I don't have a handle on or for has since modified and instantiated that code, and has opened the Public server.

Which is named Bree. :D

It's stable enough to play on - I've gotten two toons to level ten since it opened. It just keeps getting better.


Is a good place to get the instructions on getting your groove on - there's very little hackromancy here, it's pretty straightforward. If you need a bittorrent client, I recommend Deluge.

Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls.

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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
The State of the Server [View All] Wiregeek Apr-22-19 TOP
   RE: The State of the Server Wiregeek Apr-22-19 1
   RE: The State of the Server pjmoyermoderator Apr-22-19 2
   RE: The State of the Server Gryphonadmin Apr-22-19 3
      RE: The State of the Server Wiregeek Apr-22-19 4
   RE: The State of the Server BobSchroeck Apr-23-19 5
      RE: The State of the Server Arashi Apr-24-19 6
   RE: The State of the Server VoidRandom Apr-24-19 7
   RE: The State of the Server Wiregeek Apr-26-19 8
      RE: The State of the Server Arashi Apr-29-19 9
      RE: The State of the Server pjmoyermoderator Apr-29-19 10
          RE: The State of the Server Peter Eng Apr-29-19 11
          RE: The State of the Server pjmoyermoderator Apr-30-19 13
              RE: The State of the Server Nathan Apr-30-19 14
              RE: The State of the Server Wiregeek May-01-19 15
   RE: The State of the Server Edenclaw Apr-30-19 12
   RE: The State of the Server Rieverre May-26-19 16
   RE: The State of the Server pjmoyermoderator May-27-19 17
      RE: The State of the Server Verbena May-27-19 18
          RE: The State of the Server pjmoyermoderator May-28-19 19
   RE: The State of the Server Senji Jul-19-19 20
      RE: The State of the Server pjmoyermoderator Jul-19-19 21
      RE: The State of the Server Wiregeek Jul-24-19 22
          RE: The State of the Server Star Ranger4 Jul-24-19 23
              RE: The State of the Server pjmoyermoderator Jul-24-19 24

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