Eyrie Productions, Unlimited
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Jul-25-11, 10:38 PM (EDT) |
"Too Many Ideas (N.B. LONG LOAD)"
I'll never make much progress with most of the characters I create, often because their concepts call for power sets that would be redundant with characters I already do play or have played extensively. I've learned to accept that. But I keep them on file anyway, because you never know. 
(The punch line with Bollard, which you can't really tell from this photo, is that he's minimum height, maximum width. As is Detective Moleman, come to think of it.) --G. -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Admin Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam. |
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Jul-25-11, 11:33 PM (EDT) |
2. "RE: Too Many Ideas (N.B. LONG LOAD)"
In response to message #1
>And that is the most I have laughed in some time. Thank you, you are >the master. Thank you. I would just like to note for the record that Frosty the Hitman's bio might just be my favorite of all my characters'. It's a close three-way race between him, Crab Curburator, and They Saved the Brain. (Crab also gets bonus points from where his name came from.) I don't actually enjoy City of Villains much - the setting just... blows too hard - but villain bios are a lot of fun to come up with. Sadly, I don't think it's feasible for TSTB to ever change sides. Crab, maybe. I know his bio says "villainy", but it's a comic book first-page blurb, they exaggerate. He's really just in it for the cash and the kicks. He's a criminal, sure, he wouldn't argue that. What they used to call a "scofflaw". :) --G. -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Admin Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam. |
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Charter Member
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Jul-26-11, 10:22 PM (EDT) |
6. "RE: Too Many Ideas (N.B. LONG LOAD)"
In response to message #5
>I'm also far more fond of Frosty than I probably should be. And I >like the EXTREME CAPITALS in Crab's. In a comic they'd be the boldface bits. Weird Crime Comics routinely commits '60s Marvel-level boldface abuse. :) >Of the new batch, that I hadn't seen, I'm curious about Panjandrum. >I'm guessing that bio was written in (20)06? Yup. --G. -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Admin Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam. |
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Charter Member
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Jul-28-11, 06:39 PM (EDT) |
7. "RE: Too Many Ideas (N.B. LONG LOAD)"
In response to message #0
LAST EDITED ON Jul-28-11 AT 06:39 PM (EDT) Wow. All excellent, many laugh-out-loud funny -- and Frosty the Hitman got a genuine groan from my wife when I told her about him. The thing is, with all this awesomeness, I feel compelled to compete. But I'll be polite and not litter the thread with images and whatnot of my toons. I'll just link to two (more) that I think fit this thread's theme: X-Ray Ted and Some Random Schmuck (who exists solely so I can listen to the civilians talk about him: "I hear that Some Random Schmuck took down Frostfire!") And sadly, I have no images or pages for them, but I'd also like to mention Oscar A. Ward, a metallic gold Broadsword scrapper from L.A. who goes back there once a year at the end of winter for a big festival held in his honor; and Death Miser, a zombie Mastermind whose bio simply reads: "I'm Mister Omega, I'm Mister Strife, I'm Mister Dark Shadow, I'm Mister Anti-Life. They call me Death Miser, whatever I touch Starts to rot in my clutch... I'm too much." -- Bob ------------------- My race is pacifist and does not believe in war. We kill only out of personal spite. |
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Member since May-6-08
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Jul-28-11, 07:14 PM (EDT) |
8. "RE: Too Many Ideas (N.B. LONG LOAD)"
In response to message #7
>"I'm Mister Omega, I'm Mister Strife, >I'm Mister Dark Shadow, I'm Mister Anti-Life. >They call me Death Miser, whatever I touch >Starts to rot in my clutch... >I'm too much."HA! My wife loves that movie, and the ridiculousness of this is far beyond awesome. The song's playing in my head right now... -Droken "Trust me, you don't really want to know." |
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Charter Member
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Jul-30-11, 02:06 AM (EDT) |
10. "RE: Too Many Ideas (N.B. LONG LOAD)"
In response to message #7
LAST EDITED ON Jul-30-11 AT 03:26 AM (EDT) >And sadly, I have no images or pages for them, but I'd also like to >mention Oscar A. Ward, a metallic gold Broadsword scrapper from >L.A. who goes back there once a year at the end of winter for a big >festival held in his honorSnorrrrt. These are all funny, but that one, for some reason, particularly so. Is he faceless? :) OK, I have to see you that and raise you, fresh from the last few days: 
DEADBEEF includes one of my favorite cheap costume tricks, which, I have to confess, I've never gotten tired of using since I came up with it more or less accidentally years ago: using the Reaper mask item and Single-Shoulder Mantle:Short Cape:Tattered 3 to pull off the Strider Hiryu effect. --G. -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Admin Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam. |
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Charter Member
1799 posts |
Jul-30-11, 10:52 AM (EDT) |
11. "RE: Too Many Ideas (N.B. LONG LOAD)"
In response to message #10
LAST EDITED ON Jul-30-11 AT 10:55 AM (EDT) >Snorrrrt. These are all funny, but that one, for some reason, >particularly so. Is he faceless? :) Sadly, no. I spent a while, both before and after character creation, trying to get him exactly right, but I couldn't find a set of head options that gave him a non-monstrous "blank" face and let me square it off and took the metallic texture. I had to settle for this: 
And just to see your raise: 
ETA: What you can't see on Kosher Bill is that I used one of the one-shoulder minicape options -- the very short fringed capelet -- to make it look like he's wearing a prayer shawl. -- Bob ------------------- My race is pacifist and does not believe in war. We kill only out of personal spite. |
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Charter Member
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Aug-01-11, 02:54 AM (EDT) |
13. "RE: Too Many Ideas (N.B. LONG LOAD)"
In response to message #10
It's a weird creative process, making characters. Sometimes a concept works and sometimes it doesn't - and what's really weird is that when they don't, and you go back and try again, sometimes something that's almost the same as what you started with ends up clicking. Case in point: DEADBEEF wasn't doin' it for me. I like the design a lot, and the name is a nice (if obvious) joke, but it just wasn't working. So I sat and stared at the character generator for a while, which is roughly equivalent to glumly surveying a blank notebook page... ... and this happened. 
Pretty much the same character, and yet whatever's different is just different enough to have some traction. She's level 7 now, which is a good sign, since most of my failed characters have an MTBF of about four levels. She may not make it to the really big time - with about five years of actual game time spread over the last seven, I've only got three characters who've made it past level 30 (Captain Photon, original-formula Jen, and Prof. Neutrino) - but she will, at least, probably not get erased, and that's something. Speaking of staring glumly at blank pages, some of you may be relieved to know that this isn't all I've been doing this month; it's just the only thing that's so quick to get into a presentable state. :) --G. -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Admin Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam. |
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Charter Member
1799 posts |
Aug-02-11, 09:50 PM (EDT) |
18. "RE: Too Many Ideas (N.B. LONG LOAD)"
In response to message #13
>Pretty much the same character, and yet whatever's different is just >different enough to have some traction. She's level 7 now, which is a >good sign, since most of my failed characters have an MTBF of about >four levels. She may not make it to the really big time - with about >five years of actual game time spread over the last seven, I've only >got three characters who've made it past level 30 (Captain Photon, >original-formula Jen, and Prof. Neutrino) - but she will, at least, >probably not get erased, and that's something. I know what you mean. I have a lot of toons on Virtue. A good half of them came from the first year or so when I was just doing things for the sake of doing them. Some of them worked spectacularly -- my premiere toon Evangelia is a case in point -- and some didn't. But I haven't had the heart to delete the ones that didn't quite gel. Since then, though, I've been pretty much a concept player, creating toons only when an idea seizes me. (Like all the toons I've cited in this and the other thread. Or Pam Staafl, the Kim Possible clone. Or Range Sabre, Shield Sabre and Life Sabre, from the "Paragon Sabres" BGC tribute subgroup of the Riot 6.1 SG. Or... no need to keep going, you get the idea.) It certainly solves the problem of staring at the blank toon form if you only open the creator when inspiration strikes... -- Bob ------------------- My race is pacifist and does not believe in war. We kill only out of personal spite. |
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Member since Aug-1-08
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Aug-02-11, 08:28 PM (EDT) |
17. "RE: Too Many Ideas (N.B. LONG LOAD)"
In response to message #0
I don't do up stories for most of my characters, though some get enough playtime that I end up making one up. I only have one character that had a story going in, I wanted to try out a Shield Tanker and this concept popped into my head. Name: Overridden A villain, well more like a thief, sneaks into a Crey lab to steal some new powered armour, figures with it he can be the new badass on the block. Unfortunately for him this armour comes complete with an AI that's programmed to be a hero and didn't like his plans to go be evil. Now the AI is in full control of the suit and he's stuck watching while the suit saves the day. Figured I'd maybe make him regain control and go rogue at some point, depending on how I liked playing a tanker. I'm usually a Redside person, while I agree Arachnos is a weak villain group I prefer the villain environs to the heroside ones. Not as detailed as most here, but it amused me enough to get the character to 19 before my last month long hiatus. ----- It would have been an accidental shooting, had he not reloaded... twice. |
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D. Hutchins
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