Eyrie Productions, Unlimited
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Mar-09-18, 11:34 PM (EDT) |
1. "RE: Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen-Litvyak"
In response to message #0
>Or, well, her real life counterpart, Ilmari Juutilainen, was an >absolute bad-ass. Actively flying well into his 80s,his last flight >happened at age 83...in a Finnish airforce F-18. Complete Rockstar. >That's really all, just wanted to note it.Indeed! In a similar vein, Erich Hartmann survived being handed over to the Russians at the end of the war, and being held long past the expiration of any valid prisoner-of-war terms under the Yalta Agreement on war crimes charges the prosecutors acknowledged were bogus during the show trial. The Soviets tried to force him to confess to these "crimes" anyway; he wouldn't. They sentenced him to 25 years' hard labor; he refused to work, declaring he would do nothing to benefit those unlawfully detaining him in any way. They threatened to send the KGB to murder his family in West Germany if he wouldn't inform on fellow prisoners; he told them to go pound sand. They told him they'd let him go if he agreed to take a leadership position in the new East German air force; he told them make me a proper grown-up job offer after I get home and I'll consider it, but you'd better have a good dental plan; in the meantime take the asshole train to the end. (I may have made that part after the comma up.) At one point early in his captivity, a KGB officer trying to get information about the Me 262 out of him got tired of being stonewalled* and hit Hartmann across the face with a cane. Hartmann's response to this—keep in mind that this was in an interrogation room being guarded by armed goons—was to pick up his chair and knock the interrogator clean the fuck out with it. The guards were too impressed to think of shooting him. Probably they didn't like the guy either. His fellow prisoners thought so highly of him that, when the Soviets threw him in solitary for refusing to work, they took over the camp and let him out. Not out of the camp; that would probably have gotten everybody killed. Just out of solitary. The Russians seem to have respected that for some weird reason. There's more, but it would just be piling on at this stage. Point is, Erich Hartmann was also a badass. He didn't make his last flight at 83, true, in large part because he only lived to be 71. --G. * On top of his determination not to help the Soviets with absolutely anything, Hartmann probably didn't know much about the Me 262; he declined two transfers to squadrons that used them and never flew one operationally, and besides, he was a pilot, not an engineer. -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ zgryphon at that email service Google has Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam. |
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Member since Jun-29-03
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Mar-10-18, 10:48 AM (EDT) |
2. "RE: Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen-Litvyak"
In response to message #1
>At one point early in his captivity, a KGB officer trying to get >information about the Me 262 out of him got tired of being >stonewalled* and hit Hartmann across the face with a cane. Hartmann's >response to this—keep in mind that this was in an interrogation >room being guarded by armed goons—was to pick up his chair and >knock the interrogator clean the fuck out with it. >There's more, but it would just be piling on at this stage. Point is, >Erich Hartmann was also a badass.
Can't really argue with that, indeed. >He didn't make his last flight at >83, true, in large part because he only lived to be 71. Which, you know, has to be acknowledged as a valid excuse. ...! Stoke Mandeville, Esq & The Victorian Ballsmiths "Nobody Want Verdigris-Covered Balls!"
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Charter Member
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Mar-10-18, 01:14 PM (EDT) |
3. "RE: Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen-Litvyak"
In response to message #0
While we're here: Mio Sakamoto's archetype, Saburō Sakai, was shot through the head by the tail gunner of a US naval bomber during the Battle of Guadalcanal in 1942. Blinded in his right eye (which is why Mio was designed with an eyepatch, though she has a happier reason for wearing it) and unable to move the left side of his body, he flew more than 600 miles back to Rabaul, which took five hours, and landed safely with pretty much no fuel left. He then insisted on delivering his after-action report before he would let the doctors at him. Back in Japan, surgeons pieced his head back together (without anesthetic), and somehow, despite badly straitened wartime conditions and the fairly primitive state of neurosurgery in 1942, managed to get the left side of his body back online (but not his right eye). He was back on not just active duty, but combat operations, by the middle of 1944. He lived to be 84. All of which may go some way toward explaining why you can't stop Mio Sakamoto, you can only hope to sort of contain her. --G. -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ zgryphon at that email service Google has Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam. |
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Member since Jun-29-03
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Mar-11-18, 11:16 AM (EDT) |
4. "RE: Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen-Litvyak"
In response to message #3
LAST EDITED ON Mar-11-18 AT 11:18 AM (EDT) Knowing pretty much sod-all about the OWAW universe other than what has appeared here, I have to ask if there are such a thing as "land witches", more or less? If there is, I would like to make a note for a female version of Simo "Simuna" Häyhä. Because there has never been a person more personifying the Finnish "Sisu".I know that I ragged on the Finns elsewhere, but only the Guhrkas are their equal in the "come if you think you're hard enough" department. Koti - Uskonto - Isänmaa ...! Stoke Mandeville, Esq & The Victorian Ballsmiths "Nobody Want Verdigris-Covered Balls!" |
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Charter Member
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Mar-11-18, 01:03 PM (EDT) |
6. "RE: Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen-Litvyak"
In response to message #4
>Knowing pretty much sod-all about the OWAW universe other than what >has appeared here, I have to ask if there are such a thing as "land >witches", more or less? As noted by another poster, there are tank witches. Eila's sister Aurora is one in World Witches canon, and in OWaW, Darjeeling Bishop wanted to be one until her flight aptitude intervened. (It hasn't come up on screen, but Darjy is in fact dating a Liberion tank witch, and the two of them are likely to get some trouble from General Patton if he finds out. :) >I know that I ragged on the Finns elsewhere, but only the Guhrkas are >their equal in the "come if you think you're hard enough" department. Ah, the Gurkhas; because the British forces needed a unit that could make even the Highland regiments say, "Those boys are right hard." I like to think that the Einheri personifications of WWII's two HMS Gurkhas (a Tribal-class destroyer sunk off Norway in 1940, and her replacement, an L-class destroyer sunk in the Med two years later) are jointly and severally barred from a number of pubs in greater New Yokosuka for excessive headbutting. --G. -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ zgryphon at that email service Google has Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam. |
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Member since Jun-29-03
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Mar-11-18, 02:13 PM (EDT) |
7. "RE: Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen-Litvyak"
In response to message #6
>As noted by another poster, there are tank witches. Eila's sister >Aurora is one in World Witches canonHeh, cool! So, there is an in-universe version of Aarne, as well! Aarne Juutilainen, Captain of the Finnish army, was generally known as the "Terror of Morocco" due to 5 years of serving with the Foreign Legion. After he returned to Finland, he joined the Finnish army and was, as a Lieutenant, was directly adressed by Major General Woldemar Hägglund. Hägglund asked if the strategically important Kollaa would hold. Aarne responded that, unless ordered to run, Kollaa WOULD hold. The response came because he had, not a week earlier, been directly ordered to withdraw...an order he had blatantly ignored. >Ah, the Gurkhas; because the British forces needed a unit that could >make even the Highland regiments say, "Those boys are right >hard." Yeah, pretty much exactly that. >I like to think that the Einheri personifications of WWII's two HMS >Gurkhas (a Tribal-class destroyer sunk off Norway in 1940, and >her replacement, an L-class destroyer sunk in the Med two years later) >are jointly and severally barred from a number of pubs in greater New >Yokosuka for excessive headbutting.
Well, if there is any people I could see being able to speak fluent Krogan as a national ability, it would be NepBat, as it were. Simo Häyhä, meanwhile, was never a tanker. He was, however, the single most successful sniper in history. The number of kills varies, depending on source, but if one is to take his own word for it, he exceeded 500, in a war that ran for about 100 days. No wonder the Soviets called him "Белая смерть", White Death. It might be that I'm fanboying a bit here, but take those number above. Then add to that the fact that this is winter in Finland, the number of daylight hours are limited. The temperature ran from about -4 to about -40, Fahrenheit. He is moving in massive amounts of snow(the camo he were is the OTHER reason for that nickname). And he is doing all of his shooting with an un-scoped rifle(incidentally, a Finnish Mosin-Nagant). The Soviets finally started to resort to ARTILLERY to stop this one man. ...! Stoke Mandeville, Esq & The Victorian Ballsmiths "Nobody Want Verdigris-Covered Balls!"
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The Traitor
Member since Feb-24-09
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Mar-12-18, 03:46 PM (EDT) |
10. "RE: Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen-Litvyak"
In response to message #7
Meanwhile, Britain sent a man with a longbow and bagpipes to the Italian campaign. Also a sword. And later he became, to quote Wikipedia, "a passionate devotee of the surfboard". We're an odd bunch, us. --- "She's old, she's lame, she's barren too, // "She's not worth feed or hay, // "But I'll give her this," - he blew smoke at me - // "She was something in her day." -- Garnet Rogers, Small Victory FiMFiction.net: we might accept blatant porn involving the cast of My Little Pony but as God is my witness we have standards. |
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Member since Jul-11-11
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Mar-12-18, 10:50 AM (EDT) |
9. "RE: Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen-Litvyak"
In response to message #3
> >All of which may go some way toward explaining why you can't stop Mio >Sakamoto, you can only hope to sort of contain her. "The question ain't when he's gonna stop, but who's gonna stop him...." Ebony the Black Dragon "Life is like an anole. Sometimes it's green. Sometimes it's brown. But it's always a small Caribbean lizard." |
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Eyrie Productions,
D. Hutchins
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