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Eyrie Productions, Unlimited

Subject: "I Thought He'd Be Taller"     Previous Topic | Next Topic
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22914 posts
Jun-12-11, 02:29 PM (EST)
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"I Thought He'd Be Taller"
   LAST EDITED ON Jun-12-11 AT 02:31 PM (EDT)
During the Covenant War, the combination of completely new opposing forces and various unfamiliar players on the allied side occasionally caused some confusion and uncertainty on the battlefield. To allay this, the WDF's morale division came up with the idea of borrowing a page from the U.S. government's playbook during the Second World War, when it was feared that American troops (not being terribly worldly chaps, for the most part) might not recognize their allies, and so around the WDF Tactical barracks and the crew spaces of WDF and USAF ships, posters like this one started appearing:

There were those who thought the entire campaign was too corny for words, and many who suspected that the whole thing was a joke. Nevertheless, interservice friendly fire incidents did decline by over 70 percent, and the few surviving posters are highly collectible in the early 25th century. I suspect Sgt. Barlow has one. :)

Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Admin
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
I Thought He'd Be Taller [View All] Gryphonadmin Jun-12-11 TOP
   RE: I Thought He'd Be Taller Gryphonadmin Jun-14-11 1
      RE: I Thought He'd Be Taller Pasha Jun-14-11 2
      RE: I Thought He'd Be Taller Pasha Jun-14-11 3
          RE: I Thought He'd Be Taller Gryphonadmin Jun-14-11 4
      RE: I Thought He'd Be Taller Meagen Jun-15-11 5
      RE: I Thought He'd Be Taller Star Ranger4 Jun-15-11 6
      RE: I Thought He'd Be Taller Malkarris Jun-16-11 7
      RE: I Thought He'd Be Taller BeardedFerret Jun-18-11 8

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Benjamin D. Hutchins
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