Eyrie Productions, Unlimited
Matrix Dragon
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1203 posts |
Nov-19-08, 03:35 AM (EST) |
2. "RE: F4: Typical Grushkans"
In response to message #0
I'm still giggling at the "Don't make eye contact" prank. Grushka was a rather interesting planet overall, with a simple, yet interesting backstory (Czerka never changes it seems). Fenn was fun, as was the guide. The scene with Vader waking up was nice, with a nicely written reaction to being intact again. What I really liked though was his 'recruitment speech' to Rei. Really demonstrated the nature of this version of Vader, along with the way of the Sith. Maybe it's the fact that I pulled Mass Effect out last night and finally finished it, but while Rei and co were driving around in the Mako, I couldn't help but think she has the suspension on hers better adjusted :P Overall, fun story, enjoyed it. Matrix Dragon, J. Random Nutter |
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Charter Member
608 posts |
Nov-19-08, 07:47 AM (EST) |
4. "RE: F4: Typical Grushkans"
In response to message #3
You know, I was trying to place exactly where I had seen the whole 'trip into the Jungle' bit somewhere else before. Not to diminish it or anything, I couldn't help but figure that this was on some level a tribute... And then bit at his end. 'da verschrikking...' That broke me terribly. Marvelously played. - Berk Watkins Student of Quantum Bogodynamics |
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Charter Member
329 posts |
Nov-19-08, 09:06 AM (EST) |
5. "RE: F4: Typical Grushkans"
In response to message #4
Greatly enjoyed the piece! >You know, I was trying to place exactly where I had seen the whole >'trip into the Jungle' bit somewhere else before. Not to diminish it >or anything, I couldn't help but figure that this was on some level a >tribute... I've seen 'treks into the jungle to visit ancient Sith temples' in a couple different games, Jedi Academy and KotOR 2 both. I'm pretty sure both were inspired by one or more of the EU books. Not sure what, if any, influenced the fic though. =) "They say one should not speak unkindly of the dead, so I say, 'nice try'." --Lezard |
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Charter Member
917 posts |
Nov-19-08, 12:33 PM (EST) |
7. "RE: F4: Typical Grushkans"
In response to message #5
>Greatly enjoyed the piece! > >>You know, I was trying to place exactly where I had seen the whole >>'trip into the Jungle' bit somewhere else before. Not to diminish it >>or anything, I couldn't help but figure that this was on some level a >>tribute... > >I've seen 'treks into the jungle to visit ancient Sith temples' in a >couple different games, Jedi Academy and KotOR 2 both. I'm pretty sure >both were inspired by one or more of the EU books. Not sure what, if >any, influenced the fic though. =) I think Berk meant that on some level the whole jungle scene with Master Corto was a tribute to Apocalypse Now :D I'd like to say, I always had the sneaking suspicion that Vader's role in the whole story was to find Rei, convince her to join the dark side, then disappear to train her until Blades. Its really reaaally nice to find out I was wrong. I'm really enjoying reading about Vader and Rei's development into master and apprentice :) Also, even though Dooku is currently one of the good guy's... does anyone else get the feeling that he's going to get warped (or is already warped) by the temple on Naboo? _____________________________________________ "Walls are meant to be broken." - makes sense both figuratively and literally.
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Charter Member
10867 posts |
Nov-19-08, 01:55 PM (EST) |
9. "RE: F4: Typical Grushkans"
In response to message #7
>I think Berk meant that on some level the whole jungle scene with >Master Corto was a tribute to Apocalypse Now :D Well, if we're being technical, the concept traces back to Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness, of which Apocalypse Now is basically a movie version shifted from the context of late-Victorian-era Africa to the Vietnam War. But yes, the whole thing is largely a Heart of Darkness riff. Technically, since "Corto" is Italian for "Kurtz", Master Corto's last words should've been "L'orrore... l'orrore," but I liked the Dutch version better and the translation isn't quite as obvious. --G. -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Admin Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam. |
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Charter Member
548 posts |
Nov-19-08, 03:09 PM (EST) |
11. "RE: F4: Typical Grushkans"
In response to message #0
LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-11 AT 02:26 PM (EST) Count Dooku wants to bum a ride from Len. I'm sure no excitement and-or danger will come from this. Nah. Not from Count Dooku.Heh. Very nice piece. Seeing what we are of the temples and the drives-Jedi-crazy glyphs, I'm beginning to wonder (if I hadn't mised it being spelled out plainly else where) that perhaps the Fulcrum of Fate is some kind of ancient, psychic weapon. If that's the case, that's one hella cool name for a weapon. |
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Member since Sep-23-08
38 posts |
Nov-19-08, 06:08 PM (EST) |
12. "RE: F4: Typical Grushkans"
In response to message #11
You want my take on this? Consider why those Temples were largely abandoned. My suspicion is that it's related to the Yoma Sorcerers waaaay back during the Purge--I would not be suprised if the new Sorcerers simply learned how to re-activate the long-dormant "anti-Jedi" mechanism like they did back then. It's the Purge all over again, but there's one thing against it: Vader is on the other side this time. That's quite likely part of the reasoning behind the "fulcrum," IMO--Len and Emmy will play their share, I know. Other than that, I don't care if it's light on the fighting--a good mystery is also very enjoyable. Can't wait to see the last installment! (Note: I orignally envisioned the Grushkans as Minya-shaped, but with backward legs. Comes from moderating an active Godzilla forum, I guess.) ----- Percussive maitnence: the only way to ensure that you'll get new kit before the free service warranty expires. Pefferably with a deadblow hammer, but as long as you don't leave marks, the service engineer won't know. |
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