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Aug-14-14, 03:08 PM (EDT)
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"BPGD: Napoleon-class tank"
   LAST EDITED ON Aug-14-14 AT 05:50 PM (EDT)
Babylon Project Galactic Database
Text Data Extraction Search: Jane's Fighting Vehicles
Search Criteria: napoleon class tank

NDWM Model 2292V4 Napoleon

Type: Urban light tank
Manufacturer: Neue Deutsche Waffen-und-Mechafabrik, Niogi
Mass: 7.5 tons
Length: 10.25 ft
Width: 5.5 ft
Height: 7.5 ft

Crew: 2
Armor: Light composite
Armor rating: 75 RU
Deflector shields: Yes
Deflector rating: 35 SBD

Power source, primary: SB-492 fusion reactor
Power source, secondary: Gas turbine
Drive system: 4x independent caterpillar track w/ articulation (see below)
Road march speed: 60 mph
Flank speed: 125 mph
Airmobile: Yes

Main armament: 1x120mm smoothbore gun
Secondary armament:
- 1x 6x20mm rotary blaster
- 1x 7.62mm coaxial blaster


In the late 23rd century, the Zardon Department of Justice's Armored Division, more popularly known as the Tank Police or Panzer Judges, had three connected problems. The first was that the tanks they had inherited from the Zardon Defense Force were too large, slow, and cumbersome to be of much use in the incredibly dense urban environment of the Mega-Cities, in particular Mega-City One. The second was that Mega-City One's criminal element had realized the first problem and developed tactics to exploit it. And the third was that the Tek Division's solution to the first two problems, the Lawbringer medium hover tank, was an overengineered boondoggle that didn't work and tended to get Judges killed in the process of not doing so.

By 2292, the situation had become so grim that the Chief Justice decided to shut the Armored Division down and reassign its personnel elsewhere. Before the order could be implemented, however, a block war broke out in the Mega-City's eastern zone. Desperate for any backup they could get, the street Judges in the district called on the Armored Division for help. The division's big, clumsy tanks fared no better there than they did anywhere else - but out of the wreckage left behind by their first clash with the rioters, one of the division's personnel invented a whole new way to wage urban warfare.

Leona Ozaki, the granddaughter of an émigré from Earth, was a rookie Panzer Judge at the time of the incident. After her tank was shot out from under her during the initial battle of the AD's intervention in the block war, she built from its remains a much smaller, nimbler vehicle - one that could maneuver in the close quarters of an Inner Block and still dish out enough punishment to make any but the best-equipped and -organized urban insurrectionists think twice about engaging it. In command of this vehicle, Ozaki and her partner/driver Al Southwell routed the leaders of the riot and brought the block war under control.

Within weeks, almost all of the AD's large-scale tanks had been scrapped by the division's own technical personnel and rebuilt into similar mini-tanks, and the effectiveness and reputation of the Panzer Judges skyrocketed. Impressed, the Chief Justice rescinded his order that the division be disbanded and turned a blind eye to the relentlessly non-standard equipment they were using. After all, the latter was not illegal, only irregular.

The first-generation Justice Department minitanks were hand-built replicas of Ozaki's original, which she nicknamed "Bonaparte" after the 19th-century Earth general Napoleon Bonaparte. Not until after the turn of the century would the Justice Department get around to issuing a proper equipment specification for what became known as the Napoleon-class Urban Light Tank, then soliciting bids for mass production. Neue Deutsche Waffen-und-Mechafabrik AG submitted the winning bid, and retroactively designated the new product the "M2292" after the year of the original Bonaparte's creation.

The Napoleon-class ULT has been in production ever since, for the Justice Department and for other police, military, and security organizations around the galaxy. It has seen many incremental improvements over the decades, but has always remained true to Judge Ozaki's original design maxim: "Simplify and add lightness."


The current version of the Napoleon, the M2292V4 or "Victor Four", is equipped with a 120mm smoothbore gun capable of firing a wide range of different ammunition types, ranging from conventional fin-stabilized discarding-sabot kinetic penetrators to gas-dispersal rounds and even riot control adhesive distributors. There are rumors that NDWM have even devised a photon torpedo for it, though no records of such a weapon ever being deployed can be found.

In addition, the vehicle is fitted with an assault-rifle-grade machine blaster that fires coaxial with the main gun and a rear-deck-mounted six-barrel rotary blaster. The latter weapon is used primarily for air defense, but can also be used against ground targets with skillful enough handling. Both can be configured with a concussion stun setting.

The Victor Four's fusion primary powerplant gives the vehicle exceptional endurance for an AFV, enabling long-range/long-term operations. The tank's ground speed is excellent for a tracked vehicle and its agility is unmatched in its class. Its four independent track units have articulated treads, which, in addition to their normal operating mode, can actually be used to "tiptoe", a much slower but nearly silent operating mode. The track units themselves are also articulated, enabling a skilled driver to extend them up to their own width sideways for greater stability, retract them partway into the hull to get through narrow spaces, and even use them to "walk" across gaps and other ground faults.

The vehicle is also designed to be airmobile; it is light enough to be transported by most military or police aerospace transports, and can be dropped by parachute or retro-rocket sled into most environments.

The tank's cabin is fully isolated against nuclear, biological, and chemical hazards, and its sensor suite provides excellent situational awareness to both crew members even when fully buttoned up. The Victor Four's search radar is optimized for aerial defense, but configurable for a wide range of different operating conditions. In keeping with its primary role in urban law enforcement, it also has excellent acoustic sensors, which can be set to detect and pinpoint the sounds of many common weapons.

The Napoleon Victor Four's armor is rated effective against small arms and light-to-medium anti-armor weapons; in conjunction with its deflector shield system, it is expected to be able to stand up against any enemy it cannot outmaneuver.


Like all tracked vehicles, the Napoleon-class tank can be stymied by sufficiently rough or boggy terrain (although the articulated track system makes it surprisingly capable, if very slow, under all but the very worst surface conditions). It may be the most maneuverable conventional vehicle in its class, but it's still no spider tank or scout Destroid.

The Victor Four's relatively tall, narrow profile can make it an obvious target in a non-urban environment, and its high, front-mounted turret placement makes it unstable under some operating conditions.

While sturdy, its armor is not particularly heavy; a Napoleon should not be expected to survive a one-on-one engagement with a main battle tank or heavy Destroid. Its main weapon's reliance on ammunition limits its primary effectiveness in extended deployments, and its short barrel limits its muzzle velocity and accuracy at long range, though the latter is very rarely a problem in the tank's urban natural habitat.


In addition to the Zardon Department of Justice, the Napoleon-class minitank is used by urban police forces, security agencies, and planetary defense forces around the galaxy.

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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
  RE: BPGD: Napoleon-class tank Mercutio Aug-14-14 1
     RE: BPGD: Napoleon-class tank Gryphonadmin Aug-14-14 3
  RE: BPGD: Napoleon-class tank Nova Floresca Aug-14-14 2
     RE: BPGD: Napoleon-class tank Gryphonadmin Aug-14-14 4
         RE: BPGD: Napoleon-class tank SpottedKitty Aug-14-14 7
         RE: BPGD: Napoleon-class tank Polychrome Aug-17-14 12
     RE: BPGD: Napoleon-class tank Mercutio Aug-14-14 5
         RE: BPGD: Napoleon-class tank Peter Eng Aug-17-14 10
             RE: BPGD: Napoleon-class tank Droken Aug-17-14 11
     RE: BPGD: Napoleon-class tank ebony14 Aug-15-14 8
  RE: BPGD: Napoleon-class tank twipper Aug-14-14 6
  RE: BPGD: Napoleon-class tank The Traitor Aug-16-14 9
  RE: BPGD: Napoleon-class tank CdrMike Aug-18-14 13

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Member since May-26-13
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Aug-14-14, 05:19 PM (EDT)
Click to EMail Mercutio Click to send private message to Mercutio Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
1. "RE: BPGD: Napoleon-class tank"
In response to message #0
   I should like to note three things.

1) My most favorite fictional tank ever. Sorry, Haunted Tank. You tried real hard.

2) That model is super adorable. It looks like the turret has a little face on it!

3) While this is an extremely cromulent Featured Document, real-world events happening at this very moment prevent me from taking full joy in lavish descriptions of hardware deployed by excessively militarized and unaccountable police departments.

Keep Rat

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Charter Member
14604 posts
Aug-14-14, 05:51 PM (EDT)
Click to EMail Gryphon Click to send private message to Gryphon Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
3. "RE: BPGD: Napoleon-class tank"
In response to message #1
   >3) While this is an extremely cromulent Featured Document, real-world
>events happening at this very moment prevent me from taking full joy
>in lavish descriptions of hardware deployed by excessively militarized
>and unaccountable police departments.

One tends to question the validity of the judgment "excessively militarized" in the case of the Zardon Justice Department, considering what they're up against. Mega-City One is a long fucking way from Ferguson, Missouri.

Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/
zgryphon at that email service Google has
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

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Nova Floresca
Member since Sep-13-13
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Aug-14-14, 05:40 PM (EDT)
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2. "RE: BPGD: Napoleon-class tank"
In response to message #0
   Photon. Torpedo. Because even a kaiju riot can be dispersed, with a sufficiently big stick?

"This is probably a stupid question, but . . ."

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Charter Member
14604 posts
Aug-14-14, 05:51 PM (EDT)
Click to EMail Gryphon Click to send private message to Gryphon Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
4. "RE: BPGD: Napoleon-class tank"
In response to message #2
   >Photon. Torpedo. Because even a kaiju riot can be dispersed, with a
>sufficiently big stick?

You never know when you might need to shoot down a starship.

Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/
zgryphon at that email service Google has
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

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Member since Jun-15-04
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Aug-14-14, 07:53 PM (EDT)
Click to EMail SpottedKitty Click to send private message to SpottedKitty Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
7. "RE: BPGD: Napoleon-class tank"
In response to message #4
   >>Photon. Torpedo. Because even a kaiju riot can be dispersed, with a
>>sufficiently big stick?
>You never know when you might need to shoot down a starship.

Is that a direct quote from Judge Ozaki?

And of course, the idea of Leona Ozaki in a Zardon Judge's uniform fills me with becrogglement. It strikes me as incredibly right and incredibly wrong at the same time, which I suppose means it fits perfectly in UF. :)

Unable to save the day: File is read-only.

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Charter Member
458 posts
Aug-17-14, 10:45 PM (EDT)
Click to EMail Polychrome Click to send private message to Polychrome Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
12. "RE: BPGD: Napoleon-class tank"
In response to message #4
   >You never know when you might need to shoot down a starship.

"...wish I coulda seen the look on the captain's face!"


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Member since May-26-13
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Aug-14-14, 05:56 PM (EDT)
Click to EMail Mercutio Click to send private message to Mercutio Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
5. "RE: BPGD: Napoleon-class tank"
In response to message #2
   Unfortunately for the doughty men and women of the tank police, the laws of dramatic necessity render kaiju completely to tank fire unless said tank satisfied the following conditions:

1) It is the last surviving tank of the battalion.

2) It's commander is a maverick who doesn't play by the rules who has teamed up with the scientist who predicted the kaiju attack and was completely ignored.

3) The tank has been picked up by, or, in extreme cases, has actually crawled up onto the kaiju, it has one round left, and only seconds to traverse far enough to fire that round into the kaijus weak point.

... I like lists today, I guess.

More prosaically, while cramming a photon torpedo into something this small is probably usually a bad idea, I bet it would really surprise a larger tank or Destroid that just knew a Bonaparte couldn't possibly be packing anything that could cut through its armor.

Keep Rat

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Peter Eng
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Aug-17-14, 03:56 PM (EDT)
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10. "RE: BPGD: Napoleon-class tank"
In response to message #5
>More prosaically, while cramming a photon torpedo into something this
>small is probably usually a bad idea, I bet it would really surprise a
>larger tank or Destroid that just knew a Bonaparte couldn't
>possibly be packing anything that could cut through its armor.

Oh, it's a bad idea in so many ways. Instability is less of a problem at this scale, but there's the problems of range, required accuracy, and cost.

Peter Eng
Firing this weapon within 75 meters of target may result in injury or death for the user.
Firing this weapon without an active guidance system may result in severe collateral damage.
Firing this weapon will consume the entire operating budget of the department for the next decade.
Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.

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Member since May-6-08
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Aug-17-14, 06:32 PM (EDT)
Click to EMail Droken Click to send private message to Droken Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
11. "RE: BPGD: Napoleon-class tank"
In response to message #10
   Indeed. Back during Rite of Passage, Asrial unloads the as-yet-shown (and probably imagined) "smallest photon torpedo", which comes in the form of the Thunderbolt round. At a quarter-mil sal-creds (at the time, who knows what it'd run in the 25th), cost was definitely an issue. And I don't think there was much left of the middle of the grand entrance hall after that (and the foyer collapsed as well...).


"Trust me, you don't really want
to know."

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Member since Jul-11-11
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Aug-15-14, 09:56 AM (EDT)
Click to EMail ebony14 Click to send private message to ebony14 Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
8. "RE: BPGD: Napoleon-class tank"
In response to message #2
   >Photon. Torpedo. Because even a kaiju riot can be dispersed, with a
>sufficiently big stick?
>"This is probably a stupid question, but . . ."

It's a hell of a jurisdictional snafu that ends in the words: "Alright Lensman Gojira, put the Fiat down and put your hands on your head. Don't make me waste you."

(Coming soon from Kanzaki Films: Leona Ozaki and Godzilla in the biggest buddy cop film ever made. Look for "Kaiju Judgment" this Christmas.)

Ebony the Black Dragon

"Life is like an anole. Sometimes it's green. Sometimes it's brown. But it's always a small Caribbean lizard."

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Member since Jan-8-03
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Aug-14-14, 07:37 PM (EDT)
Click to EMail twipper Click to send private message to twipper Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
6. "RE: BPGD: Napoleon-class tank"
In response to message #0
   The only thing that would make this story better is if a group of the Napoleon's had the AI from the mini-tanks from the Ghost in the Shell OAV series uploaded to them via a deranged hacker.

The havoc a division of sentient, Turing-certified tanks could cause in Mega City One...


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The Traitor
Member since Feb-24-09
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Aug-16-14, 05:11 AM (EDT)
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9. "RE: BPGD: Napoleon-class tank"
In response to message #0
   LAST EDITED ON Aug-16-14 AT 05:12 AM (EDT)
Dammit, Ozaki, stop stealing Colin Chapman's lines!

"She's old, she's lame, she's barren too, // "She's not worth feed or hay, // "But I'll give her this," - he blew smoke at me - // "She was something in her day." -- Garnet Rogers, Small Victory

FiMFiction.net: we might accept blatant porn involving the cast of My Little Pony but as God is my witness we have standards.

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Member since Feb-20-05
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Aug-18-14, 08:52 PM (EDT)
Click to EMail CdrMike Click to send private message to CdrMike Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
13. "RE: BPGD: Napoleon-class tank"
In response to message #0
   >And the third was that the Tek
>Division's solution to the first two problems, the Lawbringer
>medium hover tank, was an overengineered boondoggle that didn't work
>and tended to get Judges killed in the process of not doing so.

Ah, so they bought their hover tanks from the same people who build the M-44 Hammerhead. Maybe they bought them used from Cerberus.

CdrMike, Renegade Time Lord

"I have questions, but number one is this: What in the name of sanity have you got on your head?"
"It's a fez. I wear a fez now. Fezzes are cool."
- River Song and Eleventh Doctor, "The Big Bang," Doctor Who

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Eyrie Productions, Unlimited
Benjamin D. Hutchins
E P U (Colour)