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Subject: "Memories of games gone by..."     Previous Topic | Next Topic
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22617 posts
Mar-08-14, 11:20 PM (EDT)
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"Memories of games gone by..."
   I had occasion to be reminded this evening of an incident that occurred in the Shadowrun campaign I played in back in high school. This was in about 1990, so we're talking about the first edition of Shadowrun here, the one where you basically needed all the six-sided dice on the planet. Somewhere around here I still have a giant Ziploc bag full of gaming dice, including all the D6es from a Challenge Yahtzee set I found at a yard sale. Challenge Yahtzee came with 20 or 25 D6es that were about half the size of regular ones, which came in really handy for rolling my Decker's whole Hacking Pool in one throw.

The thing I remembered did not actually have anything to do with that, though; it had to do with the moment, late in one marathon Friday-night/Saturday-morning session, when our street samurai mistimed a jump aboard a moving Citymaster. (All dialogue in the anecdote to follow is paraphrased from memory, obviously.) This led to the following exchange between her player (Mike) and our GM (Seann):

OK, roll Quickness.
[Ed. note I think? That was the stat you used for what would be a DEX check in D&D, right? It's been a long damn time.]

(an insufficient result)

Nope, you missed the door.

Is there anything else I can grab?

... the back wheel?

So I'm dead, is what you're saying.

Pretty much, yeah.

Wherepon Mike prudently spent a point of Karma to do that roll over again and hopefully keep her from being killed. By now it was maybe two, two-thirty in the morning, the session had gone on longer than we thought it would, and we were all pretty punchy, and for whatever reason Seann just sort of lost control at that point. As soon as Mike did that he declared,

OK! Just before you would've been crushed under the back wheel of the Citymaster, it stops. In fact, everything stops - the rain, the fire
[we had blown up a warehouse and were trying to escape], everything. You're lying on the ground under the Citymaster.

Uh... I get up?

Good call.

Can the rest of us see this?

Oh sure, you guys are all still moving. It's just the world that stopped.
[Mike's character's name, which I've forgotten] is climbing out from under the Citymaster. [My own character's name, which I can't remember either], you can see the driver through the window. He's frozen too. Everybody roll Intelligence.

(highest result - Decker, don't you know)

OK! You're the first one to notice the dwarves.

... What.

There's about two dozen of them, you're not sure where they came from. They're wearing white jumpsuits and hardhats. The leader has a clipboard.
[Mike's character], he comes up to you and asks, [cartoony Brooklyn accent] "Hey lady - are the one that spent the Karma point?"

(baffled, in- and out-of-character)
Uh... yes?

(in character)
Right, OK, so whaddaya want us to do? Want us to move the Citymaster back so's you can take another shot at it?

Uh... sure.

(in character)
We can do that.
[piercing whistle] AWRIGHT, BOYS! Let's get the lady set up for ten seconds ago!

At which point, Seann gleefully explained, the dwarves brought in a crane and moved the Citymaster, while another team of them hustled the rest of us back to the spots we were in a second ago and so forth, like stagehands redressing a set for another take.

(in character)
OK, yer all set! Good luck, lady! C'mon, boys, let's get outta here!

On her second attempt, Mike's character made the jump and was able to commandeer the Citymaster to facilitate the team's escape, at which point we all decided that we had probably better get to bed and reconvene at a later date to examine the mission's aftermath.

Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/
zgryphon at that email service Google has
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

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Memories of games gone by... [View All] Gryphonadmin Mar-08-14 TOP
   RE: Memories of games gone by... Mercutio Mar-09-14 1
      RE: Memories of games gone by... Verbena Mar-09-14 2
          RE: Memories of games gone by... Mercutio Mar-09-14 3
              RE: Memories of games gone by... DaPatman89 Mar-09-14 7
              RE: Memories of games gone by... Verbena Mar-10-14 10
                  RE: Memories of games gone by... Mercutio Mar-10-14 21
                      RE: Memories of games gone by... Senji Mar-11-14 23
                          RE: Memories of games gone by... Bushido Mar-13-14 51
          RE: Memories of games gone by... Pasha Mar-09-14 4
              RE: Memories of games gone by... Mercutio Mar-09-14 5
                  RE: Memories of games gone by... Gryphonadmin Mar-09-14 6
                      RE: Memories of games gone by... Mercutio Mar-09-14 8
                  RE: Memories of games gone by... Pasha Mar-09-14 9
                  RE: Memories of games gone by... pjmoyermoderator Mar-10-14 11
                      RE: Memories of games gone by... Nathan Mar-10-14 12
                          RE: Memories of games gone by... Mercutio Mar-11-14 22
                  RE: Memories of games gone by... WereVulture Mar-11-14 24
   RE: Memories of games gone by... trboturtle2 Mar-10-14 13
      RE: Memories of games gone by... laudre Mar-10-14 14
          RE: Memories of games gone by... trboturtle2 Mar-11-14 27
              RE: Memories of games gone by... Gryphonadmin Mar-11-14 28
              RE: Memories of games gone by... laudre Mar-11-14 31
      RE: Memories of games gone by... Gryphonadmin Mar-10-14 15
          RE: Memories of games gone by... laudre Mar-10-14 16
          RE: Memories of games gone by... Mercutio Mar-10-14 17
              RE: Memories of games gone by... Gryphonadmin Mar-10-14 18
                  RE: Memories of games gone by... twipper Mar-11-14 34
                      RE: Memories of games gone by... Gryphonadmin Mar-11-14 35
                      RE: Memories of games gone by... Nova Floresca Mar-12-14 42
                  RE: Memories of games gone by... drakensis Mar-12-14 36
          RE: Memories of games gone by... mdg1 Mar-10-14 19
              RE: Memories of games gone by... Gryphonadmin Mar-10-14 20
                  RE: Memories of games gone by... Sofaspud Mar-11-14 29
                      RE: Memories of games gone by... MuninsFire Mar-11-14 30
                      RE: Memories of games gone by... Gryphonadmin Mar-11-14 32
                          RE: Memories of games gone by... MuninsFire Mar-11-14 33
                          RE: Memories of games gone by... Senji Mar-12-14 37
                              RE: Memories of games gone by... MuninsFire Mar-12-14 38
                                  RE: Memories of games gone by... laudre Mar-12-14 39
                                      RE: Memories of games gone by... Gryphonadmin Mar-12-14 41
                                          RE: Memories of games gone by... MuninsFire Mar-12-14 43
                                              RE: Memories of games gone by... Gryphonadmin Mar-12-14 45
                                  RE: Memories of games gone by... Gryphonadmin Mar-12-14 40
                                      RE: Memories of games gone by... MuninsFire Mar-12-14 44
                          RE: Memories of games gone by... StClair Mar-12-14 46
                              RE: Memories of games gone by... mdg1 Mar-12-14 47
                              RE: Memories of games gone by... BobSchroeck Mar-13-14 49
                                  RE: Memories of games gone by... MuninsFire Mar-13-14 50
                                      RE: Memories of games gone by... BobSchroeck Mar-13-14 52
                                          RE: Memories of games gone by... MuninsFire Mar-13-14 53
                      RE: Memories of games gone by... Wiregeek Mar-12-14 48
                          RE: Memories of games gone by... Sofaspud Mar-17-14 55
                              RE: Memories of games gone by... Wiregeek Mar-17-14 56
          RE: Memories of games gone by... Pasha Mar-11-14 25
              RE: Memories of games gone by... Gryphonadmin Mar-11-14 26
              RE: Memories of games gone by... MoonEyes Mar-13-14 54

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