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Eyrie Productions, Unlimited

Subject: "Car Mechanic Simulator 2021"     Previous Topic | Next Topic
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Conferences Games Topic #179
Reading Topic #179, reply 25
Member since Feb-20-05
1101 posts
Aug-22-21, 07:07 PM (EST)
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25. "RE: Car Mechanic Simulator 2021"
In response to message #20
   >When you're filling up a fluid, watch for the bottle to tilt down
>closer to the the horizontal. When you see it do that, you can
>stop--it'll be full enough for the game's purposes, unless your
>reaction time is significantly faster than mine.

Yeah, I realized that that was the route to go when I pulled the dipstick on the oil for the first time after my previous post and realized that "bottle goes horizontal" roughly translates to "smack bang in the middle."

>Agreed! It's also nice to be able to go outside (and you can go
>around back and speculate about what those other building sites are
>for). Judging from the sign out front, you seem to be somewhere on
>the hot-and-dusty part of old U.S. 66. I think probably New Mexico.

I can only assume that I'm just that awesome a mechanic that my reputation alone brings people out to the-middle-of-nowhere to get their cars fixed, especially considering the number of junkers that keep appearing on my jobs queue. That tow truck outside is probably due for its own overhaul with the amount of usage it's seeing day to day.

>Mm. This is one of the main reasons why I haven't started a new save
>in Stardew Valley, even though I've accomplished pretty much
>everything there is to do in the old one. I don't know if I could
>handle going back to being as bad at everything as your dude in that
>game is at the beginning. :)

Yeah, I just checked my Steam timeline and found that I haven't touched the game myself since April of last year, which is sort of an indication of how much of a hell my life's been the last 18+ months. Long story short, between COVID, changes in management, changes in ownership, staff shortages, and veritable hordes of mouth-breathing morons ignoring all basic survival instincts, I've had little free time to do much beyond catching up with the waking world in-between work shifts. I think the only thing that's kept me (relatively) sane is mobile games, which I keep meaning to do write-ups for since I think folks here would find them interesting. Amusingly, CMS 2021 has been the first game in months able to actually peel me away from my iPad for longer than an hour.

CdrMike, Overwatch Reject

"You know, the world could always use more heroes." - Tracer, Overwatch

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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 Car Mechanic Simulator 2021 [View All] Gryphonadmin May-07-21 TOP
   RE: Car Mechanic Simulator 2021 Peter Eng May-08-21 1
      RE: Car Mechanic Simulator 2021 Gryphonadmin May-09-21 2
          RE: Car Mechanic Simulator 2021 StClair May-09-21 3
              RE: Car Mechanic Simulator 2021 Gryphonadmin May-09-21 4
          RE: Car Mechanic Simulator 2021 Peter Eng May-09-21 5
              RE: Car Mechanic Simulator 2021 Gryphonadmin May-10-21 6
   RE: Car Mechanic Simulator 2021 MoonEyes May-21-21 7
   RE: Car Mechanic Simulator 2021 Gryphonadmin Aug-09-21 8
   unexpected crisis Gryphonadmin Aug-15-21 9
      RE: unexpected crisis CdrMike Aug-16-21 13
   new things Gryphonadmin Aug-15-21 10
      RE: new things The Traitor Aug-16-21 11
          RE: new things Gryphonadmin Aug-16-21 12
              RE: new things The Traitor Aug-16-21 14
          RE: new things Nova Floresca Aug-16-21 15
              RE: new things Gryphonadmin Aug-16-21 16
                  RE: new things Nova Floresca Aug-16-21 17
                      RE: new things Gryphonadmin Aug-17-21 18
   RE: Car Mechanic Simulator 2021 CdrMike Aug-18-21 19
      RE: Car Mechanic Simulator 2021 Gryphonadmin Aug-21-21 20
          RE: Car Mechanic Simulator 2021 Kendra Kirai Aug-21-21 21
              RE: Car Mechanic Simulator 2021 Gryphonadmin Aug-21-21 22
                  RE: Car Mechanic Simulator 2021 Kendra Kirai Aug-21-21 23
                  RE: Car Mechanic Simulator 2021 ImpulsiveAlexia Aug-21-21 24
         RE: Car Mechanic Simulator 2021 CdrMike Aug-22-21 25
   RE: Car Mechanic Simulator 2021 Gryphonadmin Aug-22-21 26
      RE: Car Mechanic Simulator 2021 CdrMike Aug-24-21 27
          RE: Car Mechanic Simulator 2021 Gryphonadmin Aug-24-21 28
   This Would've Been an Incident Gryphonadmin Jan-31-22 29
      RE: This Would've Been an Incident Zemyla Feb-03-22 30
          RE: This Would've Been an Incident Gryphonadmin Feb-03-22 31
              RE: This Would've Been an Incident MoonEyes Feb-05-22 33
                  RE: This Would've Been an Incident Gryphonadmin Feb-05-22 34
          RE: This Would've Been an Incident mdg1 Feb-05-22 32

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