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Subject: "H2G2: GENOM LAWN"     Previous Topic | Next Topic
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Charter Member
1938 posts
Feb-02-17, 02:17 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Mephron Click to send private message to Mephron Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
   LAST EDITED ON Feb-02-17 AT 02:22 PM (EST) by Gryphon (admin)
[Don't mind me, I'm just fixing a typo that I think I introduced in the first place. --G.]

ARCHIVED ENTRY: This Guide entry is archived from a previous edition for historical purposes. The information presented in it may no longer be accurate.
original entry date 5.22.2405

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The GENOM LAWN (it's always in all upper case) is one of those places that make no sense. It's a perfectly square, perfectly flat two-acre lawn in the middle of Nekomikoka. There's no trees, no bushes, no walkways, it's just a big honking lawn. There's one little shed in one corner which contains a self-driving lawn mower that mows it once a week, and that's literally the only feature.

The reasons it exists is, basically, tax purposes. See, in 2340, GENOM was building a big HQ on that spot. And then for no reason anyone knows of, one night, it collapsed, just thump down in itself, whole building ended up in the basement. There's a story there was a fight on that spot right afterwards, but no one can confirm that (sadly).

After that night, for whatever reason, until Largo got the final shutdown (doo-doo-dooot dooot), GENOM pulled out of Tomodachi entirely. For some reason, though, they never sold the building site. Never did anything, it was like they forgot they owned it. Until they got the next tax bill... along with the eyesore penalties. Someone got the message and the place got covered over and landscaped about as minimally as you can get. Someone called it GENOM LAWN, and that's what it's called.

It's an okay place to crash if you need it, a good place to hang out on a sunny day, the cops are cool, and you can even put up a tent for a few days - but if you're there too long, someone will ask you move along. It'll probably be Larry, the lawnmower, who's pretty chill about that kind of thing. He just likes the lawn to look good.

This Guide entry was written by Rick "RoundUp" Morrelli, a professional traveller.

Geoff Depew - Darth Mephron
Haberdasher to Androids, Dark Lord of Sith Tech Support.
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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
H2G2: GENOM LAWN [View All] Mephronmoderator Feb-02-17 TOP
  RE: H2G2: GENOM LAWN Peter Eng Feb-02-17 1
     RE: H2G2: GENOM LAWN Gryphonadmin Feb-02-17 2
         RE: H2G2: GENOM LAWN Pasha Feb-02-17 3
         RE: H2G2: GENOM LAWN Kendra Kirai Feb-03-17 4
  RE: H2G2: GENOM LAWN zwol Feb-04-17 5
     RE: H2G2: GENOM LAWN Meridias Feb-04-17 6
         RE: H2G2: GENOM LAWN BobSchroeck Feb-04-17 7
             RE: H2G2: GENOM LAWN rwpikul Feb-05-17 8

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Peter Eng
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Feb-02-17, 02:34 PM (EST)
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In response to message #0
   >It'll probably be Larry, the lawnmower, who's pretty chill
>about that kind of thing. He just likes the lawn to look good.

Larry's pretty chill about most things. He'll ask people to move along if they're damaging the grass (rugby and turfball will get him out in a hurry), but outside of that, he's okay. Not a great conversationalist unless you're into lawn maintenance in a big way, though.

Peter Eng
Insert humorous comment here.

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Charter Member
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Feb-02-17, 03:27 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Gryphon Click to send private message to Gryphon Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
In response to message #1
   >Not a great
>conversationalist unless you're into lawn maintenance in a big way,

Well, at least he's a fairly sophisticated yard care droid. The old Nova Labs WILL-E series (a groundskeeping variant of their WALL-E sanitation droid) knew one thing and one thing only: mowing level grass areas with right-angle corners. Any task more complicated would flummox their tiny robobrains to the point where they would occasionally get violent, which is why you never see them around any more.

Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/
zgryphon at that email service Google has
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

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Charter Member
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Feb-02-17, 06:23 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Pasha Click to send private message to Pasha Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list Click to send message via ICQ  
In response to message #2
   >>Not a great
>>conversationalist unless you're into lawn maintenance in a big way,
>Well, at least he's a fairly sophisticated yard care droid. The old
>Nova Labs WILL-E series (a groundskeeping variant of their WALL-E
>sanitation droid) knew one thing and one thing only: mowing level
>grass areas with right-angle corners. Any task more complicated would
>flummox their tiny robobrains to the point where they would
>occasionally get violent, which is why you never see them around any

I'm now imagining a bot speaking WALL-E dialogue but with a Scots accent. And demanding the occasional greasing.

"Don't change the subject"
"Too slow, already did."

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Kendra Kirai
Member since May-22-16
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Feb-03-17, 03:37 AM (EST)
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In response to message #2
   Not gonna lie, I thought it was Larry Mann showing an extreme fondness for lawn care.

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Member since Feb-24-12
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Feb-04-17, 03:31 PM (EST)
Click to EMail zwol Click to send private message to zwol Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
In response to message #0
   Now I'm wondering what happened to the site after Largo's death. His successors had no compulsion to ignore Tomodachi — would they have kept it as is? Turned it into a more thoroughly landscaped park? Dusted off the old plans and built an office building? I can see it going any of those ways...

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Member since Jun-9-12
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Feb-04-17, 05:24 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Meridias Click to send private message to Meridias Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
In response to message #5
   If R-Type has any input on the subject, I can totally see him leaving it as is just as a tribute to (and remembering) where Largo got curb-stomped.

Rock Is Dead. Long Live Paper And Scissors.

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Charter Member
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Feb-04-17, 10:41 PM (EST)
Click to EMail BobSchroeck Click to send private message to BobSchroeck Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
In response to message #6
   >If R-Type has any input on the subject, I can totally see him leaving
>it as is just as a tribute to (and remembering) where Largo got

And besides, who would be cruel enough to retire Larry the Lawnmower?

-- Bob
My race is pacifist and does not believe in war. We kill only out of personal spite.

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Member since Jun-22-03
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Feb-05-17, 09:26 AM (EST)
Click to EMail rwpikul Click to send private message to rwpikul Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
In response to message #7
   >And besides, who would be cruel enough to retire Larry the Lawnmower?

I don't know, he might like being put out to pasture.

Chakat Firepaw - Inventor & Scientist (Mad)

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Eyrie Productions, Unlimited
Benjamin D. Hutchins
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