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Eyrie Productions, Unlimited

Subject: "Going Rogue"     Previous Topic | Next Topic
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Conferences City of Heroes Topic #52
Reading Topic #52, reply 2
Member since Feb-15-10
72 posts
Mar-04-10, 06:43 PM (EST)
Click to EMail SliderDaFeral Click to send private message to SliderDaFeral Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
2. "RE: Going Rogue"
In response to message #1
   >>Rouge? one of those two.
>No, you were right, it's "rogue". "Rouge" (pronounced, roughly,
>roozh) is French for "red". It's the second-most-made typo on
>the CoH boards after "villian". :)

That's a bit of a pet peeve right there. I'm reminded of a quote from one of the Order of the Stick prequel books ("On the Origin of PCs"):

"Well, uh, Haley, is it? It says on your application here that your class is 'rouge'. Assuming you are not actually a cosmetic applied to the cheeks and you thus meant to write 'rogue,' what kind of experience do you have?" -- Roy Greenhilt

-- Slider Da Feral (NYAR!)
MBA (Master of Battle Administration), Bash University ("Home of the Fighting Fighters!")

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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 Going Rogue [View All] Star Ranger4 Mar-04-10 TOP
   RE: Going Rogue Gryphonadmin Mar-04-10 1
     RE: Going Rogue SliderDaFeral Mar-04-10 2
          RE: Going Rogue Gryphonadmin Mar-04-10 3
              RE: Going Rogue SliderDaFeral Mar-05-10 4
              RE: Going Rogue MoonEyes Mar-06-10 5
      RE: Going Rogue Prince Charon Mar-07-10 6
          RE: Going Rogue Gryphonadmin Mar-07-10 7
              RE: Going Rogue Prince Charon Mar-12-10 8

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