LAST EDITED ON Apr-09-10 AT 08:43 PM (EDT)
>One I forgot to ask...was there any particular reason you picked
>Danish, particularly?Nope. It was on the list, chosen at random. The only criteria I applied to my selections was to try not to use related dialects one immediately after the other - so, say, not Uzbek (men seni sevaman) immediately before or after Kazakh (myen syeni sooyom). As it happens, I didn't use Uzbek at all, and I did once use Irish Gaelic directly after Scots Gaelic, so it wasn't a really rigorous guideline. Keep in mind, too, that the messages actually contained in Correspondence aren't anywhere near all the ones they exchanged over those 30 years. We hit the highlights; there was a lot of their traffic that was just mundane everyday stuff.
(As it happens, Scots Gaelic appears there because G signed off with Stuart Adamson's signature line, "Stay alive," and Irish Gaelic because he called Tali a chuisle in the body of the message.)
Oddly, I could have sworn I used Swedish in part 1 and Norwegian in part 2, but a quick check of my master list indicates not. Though there's Veps in part 2, the Vepsians live in Karelia, which is right next to Finland.
Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Admin
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.