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Jul-14-17, 01:19 PM (EDT)
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"BPGD: Challenger-class frigate"
   LAST EDITED ON Jul-23-17 AT 06:35 PM (EDT)
Revised the class listing to include a couple of things I'm frankly amazed I forgot the first time. --G.

Babylon Project Galactic Database
Text Data Extraction Search: Jane's Fighting Starships
Search criteria: nx class

Mk V Challenger-class frigate HMS Endeavour NCC-105 (RSN file photo)

Challenger-class frigate
(WDF / Royal Salusian Navy)


The first class of starship larger than a heavy fighter to incorporate Cochrane space warp drive as its principal FTL propulsion system, the Challenger-class frigate began as a Wedge Defense Force proof of concept, but served the Royal Salusian Navy in greater numbers after the 2288 fall of the WDF.

Name/Model: NX-type / Challenger class
Manufacturer: Utopia Planitia Naval Shipyard / Royal Saenar Fleet Systems
Combat designation: Frigate (FF)
Entered service: April 1, 2278

Note: Specifications below apply to the last revision of the Challenger class to be fielded by the RSN, the Mk V.

Crew: 105
Length: 783'4"
Mass: 120 kt

Power system: RSFS Mk III Mod 5 antimatter annihilation reactor
Secondary power system: RSFS 5c75-J fusion reactor
Propulsion system: RSFS Dual DriveLine 780 impulse drive
Speed rating: 80 MGLT
Flight control system: RSFS Mk CCL reaction control system
Maneuver rating: 25 DPF
Navigation: Royal Saenar Compusystems HC-9590 computer core
Primary FTL: RSFS Mk III Mod 5 Cochrane warp drive
Warp speed rating (cruise) Warp factor 5.5
Warp speed rating (flank): Warp factor 7.9
Secondary FTL: RSFS Mk MDC motivator drive unit (hyperdrive)
Hyperdrive rating: 2.5

Shields: RSFS Deflectron-540 projective deflector shield system
Shield rating: 300 SBD
Armor: Polarized tritanium alloy hull
Armor rating: 200 RU

Fixed armaments:
8x Royal Salusian Fleet Arsenal Mk XVI phase plasma beam emitters
Expendable armaments: 2x RSFA 20" standard torpedo tubes

Royal Salusian Marine Corps complement: 12x Marine


The Challenger-class frigate originated in one of the several advanced starship technology programs the Wedge Defense Force embarked upon in the mid-23rd century: in this case, the development of a small but powerful escort vessel capable of operating alongside or ahead of elements in the WDF's projected late-century expansion into a full fleet-scale operations force.

Part of this ambitious intiative called for the new escort to be equipped with Cochrane space-warp drive as its primary faster-than-light propulsion system, so that it could be used as both an advance scout and a fleet patrol escort. This was widely considered impossible at the time, thanks to the enormous energy requirements of deploying and maintaining such a large warp field. Zefram Cochrane and his co-designers on what the WDF's internal documentation designated "Project NX" solved the problem by developing what is today the standard method of powering a starship-scale warp drive system, the antimatter annihilation reactor.

The result was a radical new starship type with a profile unlike anything seen before to that date. Although much larger than any previous ship to use the Cochrane system, the Project NX starship was small for a vessel of its very considerable capabilities, being unusually agile at sublight speeds and packing deceptive combat power for its tonnage. It established beyond doubt the viability of what was then a whole new technological paradigm for spacefaring warships and set the standard for virtually every warp-driven starship to follow.

In a departure from traditional starship construction practices, the experimental starship that resulted from Project NX originally had no class designation. Two prototypes were constructed, neither of which was intended to be completed as a spaceflight article. Perhaps for this reason, the starship class was not named after either; though both had names, neither was official. On the other hand, because of the prototypes' existence, the first operational NX-type ship, WDF Enterprise, was not technically the first of the type. Perhaps that is the reason why the WDF's Bureau of Starships never designated Enterprise the class ship either. The full details are not known, but regardless, no class ship was ever designated. In the WDF's internal documentation, Enterprise, though it received the hull number NX-01, was always described simply as a "starship of the NX type".

NX-01 WDF Enterprise, in original Mk 1 configuration, patrols the Denorios Belt (WDF file photo)

Since the role for which the NX type had been conceived was not yet a going concern within the WDFs force structure when Enterprise entered service, the ship spent most of her career attached to the organization's Exploration Command instead of on tactical operations, an ad hoc role in which she served with distinction. This was not noticed only within the WDF; the exploration and astrographic doctrines of the United Galactica Navy were later influenced by studies of WDF Enterprise's career. These developments were then passed on both to the UGN's successor organization, the Federation Starfleet, and to allied forces such as the Royal Salusian Navy.

In the aftermath of the WDF's 2288 dissolution, a joint task force of the UGN and RSN searched the abandoned Utopia Planitia Naval Shipyards complex at Zeta Cygni II for information on the force's distribution and future plans, as well as any surviving shipbuilding data. Among many other valuable finds, the UGN and RSN personnel discovered a nearly-complete second (or fourth, depending on how you reckon these things) NX-type ship on the ways, as well as evidence in the shipyard's construction databanks that the WDF had placed orders for a further four.

The UGN declined to exercise its option on any of the NX-type technology or equipment available, having already set their sights on certain future-development projects their engineers found in the UPNS databanks (from which would eventually emerge the iconic UGN, later UFP Starfleet, Constitution and Miranda classes). The RSN was left with the complete NX archive, the tooling, and the 90-percent-complete WDF Columbia (NX-02), and in early 2290, the Admiralty decided to pursue the implementation and further development of the type. Accordingly, all information and matériel relevant to the project was relocated to the Royal Saenar Fleet Systems yards at Salu II.

Opportunities to learn from finishing the unfinished Columbia were few, given how nearly complete the ship was when the Salusians found her; however, RSFS Chief Engineer Ralph Saenar (77th Baron Saenar) reported after a complete survey of the equipment and parts recovered that the second prototype, Structural Test Article 099, could and should be completed as a fully operational starship—a dress rehearsal before his engineers and yardworkers attempted to construct a new ship of the class entirely from scratch.

This was accordingly ordered, and in June of 2292, Queen Asrial presided at the newly-completed spaceframe's commissioning, under the same name it had informally worn as a UPNS test article, as HMS Challenger (NX-099). HMS Columbia (her hull number amended to NX-102) followed two months later, and the first of their completely Salusian-built sister ships, HMS Discovery (NCC-103—by this point the Royal Starship Construction and Commissioning Board no longer regarded the class as experimental), was launched two years after that.

In all, a dozen Salusian-built Challenger-class light frigates were commissioned after the completions of Challenger and Columbia, each of the subsequent hulls taking less time to complete than the one before; the last, HMS Erebus (NCC-114), entered service in 2322. When they ran out of the WDF's planned names, the Commissioning Board took to giving them names that started with E, which is why you will sometimes alternately see the ships referred to in the lay press as the "E-class ships", even though no fewer than six had names beginning with other letters. They were highly regarded by the crews who served on them and influenced both RSN tactical and (as previously mentioned) exploratory doctrines.

By 2328, field reports and hard-won experience suggested significant improvements to the Challenger-class platform, and Saenar's design team developed a sweeping remodeling program to implement them. The first ship to receive this remodel, starting in March of 2330, was HMS Endeavour (NCC-105). The reconstruction took the better part of two years, and by the time it was finished, the ship was so radically changed that some within the Navy argued for designating her the first of a new class. In the end, this action was not taken; instead, the revised vessel, and those to be remodeled subsequently, were documented as the Challenger class, Mark V, frigate—no longer a light frigate, but still the same class. (Some unofficial outlets, confused by a premature report made by a Cheltopolis newspaper, still occasionally call the Mk V remodel the "Endeavour-class refit".)

Over the next six years, all the remaining Challenger-class ships were upgraded to the Mk V standard, which increased their speed and both offensive and defensive capabilities considerably. Some consideration was made to ordering a new flight of Mk V vessels; however, by then the design of what became the Pioneer-class heavy frigate was well along, incorporating most of the advances made in the Mk V Challenger remodel, and so the Admiralty opted to put it into production instead.

The Challenger-class vessels remained in service for many decades thereafter; the last was retired in 2377, in a budget-trimming decision that some both within and without Her Majesty's Navy still lament as premature and unkind.

NameHull numberStatus
HMS ChallengerNX-099museum ship
WDF EnterpriseNX-01lost in service
HMS ColumbiaNX-102scrapped
HMS DiscoveryNCC-103museum ship
HMS AtlantisNCC-104scrapped
HMS EndeavourNCC-105scrapped
HMS EnduranceNCC-106laid up in ordinary
HMS BuranNCC-107scrapped
HMS PtichkaNCC-108scrapped
HMS ExcelsiorNCC-109scrapped
HMS ExplorerNCC-110lost in service
HMS EmpireNCC-111scrapped
HMS EscalantNCC-112scrapped
HMS EclipseNCC-113lost in service
HMS ErebusNCC-114laid up in ordinary

- The first prototype, designated Facilities Test Article 098 and nicknamed Pathfinder by the UPNS crews who worked on it, still exists as part of the collection of the Royal Salusian Museum of Starship Construction and Engineering, although it is not on display to the public. Never meant to be completed as a working starship, it served only to orient the shipyard crews to the size and general layout of the vessels to be constructed subsequently.
- The WDF's only commissioned NX-type ship, WDF Enterprise (NX-01), disappeared in 2288 and has never been found. She was the only completed ship of the type never to be upgraded to the Mark V standard.
- The ships built and planned by the WDF were all intended to be named for the members of two classes of late-pre-Contact Earth spacecraft, a number of which were refitted as the planet's first starships. The RSN's Commissioning Board honored the WDF's plans for the remaining vessels before applying its own names to the newly built vessels, beginning with HMS Excelsior.
- HMS Challenger is part of the Fleet Museum Flotilla at Salu II. She remains technically in commission and has occasionally been chosen as the Museum Flotilla Commodore's flagship, though that honor usually goes to larger and more famous ships.
- HMS Discovery is both the principal exhibit and housing facility of the Salusian Rimward Territoral Exploration Museum at Marus IV, having originally charted the Marus system in 2341. As the flagship of Commodore Lord Evik's Great Rim Expedition of 2338-2344, Discovery holds the distinction of being the Challenger-class vessel with the greatest logged distance traveled.
- HMS Buran was laid up in ordinary as part of the Reserve Fleet after her 2376 decommissioning, but the drydock she was stored in was destroyed by a freak meteorite impact nine years later, and the ship's wreckage subsequently scrapped.
- HMS Explorer disappeared without a trace in 2351, while on an extended survey mission in the Attican Traverse.
- HMS Eclipse was destroyed in 2374, evidently by pirates operating in the Cardassian Triangle. Some authorities point to this incident as one of the Admiralty's key motivations to retire the ships, which were seen by some as too antiquated and fragile to remain on the front lines by that time.

End of Text Data Extract
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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
  RE: BPGD: Challenger-class frigate Peter Eng Jul-14-17 1
     RE: BPGD: Challenger-class frigate Gryphonadmin Jul-14-17 2
         RE: BPGD: Challenger-class frigate Matrix Dragon Jul-16-17 7
         RE: BPGD: Challenger-class frigate Peter Eng Jul-16-17 10
     RE: BPGD: Challenger-class frigate BeardedFerret Jul-16-17 4
         RE: BPGD: Challenger-class frigate Gryphonadmin Jul-16-17 5
             RE: BPGD: Challenger-class frigate Matrix Dragon Jul-16-17 6
                 RE: BPGD: Challenger-class frigate BeardedFerret Jul-16-17 8
                     RE: BPGD: Challenger-class frigate Matrix Dragon Jul-16-17 9
                         RE: BPGD: Challenger-class frigate Mercutio Jul-17-17 11
                             RE: BPGD: Challenger-class frigate CdrMike Jul-18-17 13
             RE: BPGD: Challenger-class frigate CdrMike Jul-18-17 12
  RE: BPGD: Challenger-class frigate Bad Moon Jul-15-17 3

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Peter Eng
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Jul-14-17, 06:31 PM (EDT)
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1. "RE: BPGD: Challenger-class frigate"
In response to message #0
   > - The WDF's only commissioned NX-type ship, WDF Enterprise (NX-01),
> disappeared in 2288 and has never been found.

Well, T'Pol knew it was a big job when she accepted the orders.

Peter Eng
Insert humorous comment here.

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Charter Member
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Jul-14-17, 07:20 PM (EDT)
Click to EMail Gryphon Click to send private message to Gryphon Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
2. "RE: BPGD: Challenger-class frigate"
In response to message #1
   >> - The WDF's only commissioned NX-type ship, WDF Enterprise (NX-01),
>> disappeared in 2288 and has never been found.
>Well, T'Pol knew it was a big job when she accepted the orders.

Eh, she knows a lot of the other captains think she's a bit crazy to keep at it after all this time, but the way she figures it, how long did she spend wallowing in self-pity on Vulcan? Comparatively speaking, 25 years poking around on the Rim isn't that big a deal. So what if she's had at least four complete crew turnovers in that time? :)

Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/
zgryphon at that email service Google has
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

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Matrix Dragon
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Jul-16-17, 04:29 AM (EDT)
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7. "RE: BPGD: Challenger-class frigate"
In response to message #2
   >>Well, T'Pol knew it was a big job when she accepted the orders.
>Eh, she knows a lot of the other captains think she's a bit crazy to
>keep at it after all this time, but the way she figures it, how long
>did she spend wallowing in self-pity on Vulcan? Comparatively
>speaking, 25 years poking around on the Rim isn't that big a deal. So
>what if she's had at least four complete crew turnovers in that time?

I imagine she's had quite a few adventures along the way as well, so it all works out.

Matrix Dragon, J. Random Nutter

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Peter Eng
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Jul-16-17, 01:45 PM (EDT)
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10. "RE: BPGD: Challenger-class frigate"
In response to message #2
>Eh, she knows a lot of the other captains think she's a bit crazy to
>keep at it after all this time, but the way she figures it, how long
>did she spend wallowing in self-pity on Vulcan? Comparatively
>speaking, 25 years poking around on the Rim isn't that big a deal. So
>what if she's had at least four complete crew turnovers in that time?

I like to think that some of that crew turnover is people that T'Pol has concluded need their own ship.

Besides, she was starting with a century-old cold trail, and very little in the way of starting points. Twenty-five years is probably barely enough to begin narrowing things down.

Peter Eng
"Expecting to be finished in a century would be illogical."

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Member since Apr-21-08
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Jul-16-17, 02:44 AM (EDT)
Click to EMail BeardedFerret Click to send private message to BeardedFerret Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
4. "RE: BPGD: Challenger-class frigate"
In response to message #1
   Oooooh, nice. Thought for a moment this was going to be a re-classification of the Surprise's class, but this is cool too.

Did someone gift you a lockbox ship, by any chance...?

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Charter Member
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Jul-16-17, 02:49 AM (EDT)
Click to EMail Gryphon Click to send private message to Gryphon Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
5. "RE: BPGD: Challenger-class frigate"
In response to message #4
   >Did someone gift you a lockbox ship, by any chance...?

No, why? Is the refit NX actually in the game? I'm given to understand that it's what the Enterprise would've become in Enterprise seasons 5 through 7, if there had been an Enterprise seasons 5 through 7.

Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/
zgryphon at that email service Google has
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

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Matrix Dragon
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Jul-16-17, 04:28 AM (EDT)
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6. "RE: BPGD: Challenger-class frigate"
In response to message #5
   >>Did someone gift you a lockbox ship, by any chance...?
>No, why? Is the refit NX actually in the game? I'm given to
>understand that it's what the Enterprise would've become in
>Enterprise seasons 5 through 7, if there had been an
>Enterprise seasons 5 through 7.

It's in the Lobi store as a T6 ship. Because old ships managing to fight at endgame level wasn't already bullshit enough :lol

Matrix Dragon, J. Random Nutter

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Member since Apr-21-08
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Jul-16-17, 07:01 AM (EDT)
Click to EMail BeardedFerret Click to send private message to BeardedFerret Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
8. "RE: BPGD: Challenger-class frigate"
In response to message #6
   It also has access to pilot specialist skills, because I know whenever I think of the NX class I think of Enterprise doing some sick drifts.

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Matrix Dragon
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Jul-16-17, 08:35 AM (EDT)
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9. "RE: BPGD: Challenger-class frigate"
In response to message #8
   >It also has access to pilot specialist skills, because I know whenever
>I think of the NX class I think of Enterprise doing some sick drifts.

Well, it's got a very talented pilot. Did you know he's been to space? (God, I feel for Mayweathers actor. So much story potential for a lifelong spacer in early deep-space exploration, and it was more or less wasted.)

Matrix Dragon, J. Random Nutter

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Member since May-26-13
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Jul-17-17, 09:54 PM (EDT)
Click to EMail Mercutio Click to send private message to Mercutio Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
11. "RE: BPGD: Challenger-class frigate"
In response to message #9
   And Hoshi, of course. So many people straight up forget that Enterprise had a comms officer and a helmsman.

My understanding is that traditionally, Star Trek series are developed without a particular story arc or progression or use in mind for their characters; rather, they focus on making some characters with interesting hooks and personalities and then seeing where that goes.

Sometimes when you do that it works and a niche and a story for each character emerges; DS9 was great about that. TNG was okay. Voyager was bad-rising-to-okay-sometimes. I think Enterprise was just straight up bad at it. TOS is bad at one part of it (people don't really get multi-episode story arcs or ongoing character development in TOS) but amazing at other parts (regularly giving people major things to do within an episode that fit their character and are interesting to watch.) And it was being made in the 60s, so the part they're bad at is forgivable.

I very much hope that Discovery is being developed from a standpoint of "why is everyone here, and what are we doing with them over the course of many, many episodes" and not simply "we need a guy on helm, because this is Star Trek and there's a guy on helm. Try and make him interesting, and we'll figure him out later."

Keep Rat

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Member since Feb-20-05
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Jul-18-17, 00:56 AM (EDT)
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13. "RE: BPGD: Challenger-class frigate"
In response to message #11
   >Sometimes when you do that it works and a niche and a story for each
>character emerges; DS9 was great about that. TNG was okay. Voyager was
>bad-rising-to-okay-sometimes. I think Enterprise was just straight up
>bad at it. TOS is bad at one part of it (people don't really get
>multi-episode story arcs or ongoing character development in TOS) but
>amazing at other parts (regularly giving people major things to do
>within an episode that fit their character and are interesting to
>watch.) And it was being made in the 60s, so the part they're bad at
>is forgivable.

TNG had largely come into place with characterization started, courtesy of Gene who'd insisted on the characters having depth to them deeper than a parking lot puddle.

DS9 benefited from the idea of characters driving the plot rather than responding to it. Not something new or different, but novel to Trek where (as you noted) the idea was to keep things loose so writers had room to wiggle with writing characters. But the big thing in DS9 that made it stand out was the idea of story arcs and continuity that lasted longer than the end of an episode.

VOY and ENT basically suffered from the same executive mandate: Make the humans less interesting than the aliens. The expectation was that viewers tuned in to see all the new aliens that showed up, so write the humans as bland in order to make the aliens stand out more. This is how Garrett Wong got lumbered with a role so wooden, you could drill a hole and let out the sap. And why Robert Beltran basically prayed for death by the time the series was over. It only got worse so that by the end of ENT, the actors had little good to say about the series.

>I very much hope that Discovery is being developed from a standpoint
>of "why is everyone here, and what are we doing with them over the
>course of many, many episodes" and not simply "we need a guy on helm,
>because this is Star Trek and there's a guy on helm. Try and make him
>interesting, and we'll figure him out later."

I'm still rather ambivalent about Discovery, given the harsh gestation process its experience so far. The new look of the Klingons aside, the series has a lot to prove and I'm not sure it can rise to the challenge. I get that the first season of a Trek series tends to be one of its weakest, but we Trek fans have suffered through a lot of bad Trek in recent decades to just give it a pass on those grounds.

CdrMike, Overwatch Reject

"You know, the world could always use more heroes." - Tracer, Overwatch

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Member since Feb-20-05
699 posts
Jul-18-17, 00:37 AM (EDT)
Click to EMail CdrMike Click to send private message to CdrMike Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
12. "RE: BPGD: Challenger-class frigate"
In response to message #5
   >No, why? Is the refit NX actually in the game? I'm given to
>understand that it's what the Enterprise would've become in
>Enterprise seasons 5 through 7, if there had been an
>Enterprise seasons 5 through 7.

That was the plan, but then the series was canceled, so now the only place you'll see the NX refit (aka the Columbia-class) is in the novels. Funnily enough the Columbia herself was not a member, as she was lost early in the Earth-Romulan War. But Archer insisted the class be named in her honor, even though the first NX class ship refitted was Enterprise. And to add onto it, by war's end the only ships of the original production run of NX class ships were Enterprise (converted to a museum ship in her original configuration) and Endeavor. As for new-build Columbia-class ships, see if you can spot a pattern to the names:

USS Buran
USS Shenlong
USS Apollo
USS Soyuz
USS Ares
USS Charybdis
USS Phoenix
USS Valiant

CdrMike, Overwatch Reject

"You know, the world could always use more heroes." - Tracer, Overwatch

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Bad Moon
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Jul-15-17, 01:40 AM (EDT)
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3. "RE: BPGD: Challenger-class frigate"
In response to message #0
   Salusian Admiralty Board during the proposal meeting: *Scratches secondary ears* "Where's the turrets?"

Oh God, it was me. I was the grognard all along.

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Benjamin D. Hutchins
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