Eyrie Productions, Unlimited
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Jul-24-11, 05:12 PM (EDT) |
"When life gives you lemons..."
I've never been all that happy with the overplot of City of Villains. Arachnos is a pretty lame villain organization if you ask me: They're basically just the Council with a Venom fetish, and the Council is itself a somewhat lacking redeco of the Fifth Column, so there you go. All villain characters being obliged to have ties to that pack of losers sort of soured the deal for me from eight o'clock Day One. So when the word came down that the villain epic ATs would be even more obligatorily entwined with the Arachnos plotline, I thought, I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Do you know who I am?! ... excuse me. What I mean is, I wasn't impressed. At that point I decided it didn't matter that I was never likely to get a villain to 50, because I wouldn't be missing anything I gave a damn about anyway. Cut to a bit ago, when I returned to the game after a long absence to discover that the villain epics had been tweaked so they were unlocking at level 20. Hm. Still nothing interesting there... ... and then it came to me. Arachnos is a ridiculous organization. As a world-bestriding terrorist/criminal threat it ranks somewhere up there with Cobra and the Harley-Davidson Owners' Group. I have an easier time taking Nemesis seriously. So clearly what my Arachnos Soldier needs to be is someone doing a job even other members of Arachnos would think was simultaneously absurd and annoying. 
Safety Officer Steve's is a never-ending battle for truth, injustice, and filling out the proper risk assessment forms. --G. -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Admin Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam. |
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Charter Member
10779 posts |
Jul-25-11, 10:10 PM (EDT) |
4. "RE: When life gives you lemons..."
In response to message #3
LAST EDITED ON Jul-25-11 AT 10:10 PM (EDT) >I like it. > >So much so I feel I have to match your cleverness with my own -- >though I won't be so arrogant as to post pictures and whatnot, just a >pair of links: St Trinians Girl and >her story. Hee. Norma Dinsdale also attended a school called St. Trinian's (she has presumably graduated by now), but a) it was in Galaxy City, b) it wasn't only for girls, and c) it was nowhere near as rough as that one. In fact, it was just an ordinary Catholic high school. 
So you can imagine the Monsignor was delighted when one of his tenth-graders became the living avatar of a pre-Aztec god of poisoned thorns and bloody vengeance. :) --G. "My teen angst burns your flesh!" -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Admin Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam. |
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Charter Member
1802 posts |
Jul-28-11, 06:50 PM (EDT) |
5. "RE: When life gives you lemons..."
In response to message #4
LAST EDITED ON Jul-28-11 AT 06:51 PM (EDT) >>pair of links: St Trinians Girl and her story. >Hee. I'm glad you like. >So you can imagine the Monsignor was delighted when one of his >tenth-graders became the living avatar of a pre-Aztec god of poisoned >thorns and bloody vengeance. :) Ah... Spiny Norma. Heh. I like. >"My teen angst burns your flesh!" <snerk> -- Bob ------------------- My race is pacifist and does not believe in war. We kill only out of personal spite. |
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Charter Member
10779 posts |
Aug-09-11, 10:12 PM (EDT) |
6. "RE: When life gives you lemons..."
In response to message #0
Speaking of things that are embarrassing, one of the main points of hype for Going Rogue besides the alignment system was the two hawt new power sets, and premature access to same if you preordered, which I didn't. One of them, Dual Pistols, is... well, it's absurd, but in a good way. Though the animations are so flamboyant that it makes you feel like an extra-special douche when you miss. The other is a Demon Summoning set for Masterminds. This is seriously eyeroll-worthy. Its attack powers involve a whip and the demons have exactly the kind of heavy metal album cover art design you expect. It's so tacky you could use it to stick posters to the wall, and the NPC they added to show it off, Desdemona the not-much-black-leather-wearin' demon summoness, is beyond stereotyped even for a signature NPC in a generic comic-book-flavored universe. So I didn't even look at that for almost a month, until today I finally decided, OK, I'll give it a shot, but only on my own terms. Enter: 
Johnny doesn't even play heavy metal. He's the guitarist in a punk surf band. The whole thing is just deeply embarrassing to him. --G. -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Admin Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam. |
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Charter Member
10779 posts |
Aug-10-11, 03:00 PM (EDT) |
10. "RE: When life gives you lemons..."
In response to message #9
>Can the character design system produce anything close to "cute little >girl that should be clutching a teddybear," or is it still inclined >towards "huge tracts of land" on all female characters? Player characters can't be children; you can make a three-foot-tall character if you like, but the overall shape will be that of a miniature adult. (In fact, I don't think the game engine has a "child" skeleton. You never see children on the street or in any of the various places where civilian NPCs gather.) For female characters, this means that, although it's possible to achieve fairly modest proportions by minimizing the chest and hips sliders, you're still not going to be able to pull off anything convincingly preadolescent. Jen Rossum, for instance, has both of those sliders minimized, but you still would never mistake her for a fifth-grader (admittedly, the bulky jacket she's usually wearing doesn't help): 
I actually had to mention that on a keyed screenshot I once put together as an artist's reference for a drawing of her in her "workin' around the machine shop" clothes - an image spec I ended up not sending, alas, perhaps I should resurrect it next time I'm called upon for one. 
--G. -><- Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Admin Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/ Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam. |
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Member since Sep-11-07
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Aug-16-11, 11:06 AM (EDT) |
12. "RE: When life gives you lemons..."
In response to message #9
>Can the character design system produce anything close to "cute little >girl that should be clutching a teddybear," or is it still inclined >towards "huge tracts of land" on all female characters? This question actually came up on the Star Trek Online forums and was answered by one of Cryptic's community representatives named WishStone: >One part of this is also: We cannot have "A Cups". You can make very, very small characters and to make sure no one is creating a child, a certain amount of upper circumference has to be there. >Same reason, by the way, why all males either have an afternoon shade or full-blown beard of some kind. Source (If you'll remember, Cryptic was the original developer of CoX before they sold the game to NCSoft) "Bardiche Assault - SET UP!" |
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D. Hutchins
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