LAST EDITED ON Feb-09-15 AT 11:00 PM (EST)
>>I'm not at home right now and so can't double-check this, but I
>>believe you will find that that second personage is not an officer,
>>he's Winston Churchill. Which puts a slightly different angle
>>on his talking over Air Chief Marshal Dowding (IIRC). :)
>Ah! Yes indeed, if that's the case it definitely explains why the
>first speaker shut the hell up. =) OK, so I just got home and checked. The grey-haired gentleman seated on Minna's right is in fact Churchill (although he's not a terribly good likeness, and is a bit coyly credited simply as "Prime Minister of Britannia"), and the other chap is Dowding's replacement, Air Chief Marshal Sir Trafford Leigh-Mallory (or "Trevor Maloney" as the Strike Witches writers call him).
>>>The witches are effective not because they can fly, and not
>>>because they have guns...
Oh, I neglected to note this bit earlier. It may be worth noting that some of the supplementary materials imply that the witches' guns are not normal guns, or at least that they're using some form of enchanted ammunition. Whether that actually requires the person wielding them to be a magic-user is unclear (and there's at least one scene in the anime that argues against), but still, the implication is that their weapons are more powerful than a normal MG 42 or what have you. Which makes sense, really - one would hardly expect someone armed with a normal .30-'06 Browning Automatic Rifle, for instance, to be effective in aerial combat, particularly against airliner-sized UFOs with regenerative armor. :)
>Hm. Well, yes, the witches themselves dodge the beams on a regular
>basis, but they also have to fall back to the shields frequently when
>the Neuroi box them in.
Mostly, yes. Eila doesn't, but then, she can see a second or two into the future. (Later on there's a whole episode that's mostly about how she's shit at shields because she never has to use hers. :)
>As for Gryphon's pack, the difference between the Miyafuji Striker and
>the new rocket pack is pretty obvious now--the speed and acceleration
>are pretty damn powerful, but there's nothing in the rocket pack that
>suggests superior maneuverability.
That's always been the case in his experience - it comes up in the flight test scene in New Tricks, in fact, that whenever he and Mio dogfight, it's his acceleration and top end against her superior turning performance. Of course, he was handicapping himself a bit in that scene in that he'd turned off his X-20's advanced flight controls (inertia vectoring and so on). With that stuff turned on, a 25th-century jetpack can make lightcycle turns.
>We haven't actually seen how the
>rocketpack achieves maneuverability, but if it's just flight vanes or
>somesuch, the Striker will run rings around it. A rocket system really
>needs verniers to compete.
"It's really a jet" is going to be this show's "Frankenstein is the doctor," isn't it? :)
Anyway, yeah, one thing G is rapidly discovering on his impromptu test flight is that, left to its own devices, the He 162 doesn't handle so good in town. It appears that's the main reason why the longest test flight was 112 meters - because, as Shirley speculated, you can't steer it without some supernatural means or another. I would guess that Reichenberg assumed the "warlock" he heard rumors of in 1943 was steering with body English and/or a helmet rudder (as indeed Cliff Secord does in the original Rocketeer material), but, well, that doesn't actually work in our setting, as five Projekt Salamander test pilots discovered to their chagrin.
>I wonder how much it galls him he has to accept a witch
>is working on his project.
That might be his favorite part of the arrangement, actually. It keeps her from working on anything that might be of use to anyone else, and there's a certain pleasant irony in making a witch develop an anti-witch system. Particularly that irritating little slacker Hartmann's sister.
Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited
zgryphon at that email service Google has
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.