LAST EDITED ON Jun-28-13 AT 00:11 AM (EDT)
>Thomas MANNING, Ph.D.
>Executive Director
>Dr. Manning is the BPRD's executive director. In the overall
>organizational scheme of the IPO, this makes him the equivalent of an
>assistant deputy chief (in this case, he reports directly to the
>Deputy Chief for Tactical Operations, Steve Rogers). I'm a little surprised the BPRD reports up the shooty side of the IPO's command chain rather than the research/investigation side; you'd think Manning would be underneath Skuld rather than Cap.
(This isn't to imply Cap isn't capable of dealing with the paranormal, but it seems like it isn't his bailiwick.)
EDIT: This was bugging me, so I actually went trawling through the archived documents. In Steve's ten-year-old BPGD file, it mentions that he's Deputy Chief for Criminal Investigations, head of CID. And the BPRD is, as explained in HELLBOY'S old BPGD file, organized under the auspices of the CID.
So it actually is organized under the investigatory side of the IPO, not the shooty side; it's just that Cap is wearing two hats at the same time. I consider myself corrected by... myself.
>Chief Medical Officer
Ha. Excellent first name.
I love that you took the time to do your monster research. NOBODY takes the time to do their monster research.
>Annalise FLEMING
>Chief Technical Officer
>'Lise is a techno-savant - a person born with the metapsionic gift of
>instinctive rapport with technological devices.
One imagines that people like Annalise are nightmares to security experts and professional cryptographers.
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