1. "RE: (TEASER) Lensmen B&tB: Old Tricks"
In response to message #0
>Fair warning, BS&P is already a little twitchy about the "beast" >thing. And the pants thing. We may need to go two-part so we can air >the whole thing after the watershed. > BS... Oh! bureau of standards & practices.
>Shizuka hasn't earned a callsign yet, though she's such a gung-ho >soldier-type that there is the possibility of someone sarcastically >tagging her "War Rocket Ajax" (as in "Dispatch War Rocket Ajax over >here to bring back her body").
Little unwieldy, call signs are supposed to be easy to use. Further shortening War Rocket Ajax to just Ajax works just fine in my (admittedly unimportant) opinion...
Of COURSE you wernt expecting it! No One expects the FANNISH INQUISITION! RCW# 86