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Eyrie Productions, Unlimited

Subject: "(TEASER) Lensmen B&tB: Old Tricks"     Previous Topic | Next Topic
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Conferences Our Witches at War/Gallian Gothic Topic #30
Reading Topic #30, reply 6
Charter Member
22966 posts
Jan-12-15, 07:05 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: (TEASER) Lensmen B&tB: Old Tricks"
In response to message #5
   >Congratulations, Ben.
>You got me into K-On.
>Now I'm going to have to check this out, too.

I will concede that it took me three tries to get past the first episode, though the first time was arguably just me not being in accepting-new-patients mode, and the second was my own baggage and not the show's (as has been discussed in other posts). Once I did, though, the rest followed... quite rapidly. I will also acknowledge, in the interest of full disclosure, that there are a number of "um... guys?" moments in there, but overall it's quite charming. And you will eventually stop wanting to kill the FrenchGallian girl.

My endorsement of Strike Witches is somewhat more qualified than that of K-On!, is what I'm saying, but I still endorse it heartily. It's just a little more buyer-beware. :)

Also, the Blu-Rays of the two TV seasons are hella cheap on Amazon right now (as is the catgirl aliens show, I've just noticed), but it doesn't appear that the Strike Witches movie is officially out in English yet.

Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/
zgryphon at that email service Google has
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

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 (TEASER) Lensmen B&tB: Old Tricks [View All] Gryphonadmin Jan-11-15 TOP
   RE: (TEASER) Lensmen B&tB: Old Tricks Star Ranger4 Jan-12-15 1
      RE: (TEASER) Lensmen B&tB: Old Tricks The Traitor Jan-12-15 2
          RE: (TEASER) Lensmen B&tB: Old Tricks Gryphonadmin Jan-14-15 17
      RE: (TEASER) Lensmen B&tB: Old Tricks mdg1 Jan-12-15 3
      RE: (TEASER) Lensmen B&tB: Old Tricks Gryphonadmin Jan-12-15 4
   RE: (TEASER) Lensmen B&tB: Old Tricks Croaker Jan-12-15 5
     RE: (TEASER) Lensmen B&tB: Old Tricks Gryphonadmin Jan-12-15 6
          RE: (TEASER) Lensmen B&tB: Old Tricks Silversword Jan-13-15 7
              RE: (TEASER) Lensmen B&tB: Old Tricks Gryphonadmin Jan-13-15 8
                  RE: (TEASER) Lensmen B&tB: Old Tricks Silversword Jan-13-15 9
                      RE: (TEASER) Lensmen B&tB: Old Tricks Gryphonadmin Jan-13-15 11
   RE: (TEASER) Lensmen B&tB: Old Tricks Droken Jan-13-15 10
   RE: (TEASER) Lensmen B&tB: Old Tricks Sofaspud Jan-14-15 12
      RE: (TEASER) Lensmen B&tB: Old Tricks Gryphonadmin Jan-14-15 13
      RE: (TEASER) Lensmen B&tB: Old Tricks Droken Jan-14-15 14
          RE: (TEASER) Lensmen B&tB: Old Tricks Sofaspud Jan-14-15 15
              RE: (TEASER) Lensmen B&tB: Old Tricks Gryphonadmin Jan-14-15 16
                  RE: (TEASER) Lensmen B&tB: Old Tricks Nathan Jan-14-15 18
                      RE: (TEASER) Lensmen B&tB: Old Tricks Gryphonadmin Jan-14-15 19
   RE: (TEASER) Lensmen B&tB: Old Tricks Arashi Jan-15-15 20
      RE: (TEASER) Lensmen B&tB: Old Tricks Gryphonadmin Jan-15-15 21
   RE: (TEASER) Lensmen B&tB: Old Tricks drakensis Jan-16-15 22
      RE: (TEASER) Lensmen B&tB: Old Tricks Gryphonadmin Jan-16-15 23
   RE: (TEASER) Lensmen B&tB: Old Tricks SpottedKitty Jan-17-15 24
      RE: (TEASER) Lensmen B&tB: Old Tricks Gryphonadmin Jan-17-15 25
          RE: (TEASER) Lensmen B&tB: Old Tricks The Traitor Jan-17-15 26
              RE: (TEASER) Lensmen B&tB: Old Tricks Gryphonadmin Jan-17-15 27
                  RE: (TEASER) Lensmen B&tB: Old Tricks The Traitor Jan-17-15 28
                  RE: (TEASER) Lensmen B&tB: Old Tricks SpottedKitty Jan-17-15 29
              RE: (TEASER) Lensmen B&tB: Old Tricks CdrMike Jan-18-15 32
   RE: (TEASER) Lensmen B&tB: Old Tricks Polychrome Jan-17-15 30
   RE: (TEASER) Lensmen B&tB: Old Tricks Gryphonadmin Jan-18-15 31
   Hah! Gryphonadmin Jan-27-15 33
      RE: Hah! zojojojo Jan-27-15 34
          RE: Hah! Gryphonadmin Jan-27-15 35
              RE: Hah! trboturtle2 Jan-28-15 42
                  RE: Hah! BZArchermoderator Jan-28-15 43
                      RE: Hah! drakensis Jan-28-15 44
                          RE: Hah! trboturtle2 Jan-28-15 45
      RE: Hah! Peter Eng Jan-27-15 36
          RE: Hah! Gryphonadmin Jan-27-15 37
              RE: Hah! zojojojo Jan-27-15 39
                  RE: Hah! Gryphonadmin Jan-27-15 40
                      RE: Hah! zojojojo Jan-27-15 41
   RE: (TEASER) Lensmen B&tB: Old Tricks MoonEyes Jan-27-15 38

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Eyrie Productions, Unlimited
Benjamin D. Hutchins
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